# We set logfile_rotate=0 in squid.conf, which disables filename rotation # by squid itself (as we'll let logrotate handle the filename rotation), but # squid still closes and then reopens the logfile. The goal of this file is # to rotate the logfile (rename it from squid.log to squid.log.1) without # compressing it immediately, as squid will still be writing to the renamed # log file. Then the postrotate script will tell squid to close and then # reopen squid.log, effectively using the new logfile. The old logfile # (squid.log.1) will be compressed by logrotate's next invocation. /var/log/squid/*.log { weekly rotate 5 compress delaycompress notifempty missingok postrotate /usr/sbin/squid -k rotate endscript }