#!/bin/sh # Written by Didier Spaier 2016 # Public domain TMP=$(mktemp -d) || exit 1 export TEXTDOMAIN=slint . gettext.sh dialog --title "`gettext "Select the default startup mode"`" --menu \ "`gettext 'Please choose the default startup mode: Console or Graphical. In Console mode, you log in and type your first command in a console. In this mode you can type "startx" to start the default desktop or windows manager, \ that you can also change typing "xwmconfig". In Graphical mode, you choose the desktop or windows manager, \ that will be started as soon as you are identified. The chosen setting will take effect at next boot. '`" 0 0 0 \ "Console" "`gettext "Start Linux in Console mode"`" \ "Graphical" "`gettext "Start Linux in Graphical mode"`" \ 2>$TMP/reply REPLY="$(cat $TMP/reply)" cp /etc/inittab /etc/inittab.save if [ "$REPLY" = "Console" ]; then sed "/:initdefault:/s/.*/id:3:initdefault:/" /etc/inittab.save > /etc/inittab fi if [ "$REPLY" = "Graphical" ]; then sed "/:initdefault:/s/.*/id:4:initdefault:/" /etc/inittab.save > /etc/inittab fi rm -f /etc/inittab.save rm -rf $TMP