path: root/ksiders/atr.c
diff options
authorB. Watson <urchlay@slackware.uk>2024-05-10 17:24:40 -0400
committerB. Watson <urchlay@slackware.uk>2024-05-10 17:24:40 -0400
commitf9dcbdd176785dfc9d49f3113ec6110199e9a246 (patch)
treef132ba50240e442f3c669bdbbfe014843db47701 /ksiders/atr.c
parent516fd094e69c64cecab68ce7a7751c0fa5d868ef (diff)
import ken siders atr utilities.
Diffstat (limited to 'ksiders/atr.c')
1 files changed, 1422 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ksiders/atr.c b/ksiders/atr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c3942f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ksiders/atr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1422 @@
+ ATR/XFD File handling library
+ (C) Copyright 1997 Ken Siders
+ This file can be used in any freeware or public domain software
+ as long as credit is given.
+00.000 6/16/97 Initial version
+00.001 6/24/97 Fixed AtariFileSize, Added EofAtariFile and
+ ExtractAtariFile functions
+00.002 6/26/97 Added SortDirectory Function
+00.003 7/14/97 Fixed Double density to treat first 3 sectors as
+ Single Density.
+00.004 7/16/97 Added CreateBootAtr
+00.005 8/22/97 Added ExtractExeFromBootAtr
+00.006 9/04/97 Fix signature check
+To do:
+1 Clean up warnings + make more portable
+2 Allow opening write-protected ATRs
+3 Allow more than one reference to an ATR file to be opened so more
+ than one atari file can be opened at once. (Keep a count)
+4 More specific error returns
+5 Implement XFD handling
+6 Create documentation
+7 Optimize if necessary
+8 Implement DCM images (maybe)
+#define wide 1
+/* compile with /Zp option */
+/* 20070518 bkw: or -fpack-struct on gcc */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "atr.h"
+#include "atdos.h"
+#include "kboot.h"
+AtrHeader hdr;
+int lastAtariError = 0;
+static unsigned char sectorBuffer[256];
+static int CompareName( const void *a, const void *b );
+static int verbose = 0;
+/* 20070518 bkw: min() isn't standard on Linux. If you're porting to
+ some other UNIX and get errors about min() already being defined,
+ just comment this out. */
+static int min(int a, int b) {
+ return ((a < b) ? a : b);
+/* 20070518 bkw: As written, the DOS sources aren't portable to
+ big-endian architectures. To fix this, EndianFix() will swap
+ the high and low bytes of startSector and sectorCount in a
+ dir entry on a big-endian arch (and leave them alone on a little-
+ endian arch). Must be called just after reading, and just before
+ writing.
+ The Intel x86 arch and the Atari's 6502 both happen to be
+ little-endian, which is why Ken could ignore the endianness
+ issue in the original MS-DOS sources.
+ */
+#define LITTLE_END 0
+#define BIG_END 1
+static int InitEndian() {
+ /* code based on Wikipedia "Endianness" entry */
+ union {
+ short s;
+ char c[sizeof(short)];
+ } un;
+ un.s = 0x0102;
+ if(sizeof(short) == 2) {
+ if(un.c[0] == 1 && un.c[1] == 2)
+ return BIG_END;
+ else if(un.c[0] == 2 && un.c[1] == 1)
+ return LITTLE_END;
+ }
+ printf("WARNING: Can't determine endianness of this platform!\n");
+ printf("Assuming little-endian, hoping for the best. Expect trouble.\n");
+ return LITTLE_END;
+static void EndianFix(AtariDosDirEntryPtr entry) {
+ static int endian = -1;
+ unsigned short tmp;
+ if(endian == -1)
+ endian = InitEndian();
+ /* don't do anything on little-endian platforms */
+ if(endian == LITTLE_END)
+ return;
+ tmp = entry->startSector;
+ entry->startSector = ((tmp & 0xff) << 8) | ((tmp & 0xff00) >> 8);
+ tmp = entry->sectorCount;
+ entry->sectorCount = ((tmp & 0xff) << 8) | ((tmp & 0xff00) >> 8);
+SetVerbose - Sets verbose flag, returns last value of flag
+int SetVerbose( int verb )
+ {
+ int last;
+ last = verbose;
+ verbose = verb;
+ return(last);
+ }
+ OpenAtr - opens ATR file specified for read/write (if writeable).
