#!/bin/bash ########################################################################## # Script : kernel-2.6.SlackBuild # Purpose: Natively build and package a Linux 2.6 Kernel for ARMedslack # Author : Stuart Winter # Date...: 20-Sep-2005 ########################################################################## # Changelog ############ # 20-Sep-2005 # * First version for Linux on the StrongARM RiscPC # 31-Dec-2005 # * Linux ########################################################################## # Record toolchain & other info for the build log: slackbuildinfo # Paths to skeleton port's source & real Slackware source tree: export CWD=$PWD # Temporary build locations: export TMPBUILD=$TMP/build-$PACKAGE export PKG=$TMP/package-$PACKAGE mkpkgdirs # Delete & re-create temporary directories then cd into $TMPBUILD # Extract the kernel source: echo "Unpacking Kernel source..." tar xf $CWD/sources/linux-2.6/linux-$VERSION.tar.bz2 cd linux-$VERSION slackhousekeeping # Apply RiscPC patches: # patch -lp0 --verbose < $CWD/sources/linux-2.6/patches/EXCLUDE/taglist-uncompress.diff # RapIDE (IDE expansion/podule card) patch to add in driver: patch -lp1 --verbose < $CWD/sources/linux-2.6/patches/rapide.patch- || failpatch # Frame buffer: patch --verbose -lp1 < $CWD/sources/linux-2.6/patches/acornfb3.diff || failpatch # Install the appropriate Kernel config file: install -vpm644 $CWD/configs/config-$SLKARCH-linux-2.6 .config # The IDE stuff has problems with the RiscPC, and this change # makes the build work: sed -i 's?-Werror-implicit-function-declaration??g' Makefile # Bring the config file uptodate: make oldconfig #read -p "You can run 'make menuconfig' in another session now, then press ENTER" # but don't run it here because it doesn't go well with logging :) # make menuconfig #read -p "Do it!" # Build Kernel and modules: make clean make $NUMJOBS zImage || failmake make $NUMJOBS modules || failmake # Archive the compiled kernel source for future reference: # This is handy for when we need the kernel source in /usr/src -- some packages # look for it. So on a new build box, I just extract it into /usr/src and # build the package. echo "Archiving compiled source for future reference..." ( cd .. && tar jcf $CWD/compiled-sources/$SLKARCH-kernel-$VERSION-compiled.tar.bz2 linux-$VERSION ) # Archive the Kernel headers in order to build the d/kernel-headers package. echo "Archiving the Kernel includes for d/kernel-headers..." ( cd include && tar jcf $CWD/../d/kernel-headers/sources/kernel-headers-$VERSION.tar.bz2 asm-generic asm asm-$PORTARCH linux ) # Install modules into the package: make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$PKG # Install the modules into the a/kernel-modules source directory for use afterwards. echo "Archiving Kernel modules for the a/kernel-modules package..." ( cd $PKG && tar jcvvf $CWD/../a/kernel-modules/sources/$SLKARCH-kernel-modules-$VERSION.tar.bz2 lib/ ) # Install the kernel image and system map: mkdir -p $PKG/{install,boot} install -m644 System.map $PKG/boot/System.map-$SLKARCH-$VERSION install -m644 arch/arm/boot/zImage $PKG/boot/zImage-$SLKARCH-$VERSION # Copy the Kernel into the 'kernels' directory: # If you want to keep these, move the old one out of the way first # otherwise it gets clobbered. install -vpm644 arch/arm/boot/zImage $PKGSTORE/../kernels/zImage-$SLKARCH # Make symlinks: ( cd $PKG/boot ln -vfs System.map-$SLKARCH-$VERSION System.map ln -vfs zImage-$SLKARCH-$VERSION zImage ) # The Kernel config file used (following the Slackware standard): install -pvm644 .config $PKG/boot/config-$SLKARCH-$VERSION # The package description: install -pvm644 $CWD/slack-descs/$SLKARCH-slack-desc $PKG/install/slack-desc # Build the base Kernel package (without libraries): cd $PKG chown -R root:root . chmod -R og-w . # Move the libs out of the way -- they go in a/kernel-modules package # mv lib /tmp/$$lib rm -rf lib # don't need these anymore since they are archived in the a/kernel-modules source directory makepkg -l y -c n $PKGSTORE/$PKGSERIES/$PACKAGE-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz # Now put the libs back (we need them for the a/kernel-modules package): # mv /tmp/$$lib lib cat << EOF Next steps: ----------- [1] If we're upgrading the Kernel headers, run the build script in d/kernel-headers and modify l/glibc's build script to use the newer headers package and rebuild glibc. ** Normally I will not do this step ** [2] # cd ~/tmp/build-kernel_xxx # cd linux*/arch/arm/boot # cp -fv zImage /mnt/somepath Copy that Kernel into a working !SlackBt and test both the installer and booting an installed OS. [3] If that checks out: cd bootware/riscos/grub. - modify the Kernel version number of appropriate - Run build script. - Then follow the instructions to test the new stuff. [4] Kernel source package: - Rebuild the k/ kernel-source package. ./kernel-2.6-sourcepackage.SlackBuild [5] Update Kernel modules: cd ../../a/kernel-modules Update Kernel version in 'arm/build' ./arm/build EOF