# Maintainer: # Contributor: Robert Brzozowski # Contributor: Charles Bos # Contributor: Rob McCathie # Contributor: Iven Hsu # Contributor: Nathan Hulse # Adpeted to and included in Slint by Didier Spaier didieratslintdotfr pkgname=compiz pkgver= pkgrel=1slint slackdesc="$pkgname (Composite manager for Aiglx and Xgl, with plugins and CCSM)" arch=('x86_64') url="https://launchpad.net/compiz" license=('GPL' 'LGPL' 'MIT') # These dependencies are for Arch according to the PKGBUID in the AUR. # We do not need metacity, disabled in Slint. depends=( 'boost-libs' 'fuse2' 'glibmm' 'glu' 'libwnck3' 'libxslt' 'metacity' 'protobuf' 'python-cairo' 'python-gobject' 'xorg-server' ) makedepends=( 'boost' 'cmake' 'cython' 'intltool' ) optdepends=( 'xorg-xprop: grab various window properties for use in window matching rules' ) conflicts=( 'ccsm' 'compiz-bcop' 'compiz-core' 'compiz-fusion-plugins-experimental' 'compiz-fusion-plugins-extra' 'compiz-fusion-plugins-main' 'compiz-gtk' 'compizconfig-python' 'libcompizconfig' 'simple-ccsm' ) provides=( "ccsm=$pkgver" "compiz-bcop=$pkgver" "compiz-core=$pkgver" "compiz-plugins-extra=$pkgver" "compiz-plugins-main=$pkgver" "compizconfig-python=$pkgver" "libcompizconfig=$pkgver" ) source=( "https://launchpad.net/${pkgname}/${pkgver:0:6}/${pkgver}/+download/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.xz" "focus-prevention-disable.patch" "gtk-extents.patch" "reverse-unity-config.patch" "screenshot-launch-fix.patch" "no-compile-gschemas.patch" ) sha256sums=( 'cfa061e93b032275ff9e7041f582a8f6d5ae271cf8a89e6bc74e3d3635999d3c' 'f4897590b0f677ba34767a29822f8f922a750daf66e8adf47be89f7c2550cf4b' '16ddb6311ce42d958505e21ca28faae5deeddce02cb558d55e648380274ba4d9' '6ec9c04540ca1649c687d9ab2c8311caea7075831e2cffe719ec7958c9ebab7b' '89ee91a8ea6b1424ef76661ea9a2db43412366aacddc12d24a7adf5e04bfbc61' '4ab3277da201314b3f65e30128bc30704ddee584fdbbfc8d0d83c7e0de91fa9a' ) doinst() { # compile schemas if [ -x /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas ]; then /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas > /dev/null 2>&1 fi } docs=(AUTHORS COPYING COPYING.GPL COPYING.LGPL COPYING.MIT README) options=(nosrcpack) build() { cd $pkgname-$pkgver # Reverse Unity specific configuration patches patch -p1 -i "$SRC/reverse-unity-config.patch" --verbose || exit # Set focus prevention level to off which means that new windows will always get focus patch -p1 -i "$SRC/focus-prevention-disable.patch" --verbose || exit # Fix incorrect extents for GTK+ tooltips, csd etc patch -p1 -i "$SRC/gtk-extents.patch" --verbose || exit # Fix application launching for the screenshot plugin patch -p1 -i "$SRC/screenshot-launch-fix.patch" --verbose || exit # Don't try to compile gschemas during make install patch -p1 -i "$SRC/no-compile-gschemas.patch" --verbose || exit sleep 5 mkdir -p build cd build cmake .. \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR="/usr/lib64" \ -DCOMPIZ_DISABLE_SCHEMAS_INSTALL=On \ -DCOMPIZ_BUILD_WITH_RPATH=Off \ -DCOMPIZ_PACKAGING_ENABLED=On \ -DBUILD_GNOME=Off \ -DBUILD_GTK=On \ -DBUILD_METACITY=Off \ -DCOMPIZ_BUILD_TESTING=Off \ -DCOMPIZ_WERROR=Off make make DESTDIR="$PKG" install # findcompiz_install needs COMPIZ_DESTDIR and install needs DESTDIR # make findcompiz_install CMAKE_DIR=$(cmake --system-information | grep '^CMAKE_ROOT' | awk -F\" '{print $2}') install -Dm644 ../cmake/FindCompiz.cmake \ -t "${PKG}${CMAKE_DIR}/Modules/" # Add the gsettings schema files if ls generated/glib-2.0/schemas/ | grep -qm1 .gschema.xml; then install -Dm644 generated/glib-2.0/schemas/*.gschema.xml \ -t "$PKG/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/" fi }