path: root/AMSB.txt
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authorB. Watson <urchlay@slackware.uk>2025-02-27 15:49:23 -0500
committerB. Watson <urchlay@slackware.uk>2025-02-27 15:49:23 -0500
commitc7626ec0bebd342b8016356dd1a7b0905389f573 (patch)
treed8a34e6e55b51168486655207235ee7e7e5f1590 /AMSB.txt
parentd5beb09c8a396fe906dd680cd7154c6c4e0d9909 (diff)
AMSB.txt: added.
Diffstat (limited to 'AMSB.txt')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/AMSB.txt b/AMSB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa83799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AMSB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+Atari Microsoft BASIC Notes
+AMSB is actually a pretty cool BASIC for the Atari 8-bit. I never
+got the chance to use it 'back in the day' because it was expensive,
+required a floppy drive and at least 32K of RAM (my poor 400 had a
+tape drive for the first few years), and then later on, there was
+Turbo BASIC XL, which was just as cool as AMSB, but freeware.
+This file is a collection of notes I made to myself while developing
+listamsb. The information here might be useful (e.g. if you're trying
+to repair a damaged AMSB file) and hopefully is interesting. Enjoy!
+ -- B. Watson <urchlay@slackware.uk>
+Tokenized file format
+3-byte header:
+offset | purpose
+ 0 | 0 for a normal program, 1 for LOCKed (encrypted).
+ 1 | LSB, program length, not counting the 3-byte header...
+ 2 | MSB, " "
+The program length should always be the actual file size minus 3. If
+it's not, the file has either been truncated or had junk added to the
+end. In a LOCKed program, the program length bytes are not encrypted.
+After the header, the lines of code (encrypted, for LOCKed programs).
+each line has a 4-byte header:
+offset | purpose
+ 0 | LSB, address of the last byte of this line...
+ 1 | MSB, address ...which is ignored on LOAD!
+ 2 | LSB of line number
+ 3 | MSB " " "
+The rest of the line is the tokens, terminated by a $00 byte. The
+next 2 bytes after the $00 is the last-byte offset of the next line.
+The last "line" of the program has a $0000 offset, which indicates the
+end of the program. Since the actual last line ends with a $00, that
+means there will be three $00 bytes in a row as the last 3 bytes of
+the file. And that's the *only* place 3 $00's in a row will occur.
+Tokenization is "lightweight": there are no tokenized numerics,
+they're just stored as ASCII characters, as typed. There's no "string
+constant follows" token like there is in Atari BASIC (well, there is,
+it's just a double-quote, $22. There's no length byte). Variable names
+are not tokenized, either, they're just stored as-is (name in ASCII,
+including trailing $ for strings, etc).
+In fact the only things that are tokenized are BASIC keywords:
+commands and functions... NOT including user functions defined
+with DEF (those are stored as just the ASCII function name, like
+There are 2 sets of tokens. One set is single-byte, $80 and up.
+These are commands. The other set is functions, which are 2 bytes:
+$FF followed by the token number. See amsbtok.h in the source for the
+actual tokens.
+AMSB saves the end-of-line pointers, but it totally ignores them
+on LOAD. The SAVEd file format does *not* have a load address (as e.g.
+Commodore BASIC does), so there's no way to know the address of the
+start of the program (other than counting backwards from the next line,
+since its address is known). It's not just a constant either: it
+depends on what MEMLO was set to when the program was saved (which varies
+depending on what version of AMSB you have, what DOS you boot, whether
+or not you have the R: device driver loaded, etc etc).
+String Limitations
+String literals in AMSB cannot contain the | or ATASCII heart
+AMSB uses | as a terminator for quoted strings, e.g. "STRING" will
+be tokenized as: "STRING|
+If you try to use a | in a quoted string, it gets turned into a double
+quote: "FOO|BAR" comes out as "FOO"BAR which is a syntax error!
+String variables can store | but only with e.g. CHR$(124) or reading
+from a file: it's string *literals* that don't allow it.
+The reason | is used for a terminating quote is to allow doubling up
+the quotes to embed them in a string:
+A$ = "HAS ""QUOTES"""
+PRINT A$ will print: HAS "QUOTES"
+At first I thought "no pipe characters in strings, WTF man?" but it's
+probably no worse than Atari BASIC's "no quotes in strings constants"
+rule. It *would* be nice if the AMSB manual actually documented the
+fact that | can't occur in a string constant. Not documenting it makes
+it a bug... and they have unused tokens in the $Fx range, I don't see
+why they had to use a printing character for this.
