path: root/jindroush/chkbas/chkbas.cpp
diff options
authorB. Watson <urchlay@slackware.uk>2024-05-16 01:43:09 -0400
committerB. Watson <urchlay@slackware.uk>2024-05-16 01:43:09 -0400
commita4cc3ad3504d634e379369862c9f9fd8eed379f3 (patch)
tree7b6f55c352a4ca62dddaa1b4a6854799111d2d2f /jindroush/chkbas/chkbas.cpp
parentb33c25d1363110e6e4a714530f460b0ff951f56b (diff)
Add Jindrich Kubec's tools.
Diffstat (limited to 'jindroush/chkbas/chkbas.cpp')
1 files changed, 1009 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jindroush/chkbas/chkbas.cpp b/jindroush/chkbas/chkbas.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1ad505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jindroush/chkbas/chkbas.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1009 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include "jintypes.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "carray.h"
+#include "cfile.h"
+#include "pub.def"
+#include "basic.h"
+#include "basic_tb.h"
+#include "basic_xl.h"
+#include "basic_xe.h"
+extern void strlwr(char *);
+typedef enum
+ BASIC = 0, //standard basic
+ BASIC_TB = 1, //Turbo Basic
+ BASIC_XL = 2, //OSS Basic XL
+ BASIC_XE = 3, //OSS Basic XE
+ BASIC_XEX = 4 //OSS Basic XE in extended mode
+typedef struct
+ char** ppCommands; //array of commands
+ char** ppOperands; //array of operands
+ int iCmdNum; //number of commands
+ int iOpNum; //number of operands
+ int iOpFirst; //first operand
+LANGDESC langtbl[] =
+ { aCmdsBasic, aOpsBasic, BASIC_CMD_NUM, BASIC_OPS_NUM, 0x0E },
+ { aCmdsTBasic, aOpsTBasic, TBASIC_CMD_NUM, TBASIC_OPS_NUM, 0x0D },
+ { aCmdsBasicXl, aOpsBasicXl, BASICXL_CMD_NUM, BASICXL_OPS_NUM, 0x0D },
+ { aCmdsBasicXe, aOpsBasicXe, BASICXE_CMD_NUM, BASICXE_OPS_NUM, 0x0D },
+ { aCmdsBasicXe, aOpsBasicXe, BASICXE_CMD_NUM, BASICXE_OPS_NUM, 0x0D },
+#define OP_NHCONST 0x0D
+#define OP_NCONST 0x0E
+#define OP_SCONST 0x0F
+#define OP_EOL 0x16
+#define VART_SCALAR 0x00
+#define VART_ARRAYU 0x40
+#define VART_ARRAY 0x41
+#define VART_STRINGU 0x80
+#define VART_STRING 0x81
+#define VART_STRINGAU 0x90
+#define VART_STRINGA 0x91
+#define VART_PROC 0xC1
+#define VART_LABEL 0xC2
+ PRG_DESC "\n" \
+ " Latest version can be found at " PRG_URL "\n" \
+ " Published under GPL. See GPL.TXT.\n" \
+ " Thanks to Russ Gilbert for his SALVAGE programs.\n\n"
+#define USAGE HEADER "Usage: " PRG_NAME " " PRG_USAGE
+BOOL GenCode( CFile* pcf, DWORD dwStart, DWORD dwEnd );
+BOOL GenLineCode( CFile* pcf, DWORD dwEnd );
+BOOL GenCmdCode( CFile* pcf, DWORD dwLineStart, DWORD dwLineEnd );
+BOOL GenOpsCode( CFile* pcf, DWORD dwTokEnd );
+double ReadAtariBCD( CFile* pcf );
+BOOL Vars_Load( CFile* pcf, WORD wVNT, WORD wVNTL, WORD wVVT, WORD NV );
+void Var_Get( char* szRet, int iNum );
+void Vars_Destroy();
+FILE* g_fout = NULL;
+CArray g_aVariables; //array of variables
+BOOL g_bVerbose = FALSE; //verbose output
+BOOL g_bAtariOut = FALSE; //atari output
+BOOL g_bExtOut = TRUE; //extended output
+BOOL g_bHasErrors = FALSE; //decode error flag
+BOOL g_bNoInverse = FALSE; //don't emit inverse
+BASIC_TYPE g_Type = BASIC; //basic type. Default is Atari Basic
+char** g_aBasicCmds; //array of commands
+char** g_aBasicOps; //array of operands
+int g_iCmdNum; //number of commands
+int g_iOpsNum; //number of operands
+int g_iOpFirst; //first operand
+#include "switches.cpp"
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+ setbuf( stdout, NULL );
+ setbuf( stderr, NULL );
+ if ( !SWITCHES_Init( &argc, argv ) )
+ return 1;
+ if(strstr(argv[0], "listbas"))
+ g_bExtOut = FALSE;
