# Packaged by Didier Spaier pkgname=$(pwd|sed "s,.*/,,") export srcver=6.2 pkgver=$(echo $srcver|sed "s/-/_/g") pkgrel=slint source=("http://www.jlemmens.nl/homepage/${pkgname}-${srcver}.tar.gz" \ ) # website: http://www.jlemmens.nl/ docs=("copying" "license" "readme" "compile" "Changelog") options=("nosrcpack") slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "$pkgname (Read eBooks with Linux using a speech-synthesizer)" "eBook-speaker reads an eBook and uses a speech synthisizer for output." "eBook-speaker reads the EPUB format. If the given file is not an" "EPUB it will be converted using several tools like calibre, lowriter," "pandoc, pdftotext, scanimage, pnmflip, unrtf or tesseract." "(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_e-book_formats)" "eBook-speaker can use any TTS (Text-To_speech) tool, as long as the" "TTS can read the text from a file and writes the audio to a .wav file." "The file ~/.eBook-speaker.xml contains TTS tools to use." "Author: Joss Lemmens" ) build() { cd $SRC/$pkgname-$srcver || return 1 # patch -p1 --verbose < $startdir/change_TTS_initial_setup_and_remove_add_TTS_dialog.diff ./configure \ --prefix=/usr make make install DESTDIR=$PKG mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/${pkgname}-$pkgver cp doc/Changelog $PKG/usr/doc/${pkgname}-$pkgver (cd $SRC/${pkgname}-$srcver/doc/ cp ebook-speaker.png \ ebook-speaker.html \ ebook-speaker.txt \ ebook-speaker.svg \ ebook-speaker.menu \ icons_copyright.txt \ screenshot.html \ COMPILE \ COPYING \ TODO \ $PKG/usr/doc/${pkgname}-$pkgver/ cp $PKG/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/* $PKG/usr/doc/${pkgname}-$pkgver/ rm -r $PKG/usr/share/doc/ ) ( cd $PKG for i in $(find -name "eBook*"); do ( cd $(dirname $i) rename eBook ebook * ) done ) mv $PKG/usr/bin/ebook-speaker $PKG/usr/bin/eBook-speaker echo 'LC_ALL=$LANG eBook-speaker $*' > $PKG/usr/bin/ebook-speaker chmod 0755 $PKG/usr/bin/ebook-speaker }