/pub/Linux A copylefted Unix-like operating system for 80386 or better contact ewt@sunsite.unc.edu for comments/complaints about this archive grab /pub/Linux/docs/INFO-SHEET for information on getting started get ./docs/LSM.gz for the Linux Software Map .tpz and .tgz files are tarred and then GNU zipped (gzip) .z ang .gz files are GNU zipped (gzip) This archive is also available via the URLs: ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/welcome.html http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/welcome.html If you make CD's of the sunsite archive, please read /pub/Linux/info.for.cdrom.vendors for some suggestions Now it the time to ask yourself why you aren't using a mirror? There are lots of them and they are much faster then sunsite. For more information get /pub/Linux/MIRRORS.