#!/bin/sh mkdir -p packages list_MBROLA_voices() { most mbrola_voices } make_voice_package() { export VOICE # AUTHOR is the last field export AUTHOR=$(grep ^${VOICE}: mbrola_voices|sed "s/.*://") # DESC is the second field export DESC=$(grep ^${VOICE}: mbrola_voices|sed "s/[^:]*:\([^:]*\).*/\1/") # WHEIGHT is the third field WHEIGHT=$(grep "^${VOICE}:" mbrola_voices|sed "s/[^:]*:[^:]*:\([^:]*\).*/\1/") echo "We will build a package for voice ${VOICE}: $DESC (${WHEIGHT})." read -p "Do you confirm this choice[Y/n] " CONFIRM if [ "$CONFIRM" = "N" ] || [ "$CONFIRM" = "n" ]; then return fi echo "Building a package for voice $VOICE now..." sleep 1 fakeroot slkbuild -X mv mbrola-voice-${VOICE}*txz packages rm mbrola-voice-${VOICE}*md5 rm build-mbrola-voice-${VOICE}*log read -p "Press Enter to continue. " DUMMY } list_installed_voices() { for i in \ $(ls -1 /var/log/packages/|grep mbrola-voice|sed "s/mbrola-voice-//;s/-.*//"); do grep ^$i mbrola_voices done| most } while [ 0 ]; do clear echo "This script allows to build packages for MBROLA voices." echo "Type:" echo " A to list all MBROLA voices" echo " I to list installed voices" echo " P to build a package for a MBROLA voice" echo " Q to quit" read -p "Your choice: " CHOICE case $CHOICE in a|A) list_MBROLA_voices ;; i|I) list_installed_voices ;; p|P) clear read -p "Type the voice name (3 characters, like for instance en1: " VOICE if [ -f /var/log/packages/mbrola-voices-${VOICE}* ]; then read -p "This voice is already installed. Do you still want to package it[y/N]: " CONFIRM if [ ! "$CONFIRM" = "Y" ] && [ ! "$CONFIRM" = "Y" ]; then continue fi fi if [ "$(grep ^${VOICE}: mbrola_voices)" = "" ]; then read -p "The voice $VOICE does not exist. Press Enter to continue. " DUMMY continue fi make_voice_package ;; q|Q) clear echo "Bye." exit ;; *) printf "Wrong typing, press Enter to continue " read dummy esac done