# Terms and conditions on the use of the database By obtaining, using and/or copying this database, you agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with these terms and conditions: Permission is granted to use this database for synthesizing speech with and only with MBROLA program made available from the MBROLA project web page: http://tcts.fpms.ac.be/synthesis/mbrola.html The distribution of this database is submitted to the same terms and conditions as the distribution of the Mbrola program. In addition, this database may not be sold or incorporated into any product which is sold without prior permission from the particular author of the voice database file (look for `license.txt` file for particular voice folder). When no charge is made, this database may be copied and distributed freely, provided that this notice is copied and distributed with it. # Disclaimer This database carries no warranty, expressed or implied. The user assumes all risks, known or unknown, direct or indirect, which involve this database in any way. In particular, the author of the database does not take any commitment in view of any possible third party rights.