#!/bin/bash # # WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING # # WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING # # This script will DESTROY your installation. # This script will DESTROY your installation. # This script will DESTROY your installation. # This script will DESTROY your installation. # This script will DESTROY your installation. # WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING # # WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING # # ################################################################################ # Script : sa64-ins-write # Purpose: Write the Slackware A-i-O Installer to the MMC storage device that # presently holds OS's /boot partition (file system label 'SLKboot'). # This supports all officially supported Hardware Models. # This is to prepare the Slackware ARM build hosts to either test the # Slackware Installer, or to reinstall a build host. # Author : Stuart Winter # Version: 1.00, 13-Jan 2023 ################################################################################ # # Copyright 2023 Stuart Winter, Earth, Milky Way, "" # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use of this script, with or without modification, is # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of this script must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO # EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ################################################################################ # # Usage: # On an existing installation of Slackware, as root run this tool within the # directory that contains the Slackware A-i-O Installer images that are # availale here: # http://ftp.arm.slackware.com/slackwarearm/platform/aarch64/bootware/installer-aio/ # # Example: # $ cd installer-aio # $ ./tools/sa64-aio-write # # What this script does: # # 1. Picks the appropriate A-i-O Installer for the Hardware Model on which # you run the script. # By default it'll pick 'slackwareaarch64-current', but you can supply it with # an alternate, perhaps a stable release: # $ ./tools/sa64-aio-write -a slackwareaarch64-15.1 # # 2. Write to the SD card that presently contains the active Slackware # OS /boot partition, labeled 'SLKboot'. # # 3. umount the /boot file systems (including any Hardware Model Native # Boot Loader partitions, as found on the RPi and HoneyCombe), then dump the # # 4. Dump the A-i-O image to the SD card. # # 5 . Reboot. ################################################################################ # To do: # Handle 'bare' Installer images. Auto discovery of the type: # It should be a case of dropping through some checking for file names, since # the aio installers have a specific name. ################################################################################ [ $( id -u ) != 0 ] && { echo "Error: You must be root" ; exit 1 ;} # Determine the SD card in play. # Assumes there's only 1 - which on all known Hardware Models, is the case. # This does not include SD cards in USB dongles, only on-board MMC slots. # Note: eMMC is excluded. function find_sdcard() { local mmc while read mmc; do grep -q "SD" /sys/block/${mmc#/dev/}/device/type && { echo ${mmc} ; break ;} done< <( ls /dev/mmcblk{0..9} 2>/dev/null ) } # Determine the architecture: case "$( uname -m )" in arm*) slkarch=arm;; *) slkarch="$( uname -m )" ;; esac # We'll default to Slackware -current: slackver=current AIODIR="slackware${slkarch}-${slackver}" # e.g. slackwareaarch64-current # Parse any command line operators: PARAMS="$( getopt -qn "$( basename $0 )" -o a: -l aio-dir: -- "$@" )" eval set -- "${PARAMS}" for param in $*; do case "$param" in -a|--aio-dir) AIODIR="$2" shift 2;; --) shift; break;; esac done # Sanity check that we found a platform dir: [ ! -d $AIODIR ] && { echo "ERROR: cannot find A-i-O Installer directory $AIODIR" exit 1 ;} # Determine which Hardware Model we're running on: HWM=$( slk-hwm-discover ) case "$HWM" in "Pine64 RockPro64"*|"Pine64 Pinebook Pro"*) IMG='rk3399_generic.img' ;; "SolidRun LX2160A Honeycomb"*) IMG='honeycomb_lx2160acex7.img.xz' ;; # RPi3 & 4 use the same Slackware Installer image: "Raspberry Pi 4"*|"Raspberry Pi 3"*) IMG='bcm2711_rpi4.img' ;; esac [ -z "$IMG" ] && { echo "Can't determine the Hardware Model type" ; exit 1; } IMG="$AIODIR/$IMG" # It may have already been compressed at this point rather than fresh off the # build machine: [ -f ${IMG}.xz ] && IMG="${IMG}.xz" # Sanity check: [ ! -f $IMG ] && { echo "ERROR: $IMG not found" ; exit 1;} # Search for the SLKboot partition so we know which MMC to pick. # No need - use the 'find_sdcard' function so that we can write to # the SD card, regardless of whether it contains a Slackware 'boot' partition. #for rdevice in $( ls --indicator-style none /sys/block | grep -Ev "loop|ram|^dm-|^sr|^md" ); do # # Is it labeled 'SLKboot' ? if so let's take the first one we find: # founddev="$( lsblk -o name,label -ripn /dev/${rdevice} 2>/dev/null | grep -E 'SLKboot$' | awk '{print $1}' )" # # Ensure it's an MMC device: # [[ "${founddev}" =~ "/dev/mmcblk" ]] && break #done # If we didn't find a block device, the user probably isn't running Slackware ARM, # removed the MMC or relabeled it: founddev=$( find_sdcard ) [ -z "${founddev}" ] && { echo "ERROR: Unable to determine target block storage device" ; exit 1 ;} # lop off the partition number so we have the base mmc block device name: BOOTDEV=${founddev%%p*} echo "Hardware Model....: $HWM" echo "A-i-O image.......: $IMG" echo "Writing to........: $BOOTDEV" read -p "Ready to umount and write the SD image?" # Umount the Hardware Model bootware partition if mounted: #mountpoint -q /boot/platform/hwm_bw && echo is mnt # We reverse the listing since we need to umount the sub mounts first. # findmnt also reports them in the correct order, so this works. mountpoint -q /boot && { findmnt -RM /boot -D | grep -E '^/dev' | awk '{print $1}' | tac | while read mntpnt; do umount -v $mntpnt || exit 1 done ;} sync echo "Writing $IMG to $BOOTDEV - will be a few mins" echo "Waiting 10 seconds" sleep 10 # Handle decompression: [ "${IMG##*.}" = "xz" ] && furry=xz # Dump it to the storage and reboot: time ${furry}cat $IMG | dd of=$BOOTDEV bs=4M iflag=fullblock status=progress read -p "Press ENTER to reboot or CTRL-C to abort" reboot -f