KmyMoney 2 is a simple financial accounting manager for KDE for personal or small-business use. It is a full double-entry accounting software package. The ultimate objectives of KMyMoney are... * Familiar Features. KMyMoney intends to provide all important features found in the commercially-available, personal finance managers. The current release is closer than ever to that goal and more improvements are already planned or being tested. * Ease of use. KMyMoney strives to be the easiest open source personal finance manager to use, especially for the non-technical user. * Accuracy. Using time tested double entry accounting principles KMyMoney can help ensure that your finances are kept in correct order. IF you want to enable support for ofxbanking, you need to have libofx installed (a build script for this is available at, and start the script with this: OFX=YES ./kmymoney2.SlackBuild KMyMoney2 is personal financial tool, easy to use. KMyMoney2 is still a KDE3 application, so to compile/use it on Slackware 13.0, the KDE3 compatibility libraries from kde-compat are required.