Begin 35:PkgName = NAG 35:Title = The Network Administrators' Guide 25:Version = 0.4 65:Desc1 = The Linux Doc Project's Networking Guide. Covers TCP/IP and 65:Desc2 = UUCP setup, and applications (TCP clients, mail, news). 65:Desc3 = Available: LaTeX source, PostScript, DVI, ASCII. 65:Author = Olaf Kirch; 65:MaintBy = Olaf Kirch; 65:MaintAt1 = 65:PathFile1 = /pub/linux/docs/LDP/nag-0.4.*.gz 65:MaintAt2 = 65:PathFile2 = /pub/Linux/docs/LDP/nag-0.4.tar.gz 65:Required1 = Whatever you need to read DVI, Postscript, or ASCII 65:Required2 = documents. 65:Required3 = 65:CopyPolicy = Copy and print for private use. 65:Keywords = networking TCP/IP UUCP mail news 15:ApproxSize = 700000 65:Last3Rel = No public releases so far. 65:Comment1 = This is an ALPHA edition only! 65:Comment2 = Use at your own risk. 65:Comment3 = 30:CheckedBy = The Author 8:Date = 08AUG93 End