WARNING This script builds a package that conflicts with Slackware's apache1 and thus should be installed using upgradepkg if another version of apache is currently installed. Apache is the most popular web server in the known universe; over half the servers on the Internet are running Apache or one of its variants. By default, we build apache2 with the traditional "apache prefork" multi processing module (MPM). This is somewhat safer for the use of mod_php, but can still carry some security risks (all your php scripts run as the user configured to run apache2). This is mitigated by default, as apache2 runs as user apache2 and group apache2, which do not exist on default Slackware installations and should have minimal privilages. For enhanced multi-threaded performance, use "apache worker", but using mod_php with "worker" is considered dangerous. PHP Core is multi-thread safe, but many PHP extensions are *NOT*. To build apache2 with the worker MPM, just run the script like so: # MPM_FLAVOR=worker; ./apache2.SlackBuild Please note that this script does not build apache2 with SuEXEC support. If you need this functionality, please read the following documentation and make the necessary changes to the ./configure options in the script. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/suexec.html