+ Returns Atr Pointer if successful, 0 if not
+AtrFilePtr OpenAtr(char *file )
+ {
+ AtrFilePtr atr;
+ int bytes;
+ unsigned short signature;
+ atr = malloc(sizeof(AtrFile));
+ atr->dosType = DOS_ATARI; /* assume atari dos disk */
+ atr->atrIn = fopen(file, "rb+");
+ if ( !atr->atrIn )
+ {
+ free(atr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bytes = fread(&hdr, 1, 16, atr->atrIn);
+ if ( !bytes )
+ {
+ free(atr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ signature = hdr.idLow | hdr.idHigh << 8;
+ atr->imageSize = 16L * (hdr.paraLow | hdr.paraHigh * 256L | hdr.paraHigher * 65536L);
+ atr->secSize = hdr.secSizeLow | hdr.secSizeHigh << 8;
+ atr->crc = hdr.crc1 | hdr.crc2 * 256L | hdr.crc3 * 65536L | hdr.crc4 *256L * 65536L ;
+ atr->sectorCount = atr->imageSize / atr->secSize;
+ atr->flags = hdr.flags;
+ atr->writeProtect = atr->flags&1;
+ atr->authenticated = (atr->flags >> 1) & 1;
+ if ( atr->sectorCount > 721 )
+ atr->dosType = DOS_MYDOS;
+ if ( signature == 0x296 )
+ return atr;
+ else
+ {
+ free(atr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return atr;
+ }
+ CloseAtr - closes ATR file specified in an Atr Pointer from
+ and Atr Open. Returns 0 if successful
+int CloseAtr( AtrFilePtr atr )
+ {
+ if ( atr )
+ return(fclose(atr->atrIn));
+ else
+ return 1;
+ }
+ ReadSector - Reads specified sector from the ATR file specified
+ info buffer which must be big enough for the sector
+ size of teh file. Returns number of bytes read or
+ 0 if error.
+int ReadSector(AtrFilePtr atr, unsigned short sector, char *buffer)
+ {
+ unsigned long pos;
+ size_t bytes;
+ if ( !atr )
+ {
+ lastAtariError = 12;
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* calculate offset into file */
+ if ( atr->secSize > 128 && sector > 3 )
+ pos = (unsigned long)(sector-4) * atr->secSize + 400L;
+ else
+ pos = (unsigned long)(sector-1) * 128L + 16;
+/* position file pointer at that offset */
+ if ( fseek(atr->atrIn, pos, SEEK_SET) )
+ {
+ lastAtariError = 13;
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* read the data */
+ bytes = fread(buffer, 1, atr->secSize, atr->atrIn);
+ if ( bytes & 127 )
+ {
+ lastAtariError = 14;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return bytes;
+ }
+ WriteSector - Writes specified sector from the ATR file specified
+ from buffer specified. Returns number of bytes
+ written or 0 if error. Image must be writeable.
+int WriteSector(AtrFilePtr atr, unsigned short sector, char *buffer)
+ {
+ unsigned long pos;
+ size_t bytes;
+ if ( !atr )
+ {
+ lastAtariError = 12;
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* calculate offset into file */
+ if ( atr->secSize > 128 && sector > 3 )
+ pos = (unsigned long)(sector-4) * atr->secSize + 400L;
+ else
+ pos = (unsigned long)(sector-1) * 128L + 16;
+/* set file pointer to that position */
+ if ( fseek(atr->atrIn, pos, SEEK_SET) )
+ {
+ lastAtariError = 13;
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* sector # to high? */
+ if ( pos + atr->secSize > atr->imageSize )
+ {
+ lastAtariError = 15;
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* write the data */
+ bytes = fwrite(buffer, 1, atr->secSize, atr->atrIn);
+ if ( bytes & 127 )
+ {
+ lastAtariError = 14;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return bytes;
+ CreateAtr - Creates an ATR file with parameters specified. Sector
+ size must be a multiple of 128 bytes. Return 0 for
+ success
+int CreateAtr( char *file, unsigned short sectors,
+ unsigned short sectorSize )
+ {
+ FILE *fp;
+ AtrHeader hdr = {0};
+ unsigned long imageSize;
+ int bytes;
+/* sector size must be a multiple of 128 */
+ if ( sectorSize & 127 )
+ return 1;
+/* determine the file size for the image */
+ if ( sectorSize > 128 && sectors > 2)
+ imageSize = (unsigned long)(sectorSize-3) * sectors + 384;
+ else
+ imageSize = (unsigned long)sectorSize * sectors;
+/* create the file */
+ fp = fopen(file, "wb");
+ if ( !fp )
+ return 1;
+/* set up the ATR header */
+ hdr.idHigh = 0x02;
+ hdr.idLow = 0x96;
+ hdr.paraLow = (imageSize >> 4) & 255;
+ hdr.paraHigh = (imageSize >> 12) & 255;
+ hdr.paraHigher = imageSize >> 20;
+ hdr.secSizeLow = sectorSize & 255;
+ hdr.secSizeHigh = sectorSize >> 8;
+ bytes = fwrite(&hdr, 1, 16, fp);
+ if ( bytes != 16 )
+ return 1;
+/* seek to last position needed in file - 1 */
+ if ( fseek(fp,(unsigned long)sectors * sectorSize - 1 , SEEK_SET) )
+ return 1;
+/* write one null byte */
+ if ( fputc( 0, fp ) == EOF )
+ return 1;
+ if ( fclose(fp) )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ GetAtrInfo - returns info for an open ATR image via pointers.
