MaterialX is an open standard for representing rich material and look-development content in computer graphics, enabling its platform-independent description and exchange across applications and renderers. Launched at Industrial Light & Magic in 2012, MaterialX has been a key technology in their feature films and real-time experiences. The project was released as open source in 2017 and MaterialX is a hosted project of the Academy Software Foundation since 2021. This standard is supported as optional extension by standards and platforms for computer graphics, like OpenShadingLanguage and Blender. MaterialX includes also two graphical interfaces, MaterialX Viewer and MaterialX Graph Editor. MaterialX Viewer creates the GLSL shaders from MaterialX graphs and renders the results using the NanoGUI framework. This framework is not available in SBo but is built as third part component of MaterialX. The build of internal NanoGUI requires also the buildof robin-map as external component. Although this dependency is available in SBo you cannot use the one installed in your system. The built does not affect other installations of robin-map. MaterialX Graph Editor can be used to visualize, create, and edit MaterialX graphs. It uses the ImGui framework also built as third part component with the headers of an internal GLFW. Although these dependencies are available in SBo, the build does not allow the use of imgui and glfw3 installed in the system, but the internal components built with MaterialX do not conflict with other installations. By default this slackbuild installs both the graphical interfaces and the Python bindings. If not required, you can disable their built by setting the following variables: VIEWER=no disables the build of MaterialX Viewer. The dependency zenity is not required. You have no even the download of these extrasources: nanogui, nanobind, nanovg, glfw, and robin-map. EDITOR=no disables the build of MaterialX Graph Editor. The download of following extrasources is not required: imgui and imgui-node-editor. PYTHON=no disables the build of Python bindings. The dependency python3-pybind11 is not required. For example, if you want disable both the graphical interfaces you have to launch the script with the following command: VIEWER=no EDITOR=no ./MaterialXViewer.SlackBuild openimageio is an optional dependency autodetected and its support will be enable by default if found in the system. If you do not require this extension you can disable it by passing OIIO=no ./MaterialX.SlackBuild