This is a collection of Atari 8-bit related utilities I've written for or ported to Linux. They should be usable as-is on other UNIX-like systems, including Cygwin for MS-Windows. a8cat - Convert Atari 8-bit text to/from UTF-8 encoded Unicode or plain text. a8diff - Show differences between two Atari ATASCII text files. a8eol - Convert Atari 8-bit text files to/from UNIX / DOS / Mac Classic text file format. a8xd - ATASCII and Unicode aware hex dump. atr2xfd - Convert an Atari 8-bit ATR disk image to a raw (XFD) image. atrcheck - Check an Atari 8-bit ATR disk image for various types of problems. atrsize - Change the size of an Atari 8-bit ATR disk image, or create a blank ATR image. axe - ATR/XFD Editor. Copy files into & out of ATR and XFD images, create blank ATR images, etc. bas2aplus - Convert Atari BASIC (and some BASIC XL/XE) programs to BASIC/A+. blob2c - Create C source and header files from a binary file. blob2xex - Create a XEX file from arbitrary data. cart2rom - Convert an Atari800 CART image to a raw ROM image. cart2xex - Convert an Atari 8-bit ROM cartridge image to a binary load (XEX) file. cxrefbas - Code cross-reference for tokenized Atari 8-bit BASIC files. dasm2atasm - Convert 6502 assembly in DASM syntax to ATASM (or MAC/65) format. diffbas - Show differences between two tokenized Atari 8-bit BASIC files. dumpbas - Formatted hexdump for tokenized Atari 8-bit BASIC files. fenders - Install Fenders 3-sector loader in boot sectors of an ATR image. listamsb - Detokenize (LIST) Atari Microsoft BASIC programs. listbas - Detokenize (LIST) Atari 8-bit BASIC programs. protbas - LIST-protect Atari 8-bit BASIC programs. renumbas - Renumber Atari 8-bit BASIC programs. rom2cart - Convert a raw Atari 8-bit cartridge ROM image to a CART image for use with emulators such as Atari800. unmac65 - Detokenize Atari 8-bit Mac/65 SAVEd files. vxrefbas - Variable cross-reference for tokenized Atari 8-bit BASIC files. unprotbas - Unprotect LIST-protected BASIC programs. whichbas - Examine a BASIC program, decide whether it's Atari BASIC, Turbo BASIC, BASIC XL, BASIC XE, or Atari Microsoft BASIC. xex1to2 - Convert an Atari DOS 1.0 executable into a standard XEX file. xexamine - Show information on XEX files. xexcat - Concatenate Atari 8-bit executables (XEX) into a single XEX file. xexsplit - Split a multi-segment Atari 8-bit executable (XEX) into multiple single-segment files. xfd2atr - Convert an Atari 8-bit XFD (raw) disk image to an ATR image. All are written in C, except dasm2atasm which is written in Perl and diffbas which is a shell script. All utilities have man pages. Also included: - "", a 6502 assembly header file that defines the Atari 8-bit system equates. It's meant to be used with either the DASM or ATASM 6502 cross assemblers. - Collections of utilities by Ken Siders and Jindrich Kubec. See the README.txt files in the ksiders/ and jindroush/ directories for details. - X11 and Linux console fonts composed of glyphs taken from various versions of the Atari XL/XE ROMs. The font family is "Fauxtari"; see fauxtari(7) or fauxtari.rst for details. To install, use the standard "make && make install" process. The default prefix for installation is /usr/local. GNU make is required, so use "gmake" if you're on e.g. FreeBSD. You may use "make install PREFIX=/somewhere/else" to install somewhere other than /usr/local. Binaries will be installed to $PREFIX/bin, man pages to $PREFIX/share/man/man1, and other documentation (including to $PREFIX/share/doc/bw-atari8-tools. You also may use BINDIR, MANDIR, MAN1DIR, and DOCDIR to explicitly set the installation paths. Man pages are compressed with gzip by default. If your system does not support gzipped man pages, try "make install GZIP_MAN=n". If you're creating a distribution package (RPM, deb, Slackware tgz), use "make install PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=/tmp/whatever". This will build everything for use in /usr, but actually install everything to /tmp/whatever/usr, which can then be archived in whichever package format you're using. blob2c is not actually Atari-specific: it could be useful for any project where the contents of a file need to be compiled as an unsigned char array in a C program. dasm2atasm is not Atari-specific, since the DASM and ATASM cross assemblers can be used to develop code for any 6502-based platform (though ATASM does have some nice extra features for the Atari 8-bit). DASM supports several other CPUs besides the 6502, but dasm2atasm only works with 6502 code. The latest version of bw-atari8-tools can always be found at -- B. Watson <>; Urchlay on ##atari.