+ non 0 returned is error.
+int GetAtrInfo( AtrFilePtr atr, unsigned short *sectorSize,
+ unsigned short *sectorCount, byte *protected)
+ {
+ if ( !atr )
+ return 1;
+/* duh */
+ *sectorSize = atr->secSize;
+ *sectorCount = atr->sectorCount;
+ *protected = atr->writeProtect;
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* ATARI 8-bit File IO routines */
+ MakeFileName - Creates a filename.ext string from a zero padded
+ raw fileName and extender. Result is stored in
+ string pointed to be result. There is no return
+ value.
+void MakeFileName( char *result, char *fileName, char *extender )
+ {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<8; i++)
+ {
+ if (fileName[i] == ' ' || !fileName[i] )
+ break;
+ *(result++) = fileName[i];
+ }
+ *(result++) = '.';
+ for(i=0; i<3; i++)
+ {
+ if (extender[i] == ' ' || !extender[i] )
+ break;
+ *(result++) = extender[i];
+ }
+ *(result++) = 0;
+ }
+ PatternMatch - Returns 1 if fileName+extender matches pattern in
+ pattern. Wildcards are the standard '?' and '*'
+ as supported by all Atari Dos's. Returns 0 if
+ it does not match.
+int PatternMatch( char *pattern, char *fileName, char *extender)
+ {
+ int i=0;
+ char file[13];
+ /* 20070518 bkw: Special case: "*" and "*.*" always match anything */
+ if(strcmp(pattern, "*.*") == 0 || strcmp(pattern, "*") == 0)
+ return 1;
+ MakeFileName(file, fileName, extender);
+ while (*pattern && file[i] )
+ {
+ if ( !file[i] && *pattern )
+ return 0;
+ if ( file[i] && !*pattern )
+ return 0;
+ if ( *pattern == '*')
+ {
+ while ( file[i] && file[i] != '.')
+ i++;
+ while ( *pattern && *pattern != '.')
+ pattern++;
+ if ( file[i] == '.' && *pattern == '.' )
+ {
+ pattern++;
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( *pattern == '?' && file[i] != '.' )
+ {
+ i++;
+ pattern++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( toupper(*pattern) != file[i] )
+ return 0;
+ i++;
+ pattern++;
+ }
+ if ( !*pattern && !file[i] )
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ AtariFindFirst - Finds first match for pattern and sets struct
+ with file information. returns 0 for success,
+ -1 if not found, other for error. This is
+ similiar to _dosfindfist in the DOS world.
