# Configuration file for espeakup # Didier Spaier # This file is sourced by /etc/rc.d/rc.espeakup # We indicate below what can be set and the default values. # To provide a value that differs from the default, remove the first # character '#' from the line and modify the value. # Values outside the authorized range are silently ignored. # Your modifications will be applied when espeakup will be restarted # For that, save the modified file then either reboot or type as root: # /etc/rc.d/rc.espeakup restart # ***Language code # The language code chosen will be used for spelling and pronunciation. # In case of a missing translation English will be used. # See the available values in /usr/doc/espeak-1.48.04/languages.html # that you can read using a web browser like mozilla-firefox # The data used are in /usr/share/espeak-data # #language=en # ***Rate or speech speed # # minimum:0 maximum:9 #rate=2 # ***Sound volume # #minimum:0 maximum:9 # If you set it to 0 you won't hear anything... #vol=5 # ***Pitch adjustment: a bigger value gives a more acute sound # #minimum:0 maximum:9 #pitch=5 # What follows is purely informative. No need to read that unless you be # curious of some technical details and issues. # Default values gathered from /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft #caps_start: "\x01+3p" #caps_stop: "\x01-3p" #delay_time: 0 #direct: 0 #freq: 5 #full_time: 0 #jiffy_delta: 0 #pitch: 5 #punct: 0 #rate: 2 #tone: 1 #trigger_time: 0 #voice: 0 #vol: 5 # quoted code from espeak.c in the espeakup-0.80 source archive #/* default voice settings */ #const int defaultFrequency = 5; #const int defaultPitch = 5; #const int defaultRate = 1; #const int defaultVolume = 5; #char *defaultVoice = NULL; # #/* multipliers and offsets */ #const int frequencyMultiplier = 11; #const int pitchMultiplier = 11; #const int rateMultiplier = 41; #const int rateOffset = 80; #const int volumeMultiplier = 22; # I assume that "frequency" is just an alias from "pitch" above. # Didier Spaier # To know more type: # "espeak --help" # TODO: # investigate to know how to set a list of punctuation characters # in /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft # Is it possible to set the gap between words as when using the "--gap" # option of espeak?