#!/bin/sh source /home/build/armedslack-current/source/armslack-utils/armedenvs.sh PACKAGE=rdist VERSION=6.1.5 BUILD=1 PKGSERIES=n # the name of the Slackware 'disk set' or 'series' to which this pkg belongs slackglibc mkpkgdirs # Explode the package framework: ( cd $PKG explodepkg $CWD/_rdist.tar.gz ) tar xzvf $CWD/source/*orig* cd rdist-* zcat $CWD/source/*diff* | patch -p1 # Debian Patch fgrep -lr -- 'varargs.h' . | xargs sed -i 's?varargs.h?stdarg.h?g' # All os-type does is work out what our OS is and in our case, it # should print 'linux'. However, inside Scratchbox it doesn't work. # Let's just rewrite it so it always gives us the result we desire. ( cd build rm -f os-type cat << EOF > os-type #!/bin/bash echo linux EOF chmod 755 os-type ) make || failmake mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/rdist-$VERSION cp -a ChangeLog Copyright README $PKG/usr/doc/rdist-$VERSION cd src install -m755 rdist rdistd $PKG/usr/bin/ cd ../doc # Fix /usr/local stuff: perl -pi -e 's?/usr/local/?/usr/?;' *.man install -m644 rdist.man $PKG/usr/man/man1/rdist.1 install -m644 rdistd.man $PKG/usr/man/man1/rdistd.1 start_fakeroot # start the fakeroot server so we can set ownerships cd $PKG # enter the package's root directory slackx86 # search for any Intel x86 binaries slackgzpages -i # compress man & info pages and delete usr/info/dir slackstripall # strip *everything* that can be stripped #slackstripso # strip .so files only #slackstripar # strip .a files only #slackstripbin # strip binaries in usr/bin, usr/sbin, sbin and bin slackslack # set all files to root.root, chmod -R og-w, slackchown, slack644docs slackdesc # install slack-desc and doinst.sh slackmp # run makepkg slackipkg # install new package (removepkg runs first) slackhlinks # search for any hard links shortwords # find LDRH/STRH instructions that do not work correctly on StrongARM110 RiscPC