Instructions for upgrading to Slint64- Foreword: the main package repository for the systems installed using the ISO image slint64- was initially slint-testing. It is named slint-14.2.1 since 24 July 2019. Instructions below are intended only for the few users who were still running a version installed with a previous ISO image on 24 July 2019. We will thus assume that your Slint64- is up to date. Then: 1. Make a back-up of your important files, just in case. You need to be root to perform further actions, which you will perform as soon as after having typed "slapt-het -u", this commands: slapt-get --upgrade -s will propose you many chanages, including an upgrade of the slapt-det package. 2. upgrade the package slapt-get typing: slapt-get -i slapt-get You can type: dotnew to replace the previous /etc/slapt-get/slapt-getrc by the new one, then case occurring edit the new /etc/slapt-get/slapt-getrc to include in it your former customization. The previous file will have been saved by dotnew as /etc/slapt-get/slapt-getrc.orig 3. Get the new and upgraded packages (but the new kernels that are blacklisted) with this command: slapt-get --install-set slint This will take a while, as if you begin with an up to date Slint64- this will download around 690MB of archives for 120 added packages and 94 upgraded packages. 4. As the flite and mbrola voices are in specific repositories, you need to run specific commands to install those not installed by default. To know which are available: slapt-get --search mbrola-voice slapt-get --search flite-voice Then to install the ones you want with slapt-get -i, for instance: slapt-get -i mbrola-voice-it2 5. Take care or the new config files associated with upgraded packages running dotnew or dotnew-gtk. Replacing the old by the new ones is mandatory for those: /etc/rc.d/rc.M /etc/rc.d/rc.4 /etc/man_db.conf /etc/pulse/daemon.conf /etc/pulse/ /etc/pulse/ /etc/default/grub /etc/grub.d/10_linux /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf /etc/rc.d/rc.espeakup /etc/espeakup.conf Generally, replacing the old files by the new ones is safe, as the old ones will be automatically saved with the extension .orig before being replaced Take care of your custom settings before or after replacement, e.g. case occurring for: /etc/brltty.conf /etc/espeakup.conf /etc/mutt/Muttrc.orig /etc/lynx.cfg /etc/nanorc 6. Update slint-documentation.desktop your home directory. As regular user type: cd cp -rf /etc/skel/.qcontrolcenter . 7. Upgrade to the new kernels. This is mandatory! Type as root: upgrade-kernel There could be a warning about grub not installed after running it but don't worry about it: we will install grub before rebooting (in step 12 below). 8. Just in case, use a small USB stick (64M is enough) to make of it an USB boot stick that will be you safety belt in case Slint doesn't boot after upgrade. For that type: /var/log/setup/setup.80.make-bootdisk Only then plug-in the USB stick and confirm that you want to create an USB boot stick. This stick should boot both in BIOS/Legacy and UEFI modes, if your firmware provides both modes. 9. Be ready to install GRUB if not yet done. Before installing grub, make sure you have accepted to replace these old files by the new ones at step 7 /etc/default/grub /etc/grub.d/10_linux Else the commands update-grub or grubconfig will fail. Warning: If you booted in BIOS/Legacy mode *and* the drive on which you want to install has a GUID partition label (aka gpt), not a DOS or MSDOS one, this drive should include a small (2M) partition of type "BIOS boot", else GRUB will be unable to boot the upgraded system! The corresponding partition type is ef02. Only GRUB will use this partition. TIP: to know if you booted in UEFI mode, type: ls /sys/firmware If the output included the word efi you booted in UEFI mode, else in BIOS/Legacy mode. Then installing GRUB is MANDATORY as the old bootloader won't probably be able to boot the system after upgrade, at least that's I have found when testing. 10. To install GRUB if not yet done type: grub-install for instance: grub-install /dev/sda Then to generate the boot menu. update-grub Do it in this order, as grub needs to be installed *before* you generate the boot menu. Have fun!