+ if ( argc < 2 )
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( g_bExtOut )
+ fprintf( stderr, SHEADER "\n" );
+ else
+ fprintf( stderr, HEADER );
+ char* szInfile = argv[ 1 ];
+ char* szOutfile = NULL;
+ if ( argc > 2 )
+ szOutfile = argv[ 2 ];
+ CFile cf;
+ if ( !cf.Open( szInfile ) )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Can't open input file '%s'\n", szInfile );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( szOutfile )
+ {
+ if( g_bAtariOut )
+ g_fout = fopen( szOutfile, "wb" ); //opening as binary because of
+ //atascii
+ else
+ g_fout = fopen( szOutfile, "wt" );
+ }
+ if ( !g_fout )
+ g_fout = stdout;
+ //Don't emit additional info if you are in Atari mode
+ if ( g_bAtariOut )
+ g_bExtOut = FALSE;
+ if ( g_bExtOut )
+ {
+ fprintf( g_fout, HEADER );
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Input file: %s\n\n", szInfile );
+ }
+ //initialize globals depending on language set
+ g_aBasicCmds = langtbl[ g_Type ].ppCommands;
+ g_aBasicOps = langtbl[ g_Type ].ppOperands;
+ g_iCmdNum = langtbl[ g_Type ].iCmdNum;
+ g_iOpsNum = langtbl[ g_Type ].iOpNum;
+ g_iOpFirst = langtbl[ g_Type ].iOpFirst;
+ DWORD dwFileLen = cf.GetLength();
+ //read head
+ WORD wLOMEM = cf.readLEw();
+ WORD wVNT = cf.readLEw();
+ WORD wVNTE = cf.readLEw();
+ WORD wVVT = cf.readLEw();
+ WORD wSTMTAB = cf.readLEw();
+ WORD wSTMCUR = cf.readLEw();
+ WORD wSTARP = cf.readLEw();
+ if( ( wLOMEM == 0x00DD ) && ( g_Type == BASIC_XE ) )
+ {
+ //extended mode of Basic XE
+ wLOMEM = 0;
+ g_Type = BASIC_XEX;
+ }
+ WORD wCOR = wVNT - wLOMEM - 0x0E;
+ wVNT -= wCOR;
+ wVNTE -= wCOR;
+ wVVT -= wCOR;
+ wSTMTAB -= wCOR;
+ wSTMCUR -= wCOR;
+ wSTARP -= wCOR;
+ WORD wVNTL = wVNTE - wVNT + 1;
+ WORD wVVTL = wVVTE - wVVT + 1;
+ WORD NV = wVVTL / 8;
+ WORD wCodeLen = wSTMCUR - wSTMTAB;
+ WORD wCodeLenCur = wSTARP - wSTMCUR;
+ long lLenDiff = (long)dwFileLen - (long)wSTARP;
+ if ( g_bExtOut )
+ {
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Constants & pointers:\n" );
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Start of Name Table (VNT) : %04X\n", wVNT );
+ fprintf( g_fout, "End of Name Table (VNTE) : %04X\n", wVNTE );
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Lenght of Name Table (VNTL) : %04X\n", wVNTL );
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Start of Variable Table (VVT) : %04X\n", wVVT );
+ fprintf( g_fout, "End of Variable Table (VVTE) : %04X\n", wVVTE );
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Length of Variable Table (VVTL) : %04X\n", wVVTL );
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Number of Variables (NV) : %04X\n", NV );
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Start of Code (STMTAB): %04X\n", wSTMTAB );
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Length of Code : %04X\n", wCodeLen );
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Current command (STMCUR): %04X\n", wSTMCUR );
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Length of current command : %04X\n", wCodeLenCur );
+ fprintf( g_fout, "First byte after program (STARP) : %04X\n", wSTARP );
+ if( g_Type != BASIC_XEX )
+ {
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Length of file : %04lX\n", dwFileLen );
+ fprintf( g_fout, "File len difference : %08lX\n", (DWORD)lLenDiff );
+ }
+ fputc( '\n', g_fout );
+ }
+ //records must be 8 bytes long
+ if ( NV * 8 != wVVTL )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Variable Table Length Mismatch!\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( lLenDiff <0 )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "File Length Incorrect!\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( !Vars_Load( &cf, wVNT, wVNTL, wVVT, NV ) )