+int AtariFindFirst( char *atrName, unsigned attrib,
+ char *pattern, AtariFileInfoPtr fileInfo )
+ {
+ char buffer[256];
+ AtrFilePtr atr;
+ int i,j;
+ AtariDosDirEntryPtr dirEntry;
+ unsigned short sectorSize, sectorCount;
+ byte protected;
+/* open the ATR image */
+ atr = OpenAtr(atrName);
+ if ( atr == NULL )
+ return 2;
+/* Get some info about the ATR image and save */
+ if ( GetAtrInfo( atr, &sectorSize, &sectorCount, &protected) )
+ {
+ free(atr);
+ return 3;
+ }
+/* look for the file in the directory, if found initilize the fileInfo
+ structure with data from the directory sector */
+ for( i = firstDirSector, fileInfo->fileNo = 0; i <= lastDirSector; i++ )
+ {
+ if (! ReadSector(atr, (unsigned short) i, buffer) )
+ return 4;
+ for( j=0; j< dirEntriesPerSector; j++, fileInfo->fileNo++ )
+ {
+ dirEntry = (AtariDosDirEntryPtr)(buffer + dirEntrySize * j );
+ EndianFix(dirEntry);
+ fileInfo->locked = (dirEntry->flag & LOCKED_FLAG) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (dirEntry->flag & DELETED_FLAG )
+ continue;
+ if ( (/* (dirEntry->flag == DOS25EXT_FLAGS) || */ (dirEntry->flag & INUSE_FLAG)) &&
+ PatternMatch(pattern,
+ dirEntry->fileName, dirEntry->extender) )
+ {
+ fileInfo->flag = dirEntry->flag;
+ fileInfo->startSector = dirEntry->startSector;
+ fileInfo->sectorCount = dirEntry->sectorCount;
+ fileInfo->dirSector = i;
+ fileInfo->dirEntry = j;
+ fileInfo->attrib = attrib;
+ fileInfo->pattern = pattern;
+ fileInfo->atrName = atrName;
+ MakeFileName( fileInfo->fileName, dirEntry->fileName,
+ dirEntry->extender);
+ if ( CloseAtr(atr) )
+ return 5;
+ return( 0 ); /* success */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( CloseAtr(atr) )
+ return 6;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ AtariFindNext - Returns next matching file after previous
+ AtariFindFirst or AtariFindNext call. The fileinfo
+ structure passed should not be altered from the
+ previous call. Also the ATR file name and pattern
+ from the initial AtariFindFirst call must still be
+ in scope. Similiar to _dosfindnext in DOS world.
+int AtariFindNext( AtariFileInfoPtr fileInfo )
+ {
+ char buffer[256];
+ AtrFilePtr atr;
+ int i,j;
+ AtariDosDirEntryPtr dirEntry;
+ unsigned short sectorSize, sectorCount;
+ byte protected;
+ atr = OpenAtr(fileInfo->atrName);
+ if ( atr == NULL )
+ return 1;
+ if ( GetAtrInfo( atr, &sectorSize, &sectorCount, &protected) )
+ {
+ free(atr);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ i = fileInfo->dirSector;
+ j = fileInfo->dirEntry;
+ j++;
+ if ( j >= dirEntriesPerSector )
+ {
+ j=0;
+ i++;
+ }
+ for( ; i <= lastDirSector; i++ , j = 0)
+ {
+ if (! ReadSector(atr, (unsigned short) i, buffer) )
+ return 3;
+ for( ; j< dirEntriesPerSector; j++, fileInfo->fileNo++ )
+ {
+ dirEntry = (AtariDosDirEntryPtr)(buffer + dirEntrySize * j );
+ EndianFix(dirEntry);
+ fileInfo->locked = (dirEntry->flag & LOCKED_FLAG) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (dirEntry->flag & DELETED_FLAG )
+ continue;
+ if ( (dirEntry->flag & INUSE_FLAG) && PatternMatch(fileInfo->pattern,
+ dirEntry->fileName, dirEntry->extender) )
+ {
+ fileInfo->flag = dirEntry->flag;
+ fileInfo->startSector = dirEntry->startSector;
+ fileInfo->sectorCount = dirEntry->sectorCount;
+ fileInfo->dirSector = i;
+ fileInfo->dirEntry = j;
+ MakeFileName( fileInfo->fileName, dirEntry->fileName,
+ dirEntry->extender);
+ if ( CloseAtr(atr) )
+ return 4;
+ return( 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( CloseAtr(atr) )
+ return 5;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ OpenAtariFile - Opens file in an ATR image in the mode specified
+ ATARI_OPEN_DIR. Returns pointer to atari file
+ structure or 0 on error.
