#!/bin/bash # # $Id: mirror-slackware-current.sh,v 1.87 2013/10/26 22:43:07 root Exp root $ # # Mirror Slackware-current to our local machine # # Examples of use: # + Show all available options: "mirror-slackware-current.sh -h" # + A crontab entry which checks for updates every night at 06:00, downloads # new stuff if present and creates a new DVD ISO (if updates were found): # 00 6 * * * /usr/local/bin/mirror-slackware-current.sh -q -o DVD # # =========================================================================== # # - Check at our master rsync site if the ChangeLog.txt has been altered # - If no changes, then no further actions are needed (abort script) # - If ChangeLog.txt has changed since our last mirror, do the following: # - Mirror the slackware release tree # - Create a set of 3 CDROM ISO images # or a single bootable DVD from the current tree, # (guidelines are in the ./isolinux/README.TXT) # CDROM ISO images must be at most 737.280.000 bytes (703 MB) # in order to fit on a 80min CD medium. # A typical DVD max size is 4.706.074.624 bytes (4.38GB better known as 4.7G) # # # Good rsync mirrors are: # # slackware.mirrors.tds.net::slackware/slackware-current # rsync.osuosl.org::slackware/slackware-current # rsync.slackware.pl::slackware/slackware-current # rsync.slackware.at::slackware/slackware-current # mirrors.vbi.vt.edu::slackware/slackware-current # rsync.slackware.no::slackware/slackware-current # # Author: Eric Hameleers # # =========================================================================== # Read configuration file if it exists; # - usually called 'mirror-slackware-current.conf' CONFFILE=${CONFFILE:-"$(dirname $0)/$(basename $0 .sh).conf"} [ -f ${CONFFILE} ] && . ${CONFFILE} # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configurable options - edits should go into the .conf file # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- set_defaults() { # Binaries to use: RSYNC=${RSYNC:-"/usr/bin/rsync"} MKISOFS=${MKISOFS:-"/usr/bin/mkisofs"} MD5SUM=${MD5SUM:-"/usr/bin/md5sum"} ISOHYBRID=${ISOHYBRID:-"/usr/bin/isohybrid"} # Your name/email: BUILDER=${BUILDER:-"Eric Hameleers "} # Where do you want to create the local mirror? The Slackware directory tree # will be stored as ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE} # This value can be overruled via the '-l' commandline parameter; SLACKROOTDIR=${SLACKROOTDIR:-"/home/ftp/pub/Linux/Slackware"} # What architecture will we be mirroring? The default is 'x86' meaning 32bit. # Alternatively you can specify 'x86_64' meaning 64bit. The value of ARCH # determines the name of the slackware directories. # This value can be overruled via the '-a' commandline parameter; ARCH=${ARCH:-"x86"} # The slackware release we're mirroring (defaults to 'current'). # You can use the script's '-r' switch to alter this to another release, # for instance mirror Slackware 13.37 by passing '-r 13.37' to the script. RELEASE=${RELEASE:-"14.1"} # The RSYNC mirror: # Supply a full rsync URI in the RSYNCURLROOT variable, while leaving out # the final "slackware-current" directory. Do not remove the trailing slash! # RSYNCURL will become ${RSYNCURLROOT}${SLACKRELEASE} further down. # An alternative rsync mirror URI can also be passed to the script with # the '-m' option - that URI must *not* have a trailing slash. RSYNCURLROOT=${RSYNCURLROOT:-"rsync.osuosl.org::slackware/"} RSYNCURL=${RSYNCURL:-""} # If you need to feed rsync's "external" program additional options (such as # an identity file for passwordless login over ssh if your remote server is # no real rsync server), Use EXTOPTS for passing those additional options. # Example: EXTOPTS="-oIdentityFile=/home/alien/.ssh/id_rsa -l alien" # This is an option you can also set using the '-s' parameter on the command # line, like so: # -s '-oIdentityFile=/home/alien/.ssh/id_rsa -l alien' # If this is defined, then "ssh" will be used as the "external" program. EXTOPTS=${EXTOPTS:-""} # The defaults: somewhat moderate output in all cases; # You can alter this behaviour by passing either the # '-q' (totally silent unless there is an update) or the '-v' (be verbose) # switch to the script. DEBUG=${DEBUG:-1} VERBOSE=${VERBOSE:-"-q"} # Set ISO="DVD" if you want a single DVD instead of three CD ISO's. # Set ISO="CDROM" if you want three CD ISO's instead of a single DVD. # Set ISO="ALL" if you want three CD ISO's as well as a single DVD ISO. # Set ISO="NONE" if you just want to sync the local mirror but don't need ISOs. # Set ISO="MINI" if you want only the mini ISO (network installer). # Note: setting ISO="MINI" will result in a partial sync (no packages)! # You can set the ISO variable using the '-o ' switch