+ return 1;
+ if ( g_bExtOut )
+ {
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Main code starts here:\n" );
+ }
+ GenCode( &cf, wSTMTAB, wSTMCUR );
+ if ( g_bExtOut )
+ {
+ fputc( '\n', g_fout );
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Immediate code starts here:\n" );
+ GenCode( &cf, wSTMCUR, wSTARP );
+ fputc( '\n', g_fout );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cf.Seek( wSTARP, SEEK_SET );
+ }
+ //if extended mode of Basic XE
+ if( g_Type == BASIC_XEX )
+ {
+ //code is stored in 4 extended memory banks
+ for( int iBank = 0; iBank < 4; iBank++ )
+ {
+ //read the end of code in bank
+ WORD wLen = cf.readLEw();
+ //because bank starts at 0x4000, the value must be GE
+ if( wLen < 0x4000 )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Bank end too low! %04X\n", wLen );
+ g_bHasErrors = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ wLen -= 0x4000;
+ if ( g_bExtOut )
+ {
+ fprintf( g_fout, "\nBank %d code:\n", iBank );
+ }
+ if ( wLen )
+ {
+ //if we have anything to process, we do so
+ long lNow = cf.Tell();
+ GenCode( &cf, lNow, lNow + wLen );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //else we skip one byte (error in BXE?) in empty bank
+ cf.skip( 1 );
+ }
+ if ( g_bExtOut )
+ {
+ fputc( '\n', g_fout );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cf.Close();
+ if ( g_bHasErrors )
+ fprintf( stderr, "File may contain some errors!\n" );
+ if ( g_fout != stdout )
+ fclose( g_fout );
+ fprintf( stderr, "Done!\n" );
+ Vars_Destroy();
+ return 0;
+BOOL GenCode( CFile* pcf, DWORD dwStart, DWORD dwEnd )
+ pcf->Seek( dwStart, SEEK_SET );
+ //going thru the bank
+ while( pcf->Tell() < (long)dwEnd )
+ {
+ //generating line
+ if ( !GenLineCode( pcf, dwEnd ) )
+ {
+ g_bHasErrors = TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //output the correct line terminator
+ if ( g_bAtariOut )
+ fputc( 0x9B, g_fout );
+ else
+ fputc( '\n', g_fout );
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL GenLineCode( CFile* pcf, DWORD dwEnd )
+ DWORD dwLineStart = pcf->Tell();
+ //some debug info
+ if ( g_bVerbose )
+ fprintf( g_fout, "[O:%08lX]", dwLineStart );
+ //line number
+ WORD wLineNum = pcf->readLEw();
+ //end of line
+ BYTE btLEnd = pcf->readb();
+ DWORD dwLineEnd = dwLineStart + btLEnd;
+ //don't print immediate line in BASIC XE extended (already filtered in
+ // other versions
+ if( g_Type == BASIC_XEX )
+ {
+ if( wLineNum == 0x8000 )
+ {
+ pcf->Seek( dwLineEnd, SEEK_SET );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf( g_fout, "%d ", wLineNum );
+ if ( g_bVerbose )
+ {
+ fprintf( g_fout, "[S:%04lX E:%04lX]", dwLineStart, dwLineEnd );
+ }
+ //if the line goes the end of buffer, croak
+ if ( ( dwLineStart > dwEnd ) || ( dwLineEnd > dwEnd ) )
+ {
+ fprintf( g_fout, "***Line size mismatch. (%04lX-%04lX)\n", dwLineEnd, dwEnd );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //and generate the output for commands
+ while( pcf->Tell() < (long)dwLineEnd )
+ {
+ if ( !GenCmdCode( pcf, dwLineStart, dwLineEnd ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL GenCmdCode( CFile* pcf, DWORD dwLineStart, DWORD dwLineEnd )
+ //end of token
+ BYTE btTEnd = pcf->readb();
+ DWORD dwTokStart = pcf->Tell();
+ DWORD dwTokEnd = dwLineStart + btTEnd;
+ if ( g_bVerbose )
+ {
+ fprintf( g_fout, "[C:%04lX E:%04lX]", dwTokStart, dwTokEnd );
+ }
+ //could this ever happen?
