fujinet-pc (Linux port of FujiNet firmware) FujiNet is a network adaptor for the Atari 8-bit line of computers. It has many features, including the ability to netboot the Atari from a disk image on an Internet TNFS server. It's a piece of hardware which plugs into the Atari's SIO port and connects to a wireless network. fujinet-pc is a Linux port of the FujiNet firmware, which allows using most of the FujiNet's features with just an SIO2PC cable and a PC. The package contains both fujinet-pc and the Atari disk images from the fujinet-sd-card git repo. See https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-pc for the current status of fujinet-pc. See also the FujiNet documentation wiki: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-platformio/wiki Since fujinet-pc wasn't designed to be installed systemwide on a Linux system, this SlackBuild includes a wrapper script which allows each user to have a fujinet-pc environment in his home directory. Simply run "fujinet-pc" or choose FujiNet-PC from your desktop's application menu; the ~/.fujinet-pc directory will be created and populated if it doesn't already exist. To exit fujinet-pc, press ^C or close the terminal it's running in.