speechd-el relies on brltty, emacs, and speech-dispatcher. To use speechd-el, add these lines at the top your ~/.emacs file: (setq speechd-out-active-drivers '(ssip )) (autoload 'speechd-speak "speechd-speak" nil t) (speechd-speak) Emacs should then begin to speak as soon as you start it. Alernatively, run as regular user this command: switch-on speechd-el This will disable emacspeak and include on top of ~/.emacs this line: (autoload 'speechd-speak "speechd-speak" nil t) You still have to append the other lines to ~/.emacs though. Thanks to Peter Vágner for the information, cf. https://pvagner.tk/2016/emacs-a11y-tip-1-introduction-and-how-to-install I quote below Peter on how he sets the voice he uses: -- quoted text begins For setting up the default voice you can alter the speechd-voices variable. I don't know enough elisp syntaks to come up with proposed changes my-self, however I have used M-x customize-group speechd and customized my default voice to sk there. This is what I've got... speechd-voices (quote ((nil (name . "male1") (rate . 80) (pitch . 0) (volume . 100) (language . "sk")))) This is the default voice and it applies to all content. Content meaning all the textual data in the editor where you have no language set (the default). Default emacs prompts are most likelly coming from emacs localization thus those strings already carry some information about its language. And speechd-el is applying such a language voice when passing these strings to speech-dispatcher for TTS. Perhaps there is a way to override this somehow forcing the default voice everywhere but I like it the way it's currently working thus I haven't looked into it. For changing voice and rate on the fly there are C-e d l and C-e d r key bindings or for rate even C-e 1 (slowest) to C-e 9 (fastest) presets. -- quoted text ended Didier Spaier didier~at~slint~dot~fr Last modified: 18 March 2019