[icewm -- read me first file. 2022-11-02]: # Ice Window Manager (IceWM) ========================== IceWM is a window manager for the X Window System. The features of IceWM are speed, simplicity, and not getting in the user's way. > The name was decided on a very hot day... (and Marko started writing it in > winter ;-) The aim of IceWM is to have good 'Feel' and decent 'Look'. 'Feel' > is much more important than 'Look' ... This is a fork of the IceWM CVS on [sourceforge][12]. It includes all changes from the `icewm-1-3-BRANCH` branch, greatly enhanced EWMH/ICCCM compliance, as well as patches collected from Arch Linux, Debian, pld-linux, the IceWM bug list, and various other GitHub forks. Release ------- This is the `icewm-3.2.0` package, released 2022-11-02. This release, and the latest version, can be obtained from [GitHub][1], using a command such as: $> git clone https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm.git Please see the [NEWS][3] file for release notes and history of user visible changes for the current version, and the [ChangeLog][4] file for a more detailed history of implementation changes. The [TODO][5] file lists features not yet implemented and other outstanding items. Please see the [INSTALL][7] file for installation instructions. When working from `git(1)`, please use this file. An abbreviated installation procedure that works for most applications appears below. This release is published under LGPL. Please see the license in the file [COPYING][9]. Quick Start ----------- The quickest and easiest way to get icewm up and running is to run the following commands: $> git clone https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm.git $> cd icewm $> ./autogen.sh $> ./configure $> make $> make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install This will configure, compile and install icewm the quickest. For those who like to spend the extra 15 seconds reading `./configure --help`, some compile time options can be turned on and off before the build. For general information on GNU's `./configure`, see the file [INSTALL][7]. Please see the [INSTALL][7] file for more detailed installation instructions. An alternative way to build IceWM using CMake is [documented here][19]. The [ChangeLog][4] file contains a detailed history of implementation changes. The [COMPLIANCE][6] file lists the current state of EWMH/ICCCM compliance. The [NEWS][3] file has release notes and history of user visible changes of the current version. The [TODO][5] file lists features not yet implemented and other outstanding items. This release is published under LGPL license that can be found in the file [COPYING][9]. Prerequisites ------------- Building from tarball requires: - gcc or clang - imlib2 - libxcomposite - libxdamage - libxfixes - libxft - libxinerama - libxpm - libxrandr - libxrender Building from git also requires: - complete autoconf or cmake toolchain - either markdown or asciidoctor Configuring IceWM ----------------- Documentation for configuring the window manager can be obtained from [IceWM Website][13] or from the [online manual][15]. Since version 1.4.3 a complete and up-to-date set of manual pages is provided. Use [__icewm__(1)][26] as a starting point. Included Utilities ------------------ Currently, the only included utilities are: - [__icesh__(1)][25] (_a versatile window manipulation tool_), - [__icewmbg__(1)][22] (_a background setting program_), - [__icewm-session__(1)][27] (_a program to launch the window manager, icewmbg and icewmtray in an orderly fashion_), - [__icewm-menu-fdo__(1)][24] (_a utility to genenerate XDG menus_), - [__icewmhint__(1)][23] (_a utility to set IceWM-specific window options hint_). - [__icesound__(1)][21] (_play audio files when interesting GUI events happen_). Third-party Utilities --------------------- Unspecified keyboard shortcuts can be handled with the __bbkeys__(1) utility available from [GitHub][16]. XDG compliant menus may be generated using the __xde-menu__(1) utility available from [GitHub][20]. For additional utilities see the [IceWM FAQ][14]. Bug Reports ----------- Issues can be reported on [GitHub][2]. Please try to submit short patches or pull requests if you can. If you would like to perform regular maintenance activities (e.g. if you are a maintainer of an IceWM package for a distribution), contact me for push access. I normally like to have the issuers of problem reports close the report once it has been resolved. I do not want you to think that we are being dismissive, because I welcome all reports. Bug reports, feedback, and suggestions pertaining to the original CVS version can be sent to: Marko.Macek@gmx.net or icewm-user@lists.sourceforge.net See also [BUGS][8], [TODO][5] and the sites at: - https://ice-wm.org/ - https://sourceforge.net/projects/icewm/ Development ----------- If you would like to develop against this fork, the easiest way is to obtain a [GitHub account][10], fork the [repository][1] and perform your development. Send me a pull request when you have something stable. If you submit regular pull requests that get accepted, I will just give to push access to save time. Translations ------------ You can provide translations by patching `.po` files and issuing pull requests, or you can use the [openSUSE weblate tool][11]. There are two XDG files, [icewm.desktop][17] and [icewm-session.desktop][18] than may need manual translations. If you have difficulties using the tools, just send me the updated `.po` file or a patch to apply. [1]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm [2]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/issues [3]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/NEWS [4]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/ChangeLog [5]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/TODO [6]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/COMPLIANCE [7]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/INSTALL [8]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/BUGS [9]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/COPYING [10]: https://github.com/ [11]: https://l10n.opensuse.org/ [12]: https://sourceforge.net/projects/icewm/ [13]: https://ice-wm.org/ [14]: https://ice-wm.org/FAQ/ [15]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/doc/icewm.adoc [16]: https://github.com/bbidulock/bbkeys/ [17]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/lib/icewm.desktop [18]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/lib/icewm-session.desktop [19]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/INSTALL-cmakebuild.md [20]: https://github.com/bbidulock/xde-menu/ [21]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/man/icesound.pod [22]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/man/icewmbg.pod [23]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/man/icewmhint.pod [24]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/man/icewm-menu-fdo.pod [25]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/man/icesh.pod [26]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/man/icewm.pod [27]: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/man/icewm-session.pod [ vim: set ft=markdown sw=4 tw=80 nocin nosi fo+=tcqlorn spell: ]: #