pipe-viewer (search and stream videos from youtube) pipe-viewer is a lightweight application for searching and streaming videos from YouTube, using the API of invidio.us[2]. The project is in its early development stages and some features are not implemented yet. This package includes two applications: 1. pipe-viewer, on the command line 2. Uts graphical front-end gtk-pipe-viewer, that you will find in the Audio and Video sub-meu of the Applications menu. After having run once pipe-viewer or gtk-pipe-viewer your settings are stored in: ~/.config/pipe-viewer/pipe-viewer.conf Notes: [1] The default API host is http://invidious.snopyta.org. If you get "Bad gateway" or "Too many requests" errors, try changing the api_host in ~/.config/pipe-viewer/pipe-viewer.conf or via the --api-host option. A list of API hosts can be found at: https://instances.invidio.us/