+You also can't put a heart (ATASCII character 0) in a string
+literal. It will be treated as the end of the line, as though you
+pressed Enter (and anything else on the line is ignored). This isn't
+documented in the manual, either.
+Like the | character, you can use CHR$(0) to store a heart in a string
+and it will work correctly.
+Differences Between Versions
+The language is the same in AMSB versions 1 and 2. Tokenized files
+made by one version will LOAD and RUN in the other version.
+Version 1, the disk version, always has the full set of commands
+avaiable. Version 2, the cart, only has the full set if the extension
+disk is booted. The missing ones still get tokenized, but you get SN
+ERROR at runtime if you try to execute them. This doesn't affect the
+detokenizer at all. The missing commands:
+DEF (the string version; numeric is still present)
+STRING$ (function, not a command)
+RENUM only works in direct mode, not a program. Executing it
+AUTO is (oddly) allowed in a program. Executing it exits the program
+and puts you back in the editor, in auto-numbering mode.
+It would seem weird to have POINT available but not NOTE... except
+that AMSB doesn't even *have* POINT. Instead, the disk addresses
+returned by NOTE are used with AT() in a PRINT statement. Not sure
+if AT() works without the extensions loaded, but it won't be useful
+anyway without NOTE.
+Comment Tokenization
+AMSB allows comments to be started with the ! and ' characters (as
+well as the traditional REM). For the ! and ' variety, if they
+come at the end of a line after some code, you don't have to put a colon.
+However... in the tokenized format, there *is* a tokenized colon
+just before the tokenized ! or ' character. LIST doesn't display it.
+If you did put a colon:
+...then there will be *two* colons in the tokenized file, and only
+one will be LISTed.
+Memory Usage
+On a 48K/64K Atari, FRE(0) for AMSB 1 with DOS booted (since you can't
+use it without) but no device drivers is 21020. MEMLO is awfully high
+For AMSB 2 with DOS booted, but without the extensions loaded, FRE(0)
+is 24352. With extensions it's 20642 (even though the banner says 20644
+AMSB 2 without DOS gives you 29980, but how are you gonna load or save
+programs without DOS? Nobody wants to use cassette, especially not
+people who could afford to buy the AMSB II cartridge.
+LOCKed Programs
+If you save a program with SAVE "filename" LOCK, it gets saved in an
+"encrypted" form. Loading a locked program disbles the LISTing or
+editing the program (you get LK ERROR if you try).
+The "encryption" is no better than ROT13. To encrypt, subtract each
+byte from 0x54 (in an 8-bit register, using twos complement). To
+decrypt, do the same.
+You can tell a LOCKed program because its first byte will be 1 instead
+of 0. The next 2 bytes (the program length) unencrypted. The rest of
+the file is encrypted with the lame scheme described above.
+When AMSB has a LOCKed program loaded into memory, it's *not* stored
+encrypted in RAM. It would be perfectly possible to write BASIC code
+using direct mode to write the tokenized program out to disk. The
+program starts at MEMLO and extends up to the first occurrence of
+three $00 bytes. The hardest part of this would be generating the
+header using only direct-mode BASIC statements (but it could be done).
+However... there's no need to do that. AMSB has a flag that tells it
+whether or not the currently-loaded program is LOCKed. You can just
+clear the flag:
+POKE 168,0
+Now AMSB won't consider the program LOCKed, and you can SAVE a regular
+copy of it (and LIST, edit, etc).
+Line Length Limit
+In the editor, after a POKE 82,0 (to set the left margin to 0), you
+can enter 120 characters (3 screen lines) on a logical line. If you
+enter a program line that way *without* a space after the line number,
+then LIST it, it will be 121 characters long, because AMSB will
+display a space after the line number.
+If you use a text editor (or write a program) to create an untokenized
+BASIC program, you can have a line of code that's 125 characters
+long. AMSB will accept it just fine, with LOAD. If a line is 126
+characters or longer, AMSB will silently ignore that line when
+If you create a 125-character line (with a text editor) consisting
+only of a comment that begins with ! or ', without a space after the
+line number, LOAD it, then SAVE it, that line will be 129 bytes long
+in tokenized form. AMSB will LOAD it with no problems.
+If you hex-edit a SAVEd file to create a longer line, AMSB will
+accept that, too... up to 255 bytes. At 256 bytes, AMSB will lock
+up after LOAD.