SOPS — Simple Orca Plugin System =================================== SOPS provides a simple way to write custom plugins for screen reader Orca. It requires Orca to be installed. Documentation And Usage ----------------------- For usage in Slint, cf. the web page usage.html alongside this one. The full documentation can be found in the Arch wiki at Ignore the Installation paragraph as SOPS is already installed in your Slint system if you read this file. Uninstallation -------------- - Type as root: removepkg sops - remove user-local installation: rm -r ~/.config/SOPS # remove the userplugins and the configuration - remove the following section from file `~/.local/share/orca/` : ```python # Start SimpleOrcaPluginLoader DO NOT TOUCH! import os import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('SimplePluginLoader', os.path.expanduser('~')+'/.config/SOPS/') SimplePluginLoaderModule = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(SimplePluginLoaderModule) # End SimpleOrcaPluginLoader DO NOT TOUCH! ```