too. ISO=${ISO:-"CDROM"} # If you want to skip the rsync stage entirely, and just want to build # ISO image(s) from your local tree, then set ISOONLY="yes" # (or use '-i' parameter with the script) ISOONLY=${ISOONLY:-"no"} # Normally, when no update is found in the ChangeLog.txt, the script exits # without creating ISO images. If you want ISO images nonetheless, set # the variable FORCE to "yes" (or pass the '-f' switch to the script). FORCE=${FORCE:-"no"} # You might just want to check if the ChangeLog.txt changed... # In that case, set ONLYDIFF to '1'. The script will exit after showing the # diff between your local and the remote server's version. # Corresponds to the '-n' option. ONLYDIFF=${ONLYDIFF:-0} # The default is not to remove the previous ISO until the new ISO has been # created. Set PREREMOVE to '1' if you want the old ISO to be removed before # running 'mkisofs' - this is useful in case you are short on disk space. # Corresponds to the '-p' option. PREREMOVE=${PREREMOVE:-0} # If you want a 'hybrid' ISO image which can be copied directly to a USB stick # to create a bootable USB media, set HYBRID to '1'. # Corresponds to the '-u' option. HYBRID=${HYBRID:-0} # The value of EXCLUDES is what the script will exclude from the mirroring # process; there is no parameter for the script to change this value, but you # can use '-X excludefile' to define more excluded directories/files if you # wish. Or directly edit the line below of course: EXCLUDES=${EXCLUDES:-"--exclude pasture"} # By default we do not use an 'excludes' file to rsync, but you can override # that by using the '-X' parameter or set EXCLUDEFILE to a filename: # By default the script does not mirror /pasture , use '-X none' (the 'none' # is taken as a special value by the script) to also mirror /pasture . EXCLUDEFILE=${EXCLUDEFILE:-""} # If you want to exclude more from the DVD ISO than just the ./testing # directory, you can add the directories to DVD_EXCLUDES. # The pathnames must be local to the top level and must start with ./ #DVD_EXCLUDES=${DVD_EXCLUDES:-"-x ./testing"} DVD_EXCLUDES=${DVD_EXCLUDES:-"-x ./testing -x ./source -x ./extra/source"} # By default, this script will use all available bandwidth (BWLIMIT=0). # If you want to limit bandwith usage to NN KBytes/sec, set BWLIMIT=NN # or use the '-b NN' parameter. BWLIMIT=${BWLIMIT:-0} # The script can check if a newer version of itself is available for download. # If you want this, set CHECKVER="yes" or use the '-c' parameter to the script. CHECKVER=${CHECKVER:-"no"} # By default, this script uses a 'boot-load-size' of 4 (KB) as argument # to the 'mkisofs' command. # Slackware's bootable DVD and CDROM use a value of 32, and although that # value follows the standard better, it will create an ISO that will not boot # on many older 'broken' PC BIOSes. # The script will use the value of "32" if you pass the parameter '-e' # or change the value below: BOOTLOADSIZE=${BOOTLOADSIZE:-4} } # end set_defaults, do not change this line. set_defaults # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # End of configurable options as far as I'm concerned. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE=$(date +"%d_%b_%Y") # Where we will write temporary files (like the downloaded ChangeLog.txt): TMP=${TMP:-/tmp} # We prevent the mirror script from running more than one instance: # If you have a reason to want to run multiple instances at the same time, just # make a symlink to this script and run the script using the symlinked name. # This will create a unique PIDFILE name. PIDFILE=/var/tmp/$(basename $0 .sh).pid # We will also allow multiple *versions* of this script to run in parallel. # This will work by creating 'new' names for the script as symlinks. SCRIPTID=$(basename $0 .sh) # Location of the original script: ORIGSCR="http://www.slackware.com/~alien/tools/mirror-slackware-current.sh" # Make sure the PID file is removed when we kill the process trap 'rm -f $PIDFILE; exit 1' TERM INT while getopts "a:b:cehfil:m:no:pr:qs:uvwX:" Option do case $Option in h ) cat <<-"EOH" ----------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: mirror-slackware-current.sh,v 1.87 2013/10/26 22:43:07 root Exp root $ ----------------------------------------------------------------- EOH echo "Usage:" echo " $0 [OPTION] ..." echo "or:" echo " SLACKROOTDIR=/your/repository/dir $0 [OPTION] ..." echo "" echo "The SLACKROOTDIR is the directory that contains the directories" echo " slackware- and slackware--iso" echo "Current value of SLACKROOTDIR : $SLACKROOTDIR" echo "" echo "You can change the script defaults in a file '$(basename $0 .sh).conf'" echo "" echo "The script's parameters are:" echo " -h