SpliX is a set of CUPS printer drivers for SPL (Samsung Printer Language) printers. It covers several Samsung and Xerox printers. See ppd/*.ppd in the tarball for supported models. Only SPL2 and SPLc printers are currently supported; however, work is in progress to implement support for other SPL printers. This requires cupsddk and jbigkit. IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are upgrading your current version, you MUST delete your printer in the CUPS interface and install it again. This operation MUST be done since CUPS caches a copy of the PPD file, so if the PPD changes from one version of splix to the next, cups will still have the cached copy. IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT THE JBIG ALGORITHM: JBIG-KIT is an optional dependency for SpliX, but it seems that parts of this algorithm was previously or is still patented. To disable the use of JBIG, add NO_JBIG=1 when executing the build script: NO_JBIG=1 ./splix.SlackBuild Unfortunately, JBIG printers (such as the CLP-600) won't work with SpliX if the JBIG algorithm is disabled.