#!/bin/bash # arm/build # Check package dependencies, set metadata and launch # package build script. # by Stuart Winter # source /usr/share/slackdev/buildkit.sh # Package metadata: export PACKAGE=kde export VERSION=3.5.4 export ARCH=arm export PKGSERIES=kde export SLACKPACKAGE=$PACKAGE-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz # Reset the ARM file system: restore it to the 'factory settings' # as it were (this has no effect when building natively): sboxsysrestore # Ensure base ARM packages are installed first: slackbasedeps # Remove the KDE packages first: ( cd /var/log/packages removepkg kde-* removepkg kde* removepkg arts removepkg qt-* # Now the additional packages: removepkg amarok* koffice* qca* qca-tls* ) # Ensure specific build dependencies (mainly libraries): # These are just the ones Pat says we need in order to get going. # slackcheckpkgdeps cups || installpkg $PKGSTORE/a/cups-*.tgz slackcheckpkgdeps pcre || installpkg $PKGSTORE/l/pcre-*.tgz slackcheckpkgdeps libxml2 || installpkg $PKGSTORE/l/libxml2-*.tgz slackcheckpkgdeps libxslt || installpkg $PKGSTORE/l/libxslt-*.tgz slackcheckpkgdeps cups,pcre,libxml2,libxslt || exit 99 # I know that not everything requires gcc 3.3 (arts doesn't, for example) # but I may as well build all of KDE with the same compiler unless there's # a specific reason not to. # # Ensure we have gcc-3.3.x installed: #[ -d /scratchbox ] || upgradepkg $PKGSTORE/../testing/packages/gcc-3.3.x/*.tgz # Launch the package build script. # There is no build script for this one - we have the individual # logs for each build script. Although that might make tracking down # a problem harder, I'll think about that when I come to it. ( ./KDE.SlackBuild ) >& /dev/stdout | tee build.$ARCH.log # Now switch back to the latest compiler: #[ -d /scratchbox ] || upgradepkg $PKGSTORE/d/gcc*.tgz # Compress the build log: bzip2 -9f build.$ARCH.log