+AtariFilePtr OpenAtariFile( char *atrName, char *fileName, byte mode)
+ {
+ AtariFilePtr atFile;
+ byte protected;
+ unsigned short sectorSize;
+ unsigned short sectorCount;
+ AtariFileInfo fileInfo;
+/* bad open mode? */
+ if ( mode != ATARI_OPEN_READ && mode != ATARI_OPEN_WRITE &&
+ mode != ATARI_OPEN_DIR )
+ {
+ lastAtariError = 2;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ atFile = malloc(sizeof(AtariFile));
+/* open the atr image */
+ atFile->atr = OpenAtr(atrName);
+ if ( atFile->atr == NULL )
+ {
+ free(atFile);
+ lastAtariError = 1;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+/* get some info on the ATR file and store */
+ if ( GetAtrInfo( atFile->atr, &sectorSize, &sectorCount, &protected) )
+ {
+ CloseAtr(atFile->atr);
+ free(atFile);
+ lastAtariError = 3;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+/* set file parameters */
+ atFile->sectorSize = sectorSize;
+ atFile->openFlag = mode;
+ atFile->eofFlag = 0;
+/* is ATR write protected? (APE extension?) */
+ if ( protected && (mode & ATARI_OPEN_WRITE) )
+ {
+ CloseAtr(atFile->atr);
+ free(atFile);
+ lastAtariError = 4;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+/* read directory, find start sector and number of sectors and set
+ in atFile. Initialize current sector to start sector also */
+ if ( AtariFindFirst(atrName, 0, fileName, &fileInfo) )
+ {
+ lastAtariError = 5;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+/* is the file the ATR is lcoated in write protected? */
+ if ( fileInfo.locked && (mode & ATARI_OPEN_WRITE) )
+ {
+ lastAtariError = 6;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+/* set some file info data in the structure */
+ atFile->startSector = atFile->currentSector = fileInfo.startSector;
+ atFile->fileNo = fileInfo.fileNo;
+ atFile->numberOfSectors = fileInfo.sectorCount;
+ atFile->openFlag = mode;
+ atFile->currentOffset = 0;
+ if (sectorSize == 128)
+ atFile->sectorLinkOffset = 125;
+ else if (sectorSize == 256 )
+ atFile->sectorLinkOffset = 253;
+ else
+ {
+ lastAtariError = 7;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return atFile;
+ }
+ ReadAtariFile - reads bytes bytes from the open atari file specified
+ in atFile and stores them in buffer. buffer must be big enough.
+ Returns bytes actually read.
+long ReadAtariFile( AtariFilePtr atFile, char *buffer, long bytes )
+ /* int lastSector = 0; */
+ long bytesRead = 0;
+ if ( !bytes || atFile->eofFlag)
+ return 0;
+ if ( !(atFile->openFlag & ATARI_OPEN_READ) )
+ return 0;
+ if ( !atFile->currentOffset )
+ {
+ /* read sector */
+ if (ReadSector(atFile->atr, atFile->currentSector, atFile->sectorBuffer) != atFile->sectorSize )
+ {
+ if ( !lastAtariError )
+ lastAtariError = 19;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( atFile->sectorSize == 128 )
+ atFile->bytesData = atFile->sectorBuffer[atFile->sectorLinkOffset+2]
+ & 127;
+ else
+ atFile->bytesData = atFile->sectorBuffer[atFile->sectorLinkOffset+2];
+ }
+ while( bytes )
+ {
+ while ( atFile->currentOffset < atFile->bytesData && bytes)
+ {
+ *(buffer++) = atFile->sectorBuffer[atFile->currentOffset++];
+ bytes--;
+ bytesRead++;
+ }
+ if ( bytes )
+ {
+ /* read next sector */
+ atFile->currentOffset = 0;
+ if (atFile->atr->dosType == DOS_MYDOS)
+ atFile->currentSector =
+ (atFile->sectorBuffer[atFile->sectorLinkOffset] << 8) |
+ atFile->sectorBuffer[atFile->sectorLinkOffset+1];
+ else /* assume atari dos */
+ atFile->currentSector =
+ ((atFile->sectorBuffer[atFile->sectorLinkOffset] & 3) << 8) |
+ (atFile->sectorBuffer[atFile->sectorLinkOffset+1]);
+ if (!atFile->currentSector )
+ {
+ atFile->eofFlag = 1;
+ return bytesRead;
+ }
+ ReadSector(atFile->atr, atFile->currentSector, atFile->sectorBuffer);
+ if ( atFile->sectorSize == 128 )
+ atFile->bytesData = atFile->sectorBuffer[atFile->sectorLinkOffset+2] & 127;
+ else
+ atFile->bytesData = atFile->sectorBuffer[atFile->sectorLinkOffset+2];
+ }
+ }
+ return bytesRead;
+ }
+ CloseAtariFile - Closes Atari File
+int CloseAtariFile( AtariFilePtr atFile )
+ {
+ int stat;
+ /* simple enough */
+ stat = CloseAtr( atFile->atr );
+ free( atFile );
+ return stat;
+ }
+ EofAtariFile - Returns 1 if at EOF of atari file, 0 if not
+int EofAtariFile( AtariFilePtr atFile )
+ {
+ /* simple enough */
+ return atFile->eofFlag;
+ }
+ AtariDirectory - Displays atari directory of disk image to screen
+ return 0 for success. atrName is the ATR file
+ name, pattern is mask to use. use "*.*" for all
+ files. Wide if non zero displays actual file
+ length instead of just a sector count.