+ if ( dwTokStart >= dwTokEnd )
+ {
+ fprintf( g_fout, "***Command size problem!\n" );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //if token goes behind the eol
+ if ( dwTokEnd > dwLineEnd )
+ {
+ fprintf( g_fout, "***Command size mismatch. (%04lX-%04lX)\n", dwTokEnd, dwLineEnd );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //which token
+ BYTE btTok = pcf->readb();
+ //token buffer
+ char szTok[ 50 ];
+ //if known token
+ if ( btTok < g_iCmdNum )
+ {
+ //sub table for BXL extended commands
+ if( ( btTok == BXL_EXTEND ) && ( g_Type == BASIC_XL ) )
+ {
+ BYTE btTok = pcf->readb();
+ switch( btTok )
+ {
+ case 0x10:
+ strcpy( szTok, "LOCAL" );
+ break;
+ case 0x11:
+ strcpy( szTok, "EXIT" );
+ break;
+ case 0x12:
+ strcpy( szTok, "PROCEDURE" );
+ break;
+ case 0x13:
+ strcpy( szTok, "CALL" );
+ break;
+ case 0x14:
+ strcpy( szTok, "SORTUP" );
+ break;
+ case 0x15:
+ strcpy( szTok, "SORTDOWN" );
+ break;
+ default:
+ sprintf( szTok, "EXTEND?%02X", btTok );
+ g_bHasErrors = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ strcpy( szTok, g_aBasicCmds[ btTok ] );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf( szTok, "COM%02X", btTok );
+ fprintf( stderr, "Unknown command %02X!!!\n", btTok );
+ g_bHasErrors = TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( *szTok )
+ {
+ //lower case for some dialects
+ if( ( g_Type == BASIC_XL ) || ( g_Type == BASIC_XE ) || ( g_Type == BASIC_XEX ) )
+ {
+ strlwr( szTok + 1 );
+ }
+ fprintf( g_fout, "%s ", szTok );
+ }
+ //special handling for REM & DATA (first two statements)
+ if ( btTok < 2 )
+ {
+ BYTE c;
+ int iSecure = 0x100;
+ for( ;; )
+ {
+ c = pcf->readb();
+ if ( c == 0x9B )
+ break;
+ if ( g_bNoInverse )
+ c &= 0x7F;
+ fputc( c, g_fout );
+ iSecure--;
+ if( !iSecure )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Runaway in Rem/Data code!\n" );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ //generate operands for remain of command
+ while( pcf->Tell() < (long)dwTokEnd )
+ {
+ if ( !GenOpsCode( pcf, dwTokEnd ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL GenOpsCode( CFile* pcf, DWORD dwTokEnd )
+ //get operand
+ BYTE btTok = pcf->readb();
+ if ( btTok == OP_EOL )
+ {
+ //new line
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( btTok == OP_NCONST )
+ {
+ //bcd num
+ fprintf( g_fout, "%.10g", ReadAtariBCD( pcf ) );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( btTok == OP_NHCONST )
+ {
+ if ( g_Type == BASIC_TB )
+ {
+ //hex num TBASIC
+ fprintf( g_fout, "$%X", (unsigned short)ReadAtariBCD( pcf ) );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if( ( g_Type == BASIC_XL ) || ( g_Type == BASIC_XE ) || ( g_Type == BASIC_XEX ) )
+ {
+ //hex num BASIC XL
+ WORD wNum = (unsigned short)ReadAtariBCD( pcf );
+ if( wNum > 0xFF )
+ fprintf( g_fout, "$%04X", wNum );
+ else
+ fprintf( g_fout, "$%02X", wNum );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( btTok == OP_SCONST )
+ {
+ //string
+ BYTE c;
+ BYTE btLen = pcf->readb();
+ fprintf( g_fout, "\"" );
+ while( btLen-- )
+ {
+ c = pcf->readb();
+ if ( c == 0x9B )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ //is this for TBASIC only?
