#!/bin/bash ORIGPATH=$PWD PACKAGE=xinetd VERSION=${1} cd ${SLACKTRACKSCRATCHDIR} tar zxf ${ORIGPATH}/source/xinetd*gz cd xinetd* CFLAGS="-O2 -march=i686 -Wall" \ ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --with-libwrap \ && make \ && make install || { echo "Failed to build" ; exit 1; } # Remove the inetd.conf > xinetd.conf converter programs cos they're # not much use really since this xinetd package is meant to be installed # on to a inetd-less Slackware 8.1 box (as you can not opt to not install inetd # in the installer) ( cd ${SLACKTRACKFAKEROOT} rm -f usr/sbin/itox usr/sbin/xconv.pl usr/man/man8/itox* usr/man/man8/xconv* ) # Copy the rc.xinetd file into the build path install -m700 ${ORIGPATH}/rc.xinetd /etc/rc.d/ chmod 700 /etc/rc.d # Copy the docs into our 'local' build dir mkdir -p /usr/doc/${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} cp -a AUDIT INSTALL README TODO CHANGELOG COPYRIGHT \ /usr/doc/${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}/ # Copy our default xinetd.conf into the package base dir # For UKShells, the auto shell-build scripts will automatically # build a UKShells-eque xinetd.conf, so this file won't be required install -m600 ${ORIGPATH}/xinetd.conf-distrib /etc/xinetd.conf.new mkdir /install install -m644 ${ORIGPATH}/slack-desc /install/ install -m644 ${ORIGPATH}/doinst.sh /install/