#released under GNU GPL v 3 or at your option any later version #listen to a wifi audio stream from an android microphone using ipwebcam ip="" read -e -p"What is the wifi microphone's IP address? " -i $ip ip echo "Looking for the microphone, please wait" ping -c 3 $ip 2>&1 > /dev/null if test $? -ne 0 then echo "Could not connect to $ip, aboarting" exit 1 fi #host is up, does ipwebcam run? #test if $ip port 8080 is open nc -z $ip 8080 if test $? -ne 0 then echo "ipwebcam seems not to be running, aboarting" exit 1 fi echo "Press q to stop recording." mplayer -really-quiet -ao pcm:file=wifi.wav http://$ip:8080/audio.wav 2> /dev/null sox wifi.wav -c2 realtime.wav remix 1-1&&rm wifi.wav