diff options
authorB. Watson <urchlay@slackware.uk>2025-03-04 19:02:01 -0500
committerB. Watson <urchlay@slackware.uk>2025-03-04 19:02:01 -0500
commit4f48e0900084945f687ea0cb7643a7fcd84690ae (patch)
parent1eb3f57437062efaee684fe7b91d9899f9359044 (diff)
listamsb: use list_*() functions.
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/listamsb.c b/listamsb.c
index 06b8277..281e075 100644
--- a/listamsb.c
+++ b/listamsb.c
@@ -266,16 +266,22 @@ void list_char(unsigned char c) {
void list_token(unsigned char c) {
- if(printing) fputs(std_tokens[byte - MIN_STD_TOK], outfile);
+ if(printing) fputs(std_tokens[c - MIN_STD_TOK], outfile);
void list_ext_token(unsigned char c) {
- if(printing) fputs(ext_tokens[byte - MIN_EXT_TOK], outfile);
+ if(printing) fputs(ext_tokens[c - MIN_EXT_TOK], outfile);
void list_lineno(int l) {
/* note that AMSB always puts a space after the line number in LIST */
- if(printing) fprintf(outfile, "%d ", lineno);
+ if(printing) fprintf(outfile, "%d ", l);
+void start_listing(void) {
+ /* AMSB always prints a blank line when it LISTs, so we do, too.
+ unless it's disabled with -n, of course. */
+ if(initial_eol) fputc(EOL, outfile);
/* meat and potatoes. does the actual detokenizing. gets called once
@@ -323,19 +329,17 @@ int next_line(void) {
warn("line number out range (%d > %d)", lineno, MAX_LINENO);
- /* AMSB always prints a blank line when it LISTs, so we do too. */
- if(initial_eol && (last_lineno == -1)) fputc(EOL, outfile);
last_lineno = lineno;
- if(printing) fprintf(outfile, "%d ", lineno);
+ list_lineno(lineno);
- was_ff = 0;
- was_colon = 0;
- in_string = 0;
+ was_ff = 0;
+ was_colon = 0;
+ in_string = 0;
in_comment = 0;
- /* walk and print the tokens. when we hit a null byte, we're done. */
+ /* walk and print the tokens. when we hit a null byte, break out of the
+ loop, we're done with this line. */
while(1) {
byte = read_prog_byte();
@@ -348,43 +352,42 @@ int next_line(void) {
/* pipe is how AMSB stores the closing quote. end the string
but not the line of code, and print a " character. */
in_string = 0;
- if(printing) fputc('"', outfile);
+ list_char('"');
} else {
/* normal string character. */
- if(printing) {
- fputc(byte, outfile);
- /* one " character embedded in a string gets printed as "" */
- if(byte == '"') fputc(byte, outfile);
- }
+ list_char(byte);
+ /* one " character embedded in a string gets printed as "" */
+ if(byte == '"') list_char(byte);
} else if(in_comment) {
/* null byte ends both the comment and the line of code. */
if(byte == 0x00) break;
- if(printing) fputc(byte, outfile);
+ list_char(byte);
if(was_colon) {
if(byte != TOK_SQUOTE && byte != TOK_BANG && byte != TOK_ELSE) {
- if(printing) fputc(':', outfile);
+ list_char(':');
was_colon = 0;
if(byte == ':') {
- /* don't print the colon if the next token is a ! or ' for a comment */
+ /* statement separator. don't print the colon yet, the next token
+ might be a ! or ' for a comment */
was_colon = 1;
} else if(byte == '"') {
- /* strings start but *don't end* with a double-quote */
+ /* begin string. strings start but *don't end* with a double-quote */
in_string = 1;
- if(printing) fputc(byte, outfile);
+ list_char(byte);
} else if(was_ff) {
/* previous token was $ff, so this is a function token */
if(byte >= MIN_EXT_TOK && byte <= MAX_EXT_TOK) {
- if(printing) fputs(ext_tokens[byte - MIN_EXT_TOK], outfile);
+ list_ext_token(byte);
} else {
- if(printing) unknown_token(byte, 1);
+ unknown_token(byte, 1);
warn("unknown extended token $ff $%02x at line %d", byte, lineno);
was_ff = 0;
@@ -393,12 +396,12 @@ int next_line(void) {
was_ff = 1;
} else if(byte >= MIN_STD_TOK && byte <= MAX_STD_TOK) {
/* statement token */
- if(printing) fputs(std_tokens[byte - MIN_STD_TOK], outfile);
+ list_token(byte);
if(byte == TOK_SQUOTE || byte == TOK_BANG || byte == TOK_REM)
in_comment = 1;
} else if(byte >= 0x80) {
/* invalid token */
- if(printing) unknown_token(byte, 0);
+ unknown_token(byte, 0);
warn("unknown token $%02x at line %d", byte, lineno);
} else {
/* null byte means the line of code is done */
@@ -408,7 +411,7 @@ int next_line(void) {
warn("line %d has character %d outside of a string, maybe Atari BASIC?",
lineno, byte);
- if(printing) fputc(byte, outfile);
+ list_char(byte);
@@ -434,7 +437,7 @@ int next_line(void) {
last_ptr = ptr;
- if(printing) fputc(EOL, outfile);
+ list_char(EOL);
return 1;
@@ -608,6 +611,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
exit(0); /* don't need finish() here, no parsing done */
+ start_listing();