+ if ( c == '\"' )
+ {
+ fprintf( g_fout, "\"\"" );
+ }
+ else
+ fputc( c, g_fout );
+ }
+ fprintf( g_fout, "\"" );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ //and now for variables
+ if ( btTok & 0x80 )
+ {
+ char szPom[ 255 ];
+ Var_Get( szPom, btTok & 0x7F );
+ if( ( g_Type == BASIC_XL ) || ( g_Type == BASIC_XE ) || ( g_Type == BASIC_XEX ) )
+ {
+ strlwr( szPom + 1 );
+ }
+ fprintf( g_fout, szPom );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ //func or op
+ if ( ( btTok < g_iOpFirst ) || ( btTok - g_iOpFirst + 1 > (BYTE)g_iOpsNum ) )
+ {
+ fprintf( g_fout, "UNKOP%02X", btTok );
+ fprintf( stderr, "Unknown operand %02X!!!\n", btTok );
+ g_bHasErrors = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char szPom[ 100 ];
+ strcpy( szPom, g_aBasicOps[ btTok - g_iOpFirst ] );
+ if( ( g_Type == BASIC_XL ) || ( g_Type == BASIC_XE ) || ( g_Type == BASIC_XEX ) )
+ {
+ strlwr( szPom + 1 );
+ }
+ fprintf( g_fout, "%s", szPom );
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+//code for reading Atari BCD format
+double ReadAtariBCD( CFile* pcf )
+ double dRes = 0;
+ //reads exponent
+ BYTE btExp = pcf->readb();
+ int iExp;
+ if ( !btExp )
+ {
+ //if Exp==0, we're skipping it! (silently!)
+ iExp = 0;
+ pcf->skip( 5 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //compute exponent
+ iExp = ( btExp - 68 ) * 2;
+ int i = 5;
+ //read 5 pairs of numbers and combine 'em
+ while ( i-- )
+ {
+ BYTE btPom = pcf->readb();
+ BYTE btNum = ( btPom >> 4 ) * 10 + ( btPom &0xf );
+ dRes *= 100;
+ dRes += btNum;
+ }
+ }
+ dRes *= pow( 10, iExp );
+ return dRes;
+BOOL Vars_Load( CFile* pcf, WORD wVNT, WORD wVNTL, WORD wVVT, WORD NV )
+ char szVarTemp[ 256 ];
+ char szVarGen[ 256 ];
+ char* pStr = NULL;
+ BOOL bTog = FALSE;
+ pcf->Seek( wVNT, SEEK_SET );
+ for( int i = 0; i < wVNTL; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( !pStr )
+ pStr = szVarTemp;
+ char c = pcf->readb();
+ if ( c & 0x80 )
+ {
+ c &= 0x7F;
+ bTog = TRUE;
+ }
+ *( pStr++ ) = c;
+ *pStr = '\0';
+ //this is for correcting the runaway
+ if ( pStr - szVarTemp > 254 )
+ {
+ *szVarTemp = '\0';
+ bTog = TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( bTog )
+ {
+ int iVar = g_aVariables.GetSize();
+ sprintf( szVarGen, "VAR%d", iVar );
+ pStr = szVarTemp;
+ int iLength = strlen( szVarTemp );
+ if ( iLength )
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < iLength; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( !isprint( *( pStr++ ) ) )
+ {
+ strcpy( szVarTemp, szVarGen );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( iVar )
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < iVar; i++ )
+ {
+ if( !strcmp( (char*)g_aVariables.GetAt( i ), szVarTemp ) )
+ {
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Dupped varname: %s\n", szVarTemp );
+ strcpy( szVarTemp, szVarGen );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy( szVarTemp, szVarGen );
+ }
+ pStr = new char [ strlen( szVarTemp ) + 1 ];
+ if ( pStr )
+ {
+ strcpy( pStr, szVarTemp );
+ g_aVariables.Add( pStr );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf( "Not enough memory!\n" );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ bTog = FALSE;
+ pStr = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( g_bExtOut )
+ {
+ fprintf( g_fout, "Variable table:\n" );
+ }
+ pcf->Seek( wVVT, SEEK_SET );
+ for( int i = 0 ; i < NV; i++ )
+ {
+ BYTE btType = pcf->readb();
+ BYTE btNumber = pcf->readb();
+ char* szType;
+ char szText[ 50 ];
+ switch( btType )
+ {
+ {
+ szType = "SCALAR ";
+ sprintf( szText, "%.10g", ReadAtariBCD( pcf ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ szType = "ARRAYu ";
+ char* szP = szText;
