#!/bin/bash # Unpack the uinitrd (for Slackware ARM it's probably the "kirkwood" one) you wish to modify: # # cd /tmp # rm -rf initrd-hack && cd initrd-hack # dd if=~/ac/kernels/kirkwood/uinitrd-kirkwood bs=64 skip=1 | gzip -dc | cpio -div # # Make your modifications; then it's time to pack it up back into a unitrd. # # Pack an unpacked initrd so we can hack it and test changes. find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -1fv > /tmp/repack.gz # Call the U-Boot program that turns standard "initrd" format into "uInitrd": mkimage \ -A arm \ -O linux \ -T ramdisk \ -C gzip \ -n 'TEMP hack RAM disk' \ -d /tmp/repack.gz \ /mnt/prisroot/tftpboot/slackwarearm-current/uinitrd-tmp #EOF