This help." echo " -a Architecture to mirror (defaults to 'x86'," echo " can be 'x86_64' too)." echo " -b Limit bandwidth usage to KBytes/sec." echo " -c Check for newer version of this script." echo " -e Use 'boot-load-size=32' instead of the value 4." echo " (32 is a more standard value, but a value of 4" echo " will let the ISO boot with old 'broken' BIOSes)." echo " -f Force sync and the creation of new ISO image(s)" echo " even if no update of the ChangeLog.txt was found." echo " This is how you resume after an aborted attempt." echo " Note: this will also create any missing local" echo " directories needed for the mirror." echo " -i Only generate ISO images from our local copy;" echo " do not attempt to contact the remote server." echo " -l The root directory where you keep your local" echo " Slackware mirror; this directory contains" echo " slackware- and slackware--iso" echo " -m The rsync URI that you want to use instead of" echo " the script default. Example:" echo " -m mirrors.tuxq.com::slackware/slackware-current" echo " (no trailing slash!)" echo " -n Only show the changes in the ChangeLog.txt" echo " but don't sync anything and don't generate ISOs." echo " -o The type of ISO that you want to generate." echo " iso_type can be one of:" echo " CDROM: produce 3 CDROM images (KDE on CD3)" echo " MINI : produce a mini CDROM (netinstall) image" echo " DVD : produce a single DVD image" echo " ALL : produce CDROM and DVD images" echo " NONE : produce no images at all (just sync)." echo " The default iso_type is ${ISO}." echo " -p Remove old ISO's before building the new ones" echo " (in case you're suffering from low free space)." echo " -r The release ('current' by default); use '-r 12.2'" echo " if you want to mirror and image slackware 12.2" echo " -q Non-verbose output (for cron jobs)." echo " -s Additional ssh options, in case rsync needs to" echo " login to the remote server using ssh. Example:" echo " -s \"-l alien -o IdentityFile=/home/alien/.ssh/id_rsa\"" echo " -u Create a hybrid ISO (can be dd-ed to USB stick)." echo " -v Verbose progress indications." echo " -w Write a .conf file containing script defaults." echo " It will be created in the script's directory," echo " as '$(basename $0 .sh).conf'" echo " -X File 'xfile' contains a list of exclude patterns" echo " for directories that you do not want mirrored." echo " Note: this will override the default exclusion of" echo " the 'pasture' directory so if you still want that" echo " excluded, add it explicitly to the file 'xfile'." echo " If your intention is *not* to exclude '/pasture'" echo " from the mirror, use '-X none'." exit ;; a ) ARCH=${OPTARG} ;; b ) BWLIMIT=${OPTARG} ;; c ) CHECKVER="yes" ;; e ) BOOTLOADSIZE=32 ;; f ) FORCE="yes" ;; i ) ISOONLY="yes" ;; l ) SLACKROOTDIR=${OPTARG} ;; m ) RSYNCURL=${OPTARG} ;; n ) ONLYDIFF=1 ;; o ) ISO=${OPTARG} ;; p ) PREREMOVE=1 ;; r ) RELEASE=${OPTARG} ;; q ) # No output at all if we are already in sync DEBUG=0 VERBOSE="-q" ;; s ) EXTOPTS="${OPTARG}" export RSYNC_RSH="ssh $EXTOPTS" ;; u ) HYBRID=1 ;; v ) echo "Enabling verbose output...." DEBUG=1 VERBOSE="-v --progress" ;; w ) # Write a configuration file if [ -r ${CONFFILE} ]; then echo "Backing up current '${CONFFILE}'...." mv -f ${CONFFILE} ${CONFFILE}.$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M) fi echo "Writing '${CONFFILE}'...." sed -n '/^set_defaults() {/,/^} # end set_defaults, do not change this line./p' $0 \ | grep -v set_defaults \ | sed -e 's/^\([^=]*\)=\${\1:-\([^}]*\)}/\1=\2/' \ > ${CONFFILE} if [ -r ${CONFFILE} ]; then echo "Taking no further action." exit 0 else echo "Could not write '${CONFFILE}'...!" exit 1 fi ;; X ) EXCLUDEFILE=${OPTARG} ;; * ) echo "You passed an illegal switch to the program!" echo "Run '$0 -h' for more help." exit ;; # DEFAULT esac done # End of option parsing. shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) # $1 now references the first non option item supplied on the command line # if one exists. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sanity checks - if ! echo "CDROM MINI DVD ALL NONE" | grep -wq $ISO ; then echo "Error! Invalid iso_type '-o ${ISO}' passed as parameter!" echo "Possible values are 'CDROM', 'MINI', 'DVD', 'ALL' or 'NONE'." exit 1 fi if [ $ONLYDIFF -eq 1 -a "$FORCE" == "yes" ]; then echo "Error! The '-n' and '-f' switches cannot be used together!" exit 1 fi if [ "$ISOONLY" == "yes" -a "$FORCE" == "yes" ]; then echo "Error! The '-i' and '-f' switches cannot be used together!" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$EXCLUDEFILE" -a "$EXCLUDEFILE" != "none" ]; then if [ ! -r "$EXCLUDEFILE" ]; then echo "Can not read excludes-file '$EXCLUDEFILE'!" