Just go to the root directory and un-tar this archive. The binary will go to /usr/X386/bin, the man page will go to /usr/man/man1, and the rest of the files will go to /usr/X386/bin/fractint. The binary is compressed with gzexe, but since this archive is compressed with gzip, you are already able to run it. [How else could you have extracted the archive?] The binary and the man page can go wherever you normally put yours, but the "extra" files need to be at /usr/X386/bin/fractint, since that is where I told them to be in the Makefile when I compiled it. But if they are not in that location, I believe that the program will also look in the current directory for them. If you think my arrangement completely sucks, then you can always recompile it from the source yourself: ftp to sprite.berkeley.edu, and pick up the xfract* files. The one change you need to make to the code to make it compile on Linux is in unixscr.c: Change all references to "FNDELAY" to be "O_NDELAY". I mailed the keeper of the source code about this which can be easily fixed so that Linux people can just add -DLINUX to the CFLAGS, but until he gets around to it you will have to do it by hand. Happy fractaling!