#!/bin/sh STANDARDVOICES=$(espeak-ng --voices|sed "s?[ ]\{1,\}? ?g;s/File/Voice/;s,Age/Gender,Code,"|cut -d" " -f3-5|cut -d" " --complement -f 2) echo "$STANDARDVOICES"|column -t echo echo "To use one of theses voices with espeakup, set it in /etc/espeakup.conf." EXAMPLECODE=$(echo -e "$STANDARDVOICES"|sed -n '$p'|sed "s/ .*//") EXAMPLEVOICE=$(echo -e "$STANDARDVOICES"|sed -n '$p'|sed "s/.* //") echo "For instance, to use the voice \"$EXAMPLEVOICE\" write:" echo "voice=$EXAMPLECODE" echo "in /etc/espeakup.conf." echo read -p "Do yo want to list also the mbrola voices? [y/N] " ANSWER if [ "$ANSWER" = "y" ] || [ "$ANSWER" = "Y" ]; then MBROLAVOICES=$(espeak-ng --voices=mb|sed "s, ,,;s;[ ]\{1,\};,;g"|cut -d, -f4-5|sed s,mb/,,) for i in $(echo "$MBROLAVOICES"|sed "s/.*,mb-//;s/-.*//"|grep -v File); do if [ "$(ls /usr/share/mbrola|grep $i)" = "" ]; then MISSING="${MISSING}$(echo "$MBROLAVOICES"|grep $i)\n" MBROLAVOICES=$(echo "$MBROLAVOICES"|grep -v $i) fi done echo "Installed mbrola voices" echo "$MBROLAVOICES"|sed "s/File/Voice/;s/Other/Name/"|while read i; do F1=$(echo $i|cut -d, -f2) F2=$(echo $i|cut -d, -f1) echo "$F1 $F2" done|column -t EXAMPLECODE=$(echo -e "$MBROLAVOICES"|sed -n '$p'|sed "s/.*,//") EXAMPLEVOICE=$(echo -e "$MBROLAVOICES"|sed -n '$p'|sed "s/,.*//") echo echo "For instance, to use the voice \"$EXAMPLEVOICE\" write:" echo "voice=$EXAMPLECODE" echo "in /etc/espeakup.conf." if [ "$MISSING" = "" ]; then exit fi echo echo "Other mbrola voices could be used if installed." read -p "Do yo want to display them? [Y/n] " ANSWER if [ "$ANSWER" = "n" ] || [ "$ANSWER" = "n" ]; then exit fi echo MISSING="Voice,Code\n$(echo "$MISSING")" echo -e "$MISSING"|sed "s/File/Voice/;s/Other/Name/"|while read i; do F1=$(echo $i|cut -d, -f2) F2=$(echo $i|cut -d, -f1) echo "$F1 $F2" done|column -t MISSING=$(echo -e $MISSING|sed '$'d) EXAMPLECODE=$(echo -e "$MISSING"|sed -n '$p'|sed "s/.*,//") EXAMPLEVOICE=$(echo -e "$MISSING"|sed -n '$p'|sed "s/,.*//") echo echo "For instance, to use the voice \"$EXAMPLEVOICE\", type as root:" echo "slapt-get -i mbrola-voice-$(echo $EXAMPLECODE|sed "s/.*-//")" echo "then write:" echo "voice=$EXAMPLECODE" echo "in /etc/espeakup.conf." echo fi