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then SLACKRELEASE="slackware64-${RELEASE}" PKGMAIN="slackware64" else SLACKRELEASE="slackware-${RELEASE}" PKGMAIN="slackware" fi if [ ! -d ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE} ]; then if [ "$FORCE" == "yes" ]; then if ! mkdir -p ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE} ; then echo "Failure in creating '${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}'!" echo " Aborting now..." exit 1 fi else echo "$(date) [$$]: Cannot find ${SLACKRELEASE} directory:" echo " (${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE})!" echo " Use '-f' parameter to force the creation of this directory." echo " Aborting now..." exit 1 fi fi if [ ${ISO} != "NONE" -a ! -d ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso ]; then if [ "$FORCE" == "yes" ]; then if ! mkdir -p ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso ; then echo "Failure in creating '${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso'!" echo " Aborting now..." exit 1 fi else echo "$(date) [$$]: Cannot find directory to create the ISO image(s):" echo " '${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso'!" echo " Use '-f' parameter to force the creation of this directory." echo " Aborting now..." exit 1 fi fi # Compose the RSYNCURL if it was not passed as an argument: [ -z $RSYNCURL ] && RSYNCURL=${RSYNCURLROOT}${SLACKRELEASE} # Check for an updated version of this script: if [ "$CHECKVER" == "yes" ]; then if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]; then echo "#" echo "# Checking version of '${ORIGSCR}' ..." echo "#" fi CVRS=$(cat ${0} | grep '$Id: ' | head -1 | \ sed -e 's/^.*Id: mirror-slackware-current.sh,v \([0-9.]*\) .*$/\1/') NVRS=$(wget -T 10 -q -O - ${ORIGSCR} | grep '$Id: ' | \ head -1 | \ sed -e 's/^.*Id: mirror-slackware-current.sh,v \([0-9.]*\) .*$/\1/') if [ -z "$CVRS" -o -z "$NVRS" ]; then echo "# Cannot compare version against the script's original;" echo "# Your script version reports '$CVRS', the original reports '$NVRS'" if [ -z "$NVRS" ]; then echo "# Possible cause is a failure to retrieve the remote script:" echo "# '${ORIGSCR}'." fi elif [ "$CVRS" != "$NVRS" ]; then echo "# Your version of this script is '$CVRS', while version '$NVRS' is reported" echo "# by remote '${ORIGSCR}'" elif [ "$CVRS" == "$NVRS" -a $DEBUG -eq 1 ]; then echo "# You have the most recent version of this script" fi fi if [ "$ISOONLY" == "no" ]; then if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]; then echo "#" echo "# Mirroring ${SLACKRELEASE} from ${RSYNCURL} ..." echo "#" fi RSYNCOUT=$($RSYNC $RSYNCURL 2>&1 1>/dev/null) ; RES=$? if [ $RES -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error while testing the connection to rsync mirror ${RSYNCURL}!" echo "Did you make a typing mistake perhaps in the URI '-m ${RSYNCURL}'?" echo "" echo "The command's exit code was ${RES}." echo "The error output was: '${RSYNCOUT}'" exit $RES fi fi # Compose the exclusion parameter to rsync. Either you pass an "excludes" file, # or else we exclude only /pasture by default. Exclusion of /pasture can be # prevented by using the '-X none' parameter: # The default value for EXCLUDES is defined in the top section of this script. if [ "$EXCLUDEFILE" == "none" ]; then EXCLUDES="" elif [ -r "$EXCLUDEFILE" ]; then EXCLUDES="--exclude-from=$EXCLUDEFILE" fi # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ -e $PIDFILE ]; then echo "Another instance ($(cat $PIDFILE)) still running?" echo "If you are sure that no other instance is running, delete the lockfile" echo "'${PIDFILE}' and re-start this script." echo "Aborting now..." exit 1 else echo $$ > $PIDFILE [ $DEBUG == 1 ] && echo "Changing to ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE} ..." cd ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE} umask 022 if [ "$ISOONLY" == "no" ]; then # First get the ChangeLog.txt (no further action needed, # when there are no changes in this file) if [ $DEBUG == 1 ]; then echo "$(date) [$$]: Getting ChangeLog.txt..." fi rm -f $TMP/${SCRIPTID}_${SLACKRELEASE}_ChangeLog.txt $RSYNC -az ${VERBOSE} ${RSYNCURL}/ChangeLog.txt $TMP/${SCRIPTID}_${SLACKRELEASE}_ChangeLog.txt if [ ! -s $TMP/${SCRIPTID}_${SLACKRELEASE}_ChangeLog.txt ]; then echo "$(date) [$$]: Could not retrieve ChangeLog.txt! Aborting..." rm -f $PIDFILE exit 1 fi # If the ChangeLog.txt on our local mirror doesn't exist, it might mean that # this is a first-time mirror. To prevent the script from aborting, we # create an empty ChangeLog.txt file... if [ ! -e ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}/ChangeLog.txt ]; then touch ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}/ChangeLog.txt