Review of DAE digital audio editor To Do: - fix rewinding - add copyright - for less confusion between Python and Perl DAE, mv dae dae.perl or - problem when using python2.5 (no longer packaged) not finding pyeca. Solved forcing python2.6. Fix the dae script to invoke python, not python2.5 - problem using dae under a graphical console command prompt. The function keys F1 etc are not caught, all receive 0 or start another app. Add this to documentation, that DAE must be run from a non-graphical shell terminal environment. (e.g. ctrl-alt-2) - pickafile: line 52: getterm: command not found Known bugs: - mp3 not fully supported - ogg not fully supported Tests 1- play wav file PASS 2- dae without argument PASS (unknow created) 3- running from graphical console prompt (FAIL, catchkey) 4- preference directory ~/.kies/ 5- record on empty file (demo works but Python 1.6 fails) 6- insert from wav file (fails) System : lsb_release -a Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS Release: 10.04 Codename: lucid lshw -C processor,memory,display -short processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7500 memory 3528MiB System memory display Quadro NVS 140M Tests according to manual Outputs Problem 6 Problem: When recording (F10) or inserting from wav file (F11): DAE gets stuck Error Message: Exception AttributeError: "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'maxint'" in > ignored Suggestion: Probably a python 1.6 depreciation problem of the library Problem 5 Problem: It works but complains when writing block Error message: pyeca Respone Lengh Error, Received 23, expected for 0. Created new wav using gnome-sound-recorder Problem 2a Can't locate Audio/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/guillaume/dev/python/dae/blib/arch /home/guillaume/dev/python/dae/blib/lib /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at svnDAE/dae line 20. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at svnDAE/dae line 20. Solution 2a Do not run dae or ./dae from the root directory of DAE. The file named ./dae is the Perl version which is not founctional Instead, you must you The way to use is to add it to the PATH as dae. If you added the whole folder DAE to the path, then mv dae cp dae Otherwise, sudo cp /usr/bin/dae - Problem 2b Traceback (most recent call last): File "./dae", line 2, in from pyeca import * ImportError: No module named pyeca Solution 2b dae forces python2.5 which doesn't find the shared python libraries running dae with python 2.6 or your system default does it: python dae or python 2.6 dae or python import pyeca Check package python-ecasound2.2 is installed sudo apt-get install python-ecasound2.2 /usr/share/pyshared/ /usr/share/pyshared/ /usr/share/pyshared/ /usr/share/python-support/python-ecasound2.2.public exporting PYTHONPATH with the values from /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/.path works around that. sys.path.append("/path/to/markdown_parent") import markdown2 export PATH= PYTHONPATH Requirements: - Python 2.5 - ecasound Installation process 1. apt-get install ecasound 2. svn co DAE (locally) A svnDAE/ A svnDAE/audioeditor.txt A svnDAE/pickafile A svnDAE/Term-Screen-1.03.tar.gz A svnDAE/Audio-Ecasound-0.9.tar.gz A svnDAE/dae A svnDAE/Term-Screen-ReadLine-0.33.tar.gz A svnDAE/catchkey A svnDAE/README 3. Python 4. Copy catchkey and pickafile into your exec path export PATH=YourAbsolutePathToDAE:$PATH if in directory: export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH Using Dae dae sound.wav Problem 3 Running DAE from a graphical console Solution 3 Disactivate / Reassign keyboard shortcuts for the terminal console Problem4 pickafile: line 52: getterm: command not found cannot cancel Problem 1 0 inactive here Solution 1 catchkey doesn't work