fenrir is a console screen reader similar in features to espeakup or speechd-up, that can use all voices available through Speech Dispatcher. Currently it has to be run as root. The script /etc/rc.c/rc.fenrir allows to manage the fenrir daemon. To start fenrir and have it running at startup, type as root: speak-with fenrir This will also disable espeakup and speech-up that conflict with fenrir. To just start fenrir type as root: service start fenrir To know how to (re)configure and use fenrir, read in a web browser: /usr/doc/fenrir*/fenrir-user-guide.html and/or read in a pdf reader /usr/doc/fenrir*/fenrir-user-guide.pdf The configuration file, adapted to Slint is: /etc/fenrirscreenreader/settings/settings.conf Please read the comments it includes to know how to set fenrir, especially the synthesizer to use through speech-dispatcher the default voice or language and the languages between which you might want to be able to switch on the fly. The genuine (unmodified) configuration file is: /etc/fenrirscreenreader/settings/settings.conf.genuine You can take it as a basis and customize it if you prefer. The configuration file read by fenrir is the one named settings.conf, so a customized one has to be (re)named like that to be used. By default the voice is set as mbrola en1 through Speech Dispatcher in Slint, but you may change that in the configuration file. To know more, see the Fenrir Git repository: