#!/bin/sh # Script : update-kde-ver.sh # Purpose: Update the KDE version number in all of the 'arm/build' scripts # which were using the previous KDE release version number. # Not all of KDE packages are in sync with the main release # and those will be excluded because their versions are hard coded # rather than being able to be overridden by the environment var "VERSION". # Author : Stuart Winter # Date : 25-Oct-2009 PREVKDE=4.3.5 NEWKDE=4.4.3 rm -rf /tmp/kdebackup ( cd .. cp -fav kde /tmp/kdebackup ) find . -path './*/arm*' -name build -type f -print0 | xargs -0 fgrep -l $PREVKDE | xargs -i sed -i 's?-'"$PREVKDE"'?-'"$NEWKDE"'?g' {} # Remove the old build logs: find . -iname '*build.log*' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f # eof