/usr/doc/xf86-input-synaptics-0.99.1/README.SLACKWARE Last modified 20081113 - rworkman@slackbuilds.org On every system I've tested, the synaptics xorg module requires that the psmouse kernel module be loaded without any special options. This poses a problem on a default Slackware 12.1 installation, as /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse causes the psmouse module to load with the imps protocol. This is easily fixed though :-) First, edit /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse so that it looks like this (note that we're simply commenting out the last line): # PS/2 mouse support: # The default options when the psmouse module is loaded will completely # break the mouse if you change consoles with several models of KVM # switches. Therefore, we'll have it use the imps protocol here, which # is a more basic protocol that is less likely to cause problems with # the mouse. If you'd rather use the kernel default options, just # comment out the line below. If you'd rather choose your own options, # then edit the line below as desired. #options psmouse proto=imps Next, unload and reload the psmouse module (do this as root): modprobe -r psmouse modprobe psmouse That's it - now just follow the instructions for editing your xorg.conf!