Dependencies according to: Installed packages are in a lines beginning with * Locally removed packages that according to tests are not necessary are in lines beginning with N and will not be uploaded initially. these are: ply,libsodium,pyhamcrest,GeoIP,GeoiIP-python magic_wormhole: 'python-click' 'python-humanize' 'python-tqdm' 'python-idna' 'python-cffi' 'python-hkdf' 'python-spake2' 'python-pynacl' 'python-service-identity' 'python-autobahn' 'python-txtorcon' Order of building and installing is indicated below from top to bottom. The packages between parenthesis are already installed when arriving as the line where they are so indicated. *click *python-humanize *tqdm *idna N ply * pycparser * cffi *python-hkdf (python-hkdf) *python-spake2 N libsodium (python-six) (python-cffi) *pynacl (cffi) * asn1crypto (idna) * cryptography (openssl) # inclus par défault (python-six) * pyOpenSSL * pyasn1 * pyasn1-modules * attrs *service_identity * zope.interface N pyhamcrest * incremental # circular dep: python-twisted * hyperlink * Automat # circular dep: python-twisted * constantly (attrs) * python-twisted (cython) # inclus par défaut, modernisé * python-wsaccel (python-six) (cryptography) (python-cffi) (python-twisted) (python-six) * python-txaio *python-autobahn N GeoIP N GeoIP-Python (python-twisted) *python-txtorcon *magic-wormhole