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "SPoff: %04X ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "Dim1: %d ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "Dim2: %d ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ break;
+ }
+ case VART_ARRAY:
+ {
+ szType = "ARRAY ";
+ char* szP = szText;
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "SPoff: %04X ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "Dim1: %d ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "Dim2: %d ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ szType = "STRINGAu";
+ char* szP = szText;
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "SPoff: %04X ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "Dim1: %d ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "Dim2: %d ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ szType = "STRINGA ";
+ char* szP = szText;
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "SPoff: %04X ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "Dim1: %d ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "Dim2: %d ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ szType = "STRINGu ";
+ char* szP = szText;
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "SPoff: %04X ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "Len: %d ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "Dim: %d ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ szType = "STRING ";
+ char* szP = szText;
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "SPoff: %04X ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "Len: %d ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "Dim: %d ", pcf->readLEw() );
+ break;
+ }
+ case VART_PROC:
+ {
+ szType = "PROC ";
+ char* szP = szText;
+ for( int i = 0 ; i < 6; i++ )
+ {
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "%02X ", pcf->readb() );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case VART_LABEL:
+ {
+ szType = "LABEL ";
+ char* szP = szText;
+ for( int i = 0 ; i < 6; i++ )
+ {
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "%02X ", pcf->readb() );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ szType = "UNKNOWN ";
+ char* szP = szText;
+ for( int i = 0 ; i < 6; i++ )
+ {
+ szP += sprintf( szP, "%02X ", pcf->readb() );
+ }
+ g_bHasErrors = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ char szName[ 255 ];
+ Var_Get( szName, btNumber );
+ char cLastChar = szName[ strlen( szName ) - 1 ];
+ switch( btType )
+ {
+ {
+ if ( cLastChar != '$' )
+ {
+ strcat( szName, "$" );
+ char* szStr = new char [ strlen( szName ) + 1 ];
+ strcpy( szStr, szName );
+ char* szOld = (char*) g_aVariables.GetAt( btNumber );
+ if ( szOld )
+ delete [] szOld;
+ g_aVariables.SetAt( btNumber, szStr );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case VART_ARRAY:
+ {
+ if ( cLastChar == '(' )
+ {
+ szName[ strlen( szName ) - 1 ] = '\0';
+ char* szStr = new char [ strlen( szName ) + 1 ];
+ strcpy( szStr, szName );
+ char* szOld = (char*) g_aVariables.GetAt( btNumber );
+ if ( szOld )
+ delete [] szOld;
+ g_aVariables.SetAt( btNumber, szStr );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( g_bExtOut )
+ {
+ fprintf( g_fout, "%04X %s (%02X) %02X: %s %s\n",
+ i+1,
+ szType,
+ btType,
+ btNumber,
+ szText,
+ szName );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( g_bExtOut )
+ fputc( '\n', g_fout );
+ return TRUE;
+void Var_Get( char* szRet, int iNum )
+ char* szVar = (char*) g_aVariables.GetAt( iNum );
+ if ( szVar )
+ strcpy( szRet, szVar );
+ else
+ sprintf( szRet, "VAR%d", iNum );
+void Vars_Destroy()
+ for( int i = 0; i < g_aVariables.GetSize(); i++ )
+ {
+ if ( g_aVariables.GetAt( i ) )
+ delete [] ( char* ) g_aVariables.GetAt( i );
+ }