Work-flows ========== This document graphically presents the context of tool's usage. It is derived from DIAGRAMS, our tools replacing and completing gettext commands. For that reason we suggest that you first read DIAGRAMS (under the Documentation entry menu). (1) Internationalization Set of shell scripts ───> Preparation ───> Marked shell scripts ─>─╮ │ ╭────── check_xtract ─<── software.pot <─── make_POT <───┤ │ │ ├──(if errors) ──> shell scripts edition ──────────────>─╯ │ ├────> (2) Localization │ ╰────> (4) Maintenance (2) Localization (example for French and Dutch languages). ╭──────────────<── software.pot <── (1) Internationalization │ │ fr_FR ├─> init_PO ─> fr_FR.po ──> PO editor ──> fr_FR.po ──> check_PO ──╮ │ │ │ ╭── install. <── <── format_PO <─┬─ fr_FR.po checked <─╯ │ │ │ │ │ ╰────> (4) Maintenance │ │ │ ╰──> /usr/share/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/ ─> (3) Usage │ nl_NL ╰─> init_PO ─> nl_NL.po ──> PO editor ──> nl_NL.po ──> check_PO ──╮ │ ╭── install. <── <── format_PO <──┬── nl_NL.po checked <──╯ │ │ │ ╰────> (4) Maintenance │ ╰───> /usr/share/locale/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/ ───> (3) Usage (3) Usage Let's assume that one of the scripts, "" include following command: gettext "Good morning" and that "Good morning" is translated as follows in the message catalogs: /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ ─> "Bonjour" /usr/share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/ ─> "Goedemorgen" ╭──────────────<── (2) Localization │ LANG=fr ├───> sh or ./ ───> "Bonjour" │ LANG=nl ╰───> sh or ./ ───> "Goedemorgen" (4) Maintenance The maintenance process can be triggered by a script's creation, modification or deletion. In the diagram below, the part of the process beginning with the msmerge command should be repeated for each available PO file. It is therefore advisable to keep an up to date list of available translations, especially if there are many. Shell scripts updated and marked ───> make_POT ───> software.pot ─╮ │ (1) Localization ──> .po ───>┬<─╯ │ ╭─ check_PO <─ .po <─ PO editor <─ .po <─ merge_PO <─╯ │ ╰─> .po checked ─> format_PO ─> ─> installation ───╮ │ /usr/share/locale//LC_MESSAGES/ <───╯ The maintenance process can be triggered as well by a modification of a language catalog for a specific language (to correct an error for instance). This variant of the process is shorter: ╭─ check_PO <── .po <── PO editor <─ .po <─ Update needed │ ╰─> .po checked ─> format_PO ─> ──> installation ──╮ │ /usr/share/locale//LC_MESSAGES/ <───╯ Didier Spaier