The documents in this directory provide information about the new installer, included in this ISO image: to help new users install Slint using this ISO. The documents in Doc_in_the_installer are available during installation, presented in a menu displayed just typing 'doc' (without the quotes). The directory 'technical' gathers information and files for folks interested to build the installer themselves and/or port some of the new features to Slackware or a distribution based on Slackware and/or investigate issues when testing. This current directory also includes two documents: REQUIREMENTS_AND_FEATURES indicate the hardware and firmware characteristics necessary to install and run Slint and presents the new features of the installer. TESTING_AND_KNOWN_ISSUES provides guidelines for testing and reporting the issues and list the known issues. It will be kept updated with the feedback from testers and users. Didier Spaier, 31 December 202O Last edited 26 March 2021