fi diff -b ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}/ChangeLog.txt $TMP/${SCRIPTID}_${SLACKRELEASE}_ChangeLog.txt STATUS="$?" if [ "$STATUS" == "2" ]; then echo "$(date) [$$]: Trouble when running diff, aborting..." rm -f $TMP/${SCRIPTID}_${SLACKRELEASE}_ChangeLog.txt rm -f $PIDFILE exit 1 elif [ "$STATUS" == 0 ]; then [ $DEBUG == 1 ] && echo -n "$(date) [$$]: No difference found" if [ $FORCE == "yes" ]; then # we will continue as requested [ $DEBUG == 1 ] && echo ", continuing anyway..." else # quit the script now. [ $DEBUG == 1 ] && echo ", exiting now...." rm -f $TMP/${SCRIPTID}_${SLACKRELEASE}_ChangeLog.txt rm -f $PIDFILE exit 0 fi else echo -n "$(date) [$$]: ChangeLog.txt has been updated" if [ $ONLYDIFF -eq 1 ]; then # quit the script now. echo ", that's all you wanted to know...." rm -f $TMP/${SCRIPTID}_${SLACKRELEASE}_ChangeLog.txt rm -f $PIDFILE exit 0 else # we will continue. echo ", starting mirror of ${SLACKRELEASE}." fi fi echo "*** Using ${RSYNCURL} ***" # Use '-rlptD' instead of '-a' so that we don't preserve file ownership - # so that we can switch mirrors and still all files will be owned root:root. if [ "$ISO" == "MINI" ]; then # If all we need is the mini ISO then we do a partial sync: echo "$(date) [$$]: Performing a partial rsync for a mini ISO image." $RSYNC --delete -rlptD --bwlimit $BWLIMIT \ $VERBOSE \ --exclude=bootdisks \ --exclude=extra \ --exclude=pasture \ --exclude=patches \ --exclude=rootdisks \ --exclude=${PKGMAIN} \ --exclude=source \ --exclude=testing \ --exclude=usb-and-pxe-installers \ --exclude=zipslack \ ${RSYNCURL}/ . # Actually, run rsync again, since it happens that we hit # the master server while it is still sync-ing itself. $RSYNC --delete -rlptD --bwlimit $BWLIMIT \ $VERBOSE \ --exclude=bootdisks \ --exclude=extra \ --exclude=pasture \ --exclude=patches \ --exclude=rootdisks \ --exclude=${PKGMAIN} \ --exclude=source \ --exclude=testing \ --exclude=usb-and-pxe-installers \ --exclude=zipslack \ ${RSYNCURL}/ . echo "$(date) [$$]: Done mirroring ${SLACKRELEASE} (exit code $?)." else # Do a full sync with the remote mirror server: $RSYNC --delete --delete-excluded -rlptD \ --bwlimit $BWLIMIT \ $VERBOSE \ ${EXCLUDES} \ ${RSYNCURL}/ . # Actually, run rsync again, since it happens that we hit # the master server while it is still sync-ing itself. $RSYNC --delete --delete-excluded -rlptD \ --bwlimit $BWLIMIT \ $VERBOSE \ ${EXCLUDES} \ ${RSYNCURL}/ . echo "$(date) [$$]: Done mirroring ${SLACKRELEASE} (exit code $?)." fi fi # # Now create a bootable ISO install images # (log the used command line for reference purposes) # # ... unless we explicitly don't want ISOs... # if [ "$ISO" == "NONE" ]; then rm -f $TMP/${SCRIPTID}_${SLACKRELEASE}_ChangeLog.txt rm -f $PIDFILE exit 0 fi # Determine whether we add UEFI boot capabilities to the ISO: # Note, this excludes 32-bit Slackware since a 32-bit kernel will not boot # on UEFI (UEFI starts the system in x86_64 mode): if [ -f isolinux/efiboot.img ]; then UEFI_OPTS="-eltorito-alt-boot -no-emul-boot -eltorito-platform 0xEF -eltorito-boot isolinux/efiboot.img" ISOHYBRID_OPTS="-u" else UEFI_OPTS="" ISOHYBRID_OPTS="" fi if [ "$ISO" == "MINI" -o "$ISO" == "ALL" ]; then cat <<_EOT_ > ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/readme_mini.mkisofs # # Slackware installation "mini" ISO. # This ISO does not contain any packages, and can be used for network # installs. # # Command used to create the ISO: # (see also /isolinux/README.TXT on the CDROM you'll burn from the ISO) # Mini ISO mkisofs -o ${SLACKRELEASE}-mini-install.iso \\ -R -J -V "Slackware Mini Install" \\ -x ./bootdisks \\ -x ./extra \\ -x ./pasture \\ -x ./patches \\ -x ./rootdisks \\ -x ./slackbook \\ -x ./${PKGMAIN} \\ -x ./source \\ -x ./testing \\ -x ./usb-and-pxe-installers \\ -x ./zipslack \\ -v -d -N \\ -hide-rr-moved -hide-joliet-trans-tbl \\ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \\ -sort isolinux/iso.sort \\ -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \\ -c isolinux/isolinux.boot \\ -preparer "Slackware-${RELEASE} build for $ARCH by ${BUILDER}" \\ -publisher "The Slackware Linux Project - http://www.slackware.com/" \\ -A "Slackware-${RELEASE} for ${ARCH} Mini Install CD - build $DATE" \\ ${UEFI_OPTS} \\ . _EOT_ echo "$(date) [$$]: Creating MINI ISO image for ${SLACKRELEASE}..." if [ $PREREMOVE -eq 1 ]; then # Deleting the previous ISO prior to creating the new ISO # This is good if you're short on free disk space... [ $DEBUG == 1 ] && echo "Deleting old ISO first ..." rm -f ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/${SLACKRELEASE}mini-install.iso fi MKISOERR=0 $MKISOFS -o ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/.building-slackware-mini-install.iso \ -R -J -V "Slackware Mini Install" \ -x ./bootdisks \ -x ./extra \ -x ./pasture \ -x ./patches \ -x ./rootdisks \ -x ./slackbook \ -x ./${PKGMAIN} \ -x ./source \ -x ./testing \ -x ./usb-and-pxe-installers \ -x ./zipslack \ -hide-rr-moved -hide-joliet-trans-tbl \ -v -d -N -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \ -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \ -c isolinux/isolinux.boot \ -sort isolinux/iso.sort \ -preparer "Slackware-${RELEASE} build for $ARCH by ${BUILDER}" \ -publisher "The Slackware Linux Project - http://www.slackware.com/" \ -A "Slackware-${RELEASE} for ${ARCH} Mini Install CD - build $DATE" \ ${UEFI_OPTS} \ . \ > ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/mkisofs_mini.log 2>&1 MKISOERR=$? if [ $MKISOERR -eq 0 ]; then # Create a hybrid ISO if requested: if [ $HYBRID -eq 1 -a -x $ISOHYBRID ]; then echo "$(date) [$$]: Creating hybrid ISO." $ISOHYBRID ${ISOHYBRID_OPTS} ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/.building-slackware-mini-install.iso fi fi if [ $PREREMOVE -eq 0 ]; then # Deleting the previous ISO after creating the new ISO rm -f ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/${SLACKRELEASE}-mini-install.iso fi # Make the new ISO "visible" mv ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/.building-slackware-mini-install.iso \ ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/${SLACKRELEASE}-mini-install.iso echo "$(date) [$$]: MINI CDROM ISO created (exit code ${MKISOERR}) ..." fi ## end of [ "$ISO" == "MINI" -o "$ISO" == "ALL" ] if [ "$ISO" == "CDROM" -o "$ISO" == "ALL" ]; then cat <<_EOT_ > ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/readme.mkisofs # # Slackware installation uses 3 CD's. # In 'menu' or 'expert' mode, packages from CD2/CD3 can be selected. # In 'full install' mode, additional CD's will be asked for. # # CD1: bootable INSTALL CD # CD2: d, e, k, t, x, xap # CD3: kde # # Command used to create the ISO's for CD1, CD2 and CD3: # (see also /isolinux/README.TXT on the CDROM you'll burn from the ISO) # CD1 mkisofs -o ${SLACKRELEASE}-install1.iso \\ -R -J -V "Slackware Install" \\ -x ./bootdisks \\ -x ./extra \\ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/d \\ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/e \\ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/k \\ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/kde \\ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/kdei \\ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/t \\ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/x \\ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/xap \\ -x ./pasture \\ -x ./patches \\ -x ./rootdisks \\ -x ./source \\ -x ./testing \\ -x ./usb-and-pxe-installers \\ -x ./zipslack \\ -hide-rr-moved -hide-joliet-trans-tbl \\ -v -d -N -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size ${BOOTLOADSIZE} -boot-info-table \\ -sort isolinux/iso.sort \\ -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \\ -c isolinux/isolinux.boot \\ -preparer "Slackware-${RELEASE} build for $ARCH by ${BUILDER}" \\ -publisher "The Slackware Linux Project - http://www.slackware.com/" \\ -A "Slackware-${RELEASE} Install CD1 - build $DATE" \\ ${UEFI_OPTS} \\ . #CD2 mkisofs -o ${SLACKRELEASE}-install2.iso \\ -R -J -V "Slackware Install2" \\ -hide-rr-moved -hide-joliet-trans-tbl \\ -v -d -N \\ -preparer "Slackware-${RELEASE} build for $ARCH by ${BUILDER}" \\ -publisher "The Slackware Linux Project - http://www.slackware.com/" \\ -A "Slackware-${RELEASE} Install CD2 - build $DATE" \\ -graft-points \\ -sort isolinux/iso.sort \\ /${PKGMAIN}/d/=./${PKGMAIN}/d \\ /${PKGMAIN}/e/=./${PKGMAIN}/e \\ /${PKGMAIN}/k/=./${PKGMAIN}/k \\ /${PKGMAIN}/t/=./${PKGMAIN}/t \\ /${PKGMAIN}/x/=./${PKGMAIN}/x \\ /${PKGMAIN}/xap/=./${PKGMAIN}/xap \\ . #CD3 mkisofs -o ${SLACKRELEASE}-install3.iso \\ -R -J -V "Slackware Install3" \\ -hide-rr-moved -hide-joliet-trans-tbl \\ -v -d -N \\ -preparer "Slackware-${RELEASE} build for $ARCH by ${BUILDER}" \\ -publisher "The Slackware Linux Project - http://www.slackware.com/" \\ -A "Slackware-${RELEASE} Install CD3 - build $DATE" \\ -graft-points \\ -sort isolinux/iso.sort \\ /${PKGMAIN}/kde/=./${PKGMAIN}/kde \\ . _EOT_ echo "$(date) [$$]: Creating CDROM ISO images for ${SLACKRELEASE}..." if [ $PREREMOVE -eq 1 ]; then # Deleting the previous ISO prior to creating the new ISO # This is good if you're short on free disk space... [ $DEBUG == 1 ] && echo "Deleting old ISO first ..." rm -f ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/${SLACKRELEASE}-install1.iso fi MKISOERR=0 $MKISOFS -o ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/.building-slackware-install1.iso \ -R -J -V "Slackware Install" \ -x ./bootdisks \ -x ./extra \ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/d \ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/e \ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/k \ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/kde \ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/kdei \ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/t \ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/x \ -x ./${PKGMAIN}/xap \ -x ./pasture \ -x ./patches \ -x ./rootdisks \ -x ./source \ -x ./testing \ -x ./usb-and-pxe-installers \ -x ./zipslack \ -hide-rr-moved -hide-joliet-trans-tbl \ -v -d -N -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size ${BOOTLOADSIZE} -boot-info-table \ -sort isolinux/iso.sort \ -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \ -c isolinux/isolinux.boot \ -preparer "Slackware-${RELEASE} build for ${ARCH} by ${BUILDER}" \ -publisher "The Slackware Linux Project - http://www.slackware.com/" \ -A "Slackware-${RELEASE} Install CD1 - build $DATE" \ ${UEFI_OPTS} \ . \ > ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/mkisofs1.log 2>&1 MKISOERR=$? if [ $MKISOERR -eq 0 ]; then # Create a hybrid ISO if requested: if [ $HYBRID -eq 1 -a -x $ISOHYBRID ]; then echo "$(date) [$$]: Creating hybrid ISO." $ISOHYBRID ${ISOHYBRID_OPTS} ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/.building-slackware-install1.iso fi fi if [ $PREREMOVE -eq 0 ]; then # Deleting the previous ISO after creating the new ISO rm -f ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/${SLACKRELEASE}-install1.iso fi ### If you want, keep a copy of the previous ISO... #rm -f previous*install1.iso #touch LATEST_ADDITION_TO_CURRENT #mv ${SLACKRELEASE}-install1.iso \ # previous-$(cat LATEST_ADDITION_TO_CURRENT)-install1.iso ### # Make the new ISO "visible" mv ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/.building-slackware-install1.iso \ ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/${SLACKRELEASE}-install1.iso echo "$(date) [$$]: First CDROM ISO created (exit code ${MKISOERR}) - two to go ..." # # Now the second CD: # if [ $PREREMOVE -eq 1 ]; then # Deleting the previous ISO prior to creating the new ISO # This is good if you're short on free disk space... [ $DEBUG == 1 ] && echo "Deleting old ISO first ..." rm -f ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/${SLACKRELEASE}-install2.iso fi $MKISOFS -o ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/.building-slackware-install2.iso \ -R -J -V "Slackware Install2" \ -hide-rr-moved -hide-joliet-trans-tbl \ -v -d -N \ -preparer "Slackware-${RELEASE} build for ${ARCH} by ${BUILDER}" \ -publisher "The Slackware Linux Project - http://www.slackware.com/" \ -A "Slackware-${RELEASE} Install CD2 - build $DATE" \ -graft-points \ /${PKGMAIN}/d/=./${PKGMAIN}/d \ /${PKGMAIN}/e/=./${PKGMAIN}/e \ /${PKGMAIN}/k/=./${PKGMAIN}/k \ /${PKGMAIN}/t/=./${PKGMAIN}/t \ /${PKGMAIN}/x/=./${PKGMAIN}/x \ /${PKGMAIN}/xap/=./${PKGMAIN}/xap \ > ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/mkisofs2.log 2>&1 MKISOERR2=$? MKISOERR=$(($MKISOERR + $MKISOERR2)) if [ $PREREMOVE -eq 0 ]; then # Deleting the previous ISO after creating the new ISO rm -f ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/${SLACKRELEASE}-install2.iso fi ### If you want, keep a copy of the previous ISO... #rm -f previous*install2.iso #touch LATEST_ADDITION_TO_CURRENT #mv ${SLACKRELEASE}-install2.iso \ # previous-$(cat LATEST_ADDITION_TO_CURRENT)-install2.iso ### # Make the new ISO visible mv ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/.building-slackware-install2.iso \ ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/${SLACKRELEASE}-install2.iso echo "$(date) [$$]: Second CDROM ISO created (exit code ${MKISOERR2}) - one to go ..." # # Finally the third CD: # if [ $PREREMOVE -eq 1 ]; then # Deleting the previous ISO prior to creating the new ISO # This is good if you're short on free disk space... [ $DEBUG == 1 ] && echo "Deleting old ISO first ..." rm -f ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/${SLACKRELEASE}-install3.iso fi $MKISOFS -o ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/.building-slackware-install3.iso \ -R -J -V "Slackware Install3" \ -hide-rr-moved -hide-joliet-trans-tbl \ -v -d -N \ -preparer "Slackware-${RELEASE} build for ${ARCH} by ${BUILDER}" \ -publisher "The Slackware Linux Project - http://www.slackware.com/" \ -A "Slackware-${RELEASE} Install CD3 - build $DATE" \ -graft-points \ /${PKGMAIN}/kde/=./${PKGMAIN}/kde \ > ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/mkisofs3.log 2>&1 