#!/bin/bash # The slackpkg package in Slackware is arch neutral and has no # source package, so we just copy the version in Slackware as-is. # Record toolchain & other info for the build log: slackbuildinfo # Paths to skeleton port's source & real Slackware source tree: export CWD=$SLACKSOURCE/$PKGSERIES/$PKGNAM export PORTCWD=$PWD rm -fv $PKGSTORE/ap/slackpkg-* #install -vpm644 $SLACKSOURCE/../slackware/ap/slackpkg-*.tgz $PKGSTORE/ap # So that the changelog generator script picks up the new package: #touch $PKGSTORE/ap/slackpkg-* # But it needs patching for ARMedslack: # Temporary build locations: export TMPBUILD=$TMP/build-$PKGNAM export PKG=$TMP/package-$PKGNAM mkpkgdirs # Delete & re-create temporary directories then cd into $TMPBUILD #tar xvvf $SLACKSOURCE/../slackware/ap/slackpkg-*.tgz tar xvvf $PORTCWD/sources/slackpkg-*noarch* # Add ARMedslack mirrors: rm -fv etc/slackpkg/{mirrors*,slackpkg.conf*} install -vpm644 $PORTCWD/sources/mirrors.new etc/slackpkg/ # Slackpkg config file. # This has the ARCH value set to 'ARM' by default. install -vpm644 $PORTCWD/sources/slackpkg.conf.new etc/slackpkg/ # Switch Slackware GPG key with ARMedslack's, since AS's packages aren't signed # by Slackware. sed -i 's/^SLACKKEY.*=\(.*\)$/SLACKKEY="ARMedslack Security (ARMedslack Linux Project Security) "/' usr/sbin/slackpkg # Rebuild package: chown root:root . makepkg -l y -c n $PKGSTORE/ap/$(basename $PORTCWD/sources/slackp*noarch*)