How to install Slint in Windows 1. Start Windows powerslell press Window+R, type powershell thn epress Enter If need be type in tehn shell: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted then when ake press Y for yes the pres Enter To download the script type: curl Then have at the script typing: notepad.exe .\slint.bat 2. Install qemu for Windows. To do that download the installer: and run it accepting the default options. The files will be installed in C:\Program Files\qemu 3. Install the haxm accelerator for Wemu in Windows. Download this file: unzip, which will create a folder named haxm-windows_v7_7_0 with three files: haxm-7.7.0-setup Releases Notes silent_install then run the installer haxm-7.7.0-setup 3. Download the ISO image: save it in your personal directory, like C:\Users\didier Adapt this directory name replacing didier by your user name. 4. To ease typing the following commands make a symbolic link (you need administrative rights) with a command like this: C:\Users\didier>mklink /D qemu "C:\Program Files\qemu" 5. Create a a Qemu image to install Slint in it typing: C:\Users\didier>qemu\qemu-img create -f qcow2 slint 30G Be sure to have 30G available in the drive! 6. Configure and start the virtual machine typing C:\Users\didier>qemu\qemu-system-x86_64 -m 2G -display sdl -vga std ^ -soundhw hda -cdrom slint64-14.2.1.iso ^ -drive file=slint.raw,format=raw,media=disk Don't forget the circumflex accent '^' telling the Windows shell that the command continues on next line, as would the reverse solidus '\' for an Unix shell. Caveat: I have read that this way of wrapping the lines work, but couldn't output the characters in a virtual machine, so typed all the command as a single line, without the '^' Typing this command then pressing Enter should raise a Qemu window that will display the boot menu of the installer. You won't here a tune like on bare metal when the installer is ready to boot, so wait one minute or so then press Enter. After that the installer will start and will begin to speak after one or two minutes. 7. Install Slint in the VM as you would do on bare metal, cf.: and if need be: 8. Reboot and run Slint in Windows. Any time you want to start Slint, just type the command mentioned above at step 6. You may want to make it a script to avoid typing it again.