MKISOERR3=$? MKISOERR=$(($MKISOERR + $MKISOERR3)) if [ $PREREMOVE -eq 0 ]; then # Deleting the previous ISO after creating the new ISO rm -f ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/${SLACKRELEASE}-install3.iso fi ### If you want, keep a copy of the previous ISO... #rm -f previous*install3.iso #touch LATEST_ADDITION_TO_CURRENT #mv ${SLACKRELEASE}-install3.iso \ # previous-$(cat LATEST_ADDITION_TO_CURRENT)-install3.iso ### # Make the new ISO visible mv ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/.building-slackware-install3.iso \ ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/${SLACKRELEASE}-install3.iso echo "$(date) [$$]: CDROM ISO's created of ${SLACKRELEASE}." echo "$(date) [$$]: The combined exit code for ISO creation is '${MKISOERR}'. A a non-zero number here means: something goofed along the way." # Now that we created all CDROM ISO images, let's check for error codes # and show a bit of the error log if warranted: [ $MKISOERR -ne 0 ] && \ tail -10 ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/mkisofs{1,2,3}.log | \ sed -e 's/^/! /' fi ## end of [ "$ISO" == "CDROM" -o "$ISO" == "ALL" ] if [ "$ISO" == "DVD" -o "$ISO" == "ALL" ]; then cat <<_EOT_ > ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/readme_dvd.mkisofs # # Slackware installation as DVD. # # Contains: bootable INSTALL DVD (including /extra and /source) # # Command used to create the ISO's for this DVD: # (see also /isolinux/README.TXT on the DVD you'll burn from the ISO) # DVD mkisofs -o ${SLACKRELEASE}-install-dvd.iso \\ -R -J -V "Slackware-${RELEASE} DVD" \\ -hide-rr-moved -hide-joliet-trans-tbl \\ -v -d -N -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size ${BOOTLOADSIZE} -boot-info-table \\ -sort isolinux/iso.sort \\ -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \\ -c isolinux/isolinux.boot \\ -preparer "Slackware-${RELEASE} build for ${ARCH} by ${BUILDER}" \\ -publisher "The Slackware Linux Project - http://www.slackware.com/" \\ -A "Slackware-${RELEASE} DVD - build $DATE" \\ ${DVD_EXCLUDES} \\ ${UEFI_OPTS} \\ . _EOT_ echo "$(date) [$$]: Creating DVD ISO image for ${SLACKRELEASE}..." if [ $PREREMOVE -eq 1 ]; then # Deleting the previous ISO prior to creating the new ISO # This is good if you're short on free disk space... [ $DEBUG == 1 ] && echo "Deleting old ISO first ..." rm -f ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/${SLACKRELEASE}-install-dvd.iso fi MKISOERR=0 $MKISOFS -o ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/.building-slackware-install-dvd.iso \ -R -J -V "Slackware-${RELEASE} DVD" \ -hide-rr-moved -hide-joliet-trans-tbl \ -v -d -N -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size ${BOOTLOADSIZE} -boot-info-table \ -sort isolinux/iso.sort \ -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \ -c isolinux/isolinux.boot \ -preparer "Slackware-${RELEASE} build for ${ARCH} by ${BUILDER}" \ -publisher "The Slackware Linux Project - http://www.slackware.com/" \ -A "Slackware-${RELEASE} DVD - build $DATE" \ ${DVD_EXCLUDES} \ ${UEFI_OPTS} \ . \ > ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/mkisofs-dvd.log 2>&1 MKISOERR=$? if [ $MKISOERR -eq 0 ]; then # Create a hybrid ISO if requested: if [ $HYBRID -eq 1 -a -x $ISOHYBRID ]; then echo "$(date) [$$]: Creating hybrid ISO." $ISOHYBRID ${ISOHYBRID_OPTS} ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/.building-slackware-install-dvd.iso fi else tail -10 ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/mkisofs-dvd.log | \ sed -e 's/^/! /' fi echo "$(date) [$$]: DVD ISO created (exit code ${MKISOERR}) ..." if [ $PREREMOVE -eq 0 ]; then # Deleting the previous ISO after creating the new ISO rm -f ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/${SLACKRELEASE}-install-dvd.iso fi # Make the new ISO "visible" mv ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/.building-slackware-install-dvd.iso \ ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/${SLACKRELEASE}-install-dvd.iso fi ## end of [ "$ISO" == "DVD" -o "$ISO" == "ALL" ] # Compute MD5 checksums for the downloaders echo "$(date) [$$]: Computing MD5 checksums of the ISO's (time consuming)." cd ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso $MD5SUM *install*.iso > MD5SUM LATEST_ADD=$(date -d "`head -n 40 ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}/ChangeLog.txt|grep -Ei "(mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun)"|head -n 1`" +%Y%b%d-%Hh%M-%Z) echo ${LATEST_ADD} > LATEST_ADDITION_TO_CURRENT echo "$(date) [$$]: Resulting ISO files:" ls -l ${SLACKROOTDIR}/${SLACKRELEASE}-iso/*install*.iso echo "$(date) [$$]: Done!" rm -f $TMP/${SCRIPTID}_${SLACKRELEASE}_ChangeLog.txt rm -f $PIDFILE fi