ti99sim (emulator for TI-99/4A computer) ti99sim emulates the Texas Instruments TI-99/4A computer. It supports emulated disk drives, joysticks, speech synthesis, and various other hardware. The package includes the system ROMs and a large collection of cartridge ROM images installed in /opt/ti99sim/cartridges. See /usr/doc/ti99sim-$VERSION/README.html for documentation. Although there's a desktop menu launcher, you'll have to use the command line to run cartridges and disk images. Note: because some of the utilities have very generic names (such as "disk", "decode", "say"), they're installed in /usr/bin with the prefix ti99sim- (e.g. "ti99sim-disk"). If you really want to call them by their original names, try: export PATH=/opt/ti99sim/bin:$PATH