Aline: An Extensible WYSIWYG Protein Sequence Alignment Editor for Publication Quality Figures. Aline is an interactive perl/tk application which can read common sequence alignment formats which the user can then alter, embellish, markup etc to produce the kind of sequence figure commonly found in biochemical articles. NOTE The default row length is 100 residues. If you want to change that to something else (e.g. 1000) pass ROW=1000 to the script. OPTIONAL Although not needed for running Aline, clustalw and mkDSSP are desirable for its complete functionality. A third tool is CHAINSAW, part of the CCP4 suite ( Visit the web site for more information and installation instructions if you want it. CITING Bond, C.S. and Schüttelkopf, A.W. (2009), Acta cryst. D65, 510-512