+int AtariDirectory( char *atrName, char *pattern)
+ {
+ char buffer[256];
+ char fileName[14];
+ byte protected;
+ unsigned short sectorSize;
+ unsigned short sectorCount;
+ AtrFilePtr atr;
+ int i,j,cnt = 0;
+ char locked;
+ long fileSize;
+ AtariDosDirEntryPtr dirEntry;
+ atr = OpenAtr(atrName);
+ if ( atr == NULL )
+ return 1;
+ if ( GetAtrInfo( atr, &sectorSize, &sectorCount, &protected) )
+ {
+ free(atr);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf("sector size = %hu sector count = %hu\n\n", sectorSize,
+ sectorCount);
+ printf("\nDirectory of '%s':\n\n", atrName);
+ if ( !wide )
+ {
+ printf("no f filename ext secs startSec\n");
+ printf("-- - -------- --- ---- --------\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("no f filename ext secs length startSec\n");
+ printf("-- - -------- --- ---- ------ --------\n");
+ }
+ for( i = firstDirSector; i <= lastDirSector; i++ )
+ {
+ char printbuf[101];
+ int done = 0;
+ if (! ReadSector(atr, (unsigned short) i, buffer) )
+ return 1;
+ for( j=0; j< dirEntriesPerSector; j++ )
+ {
+ dirEntry = (AtariDosDirEntryPtr)(buffer + dirEntrySize * j );
+ EndianFix(dirEntry);
+ locked = (dirEntry->flag & LOCKED_FLAG) ? '*' : ' ';
+ if (dirEntry->flag & DELETED_FLAG )
+ locked = 'D';
+ else if (dirEntry->flag & MYDOSDIR_FLAG ) {
+ locked = ':';
+ } else if(dirEntry->flag == DOS25EXT_FLAGS) {
+ locked = '<';
+ }
+ if ( (dirEntry->flag == DOS25EXT_FLAGS) ||
+ ((dirEntry->flag & (INUSE_FLAG | MYDOSDIR_FLAG)) &&
+ PatternMatch(pattern, dirEntry->fileName, dirEntry->extender)) )
+ {
+ if ( wide )
+ {
+ CloseAtr(atr);
+ MakeFileName(fileName, dirEntry->fileName, dirEntry->extender);
+ fileSize = AtariFileSize(atrName, fileName);
+ if(fileSize < 0)
+ sprintf(printbuf, "??");
+ else
+ sprintf(printbuf, "%-6ld", fileSize);
+ atr = OpenAtr(atrName);
+ if ( !atr )
+ return 1;
+ printf("%2u %c %-8.8s %-3.3s %4.3hu %-6s %hu\n", cnt, locked,
+ dirEntry->fileName, dirEntry->extender,
+ dirEntry->sectorCount, printbuf, dirEntry->startSector);
+ }
+ else
+ printf("%2u %c %-8.8s %-3.3s %4.3hu %hu\n", cnt, locked,
+ dirEntry->fileName, dirEntry->extender,
+ dirEntry->sectorCount, dirEntry->startSector);
+ } else {
+ /* 20070518 bkw: Atari DOS stops at the first "never used"
+ dirent, so do the same here. */
+ done = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ if(done) break;
+ }
+ if ( CloseAtr(atr) )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ AtariFileSize - Returns size of atari file or -1 on error
+long AtariFileSize( char *atrFile, char *fileName )
+ {
+ long count = 0;
+ long bytes;
+ static char buffer[16];
+ AtariFilePtr input;
+ /* open the atari file on the ATR image */
+ input = OpenAtariFile(atrFile, fileName, ATARI_OPEN_READ);
+ if ( input == NULL )
+ return -1;
+ /* count how many bytes we can actually read */
+ while( (bytes=ReadAtariFile(input, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0 )
+ count+= bytes;
+ CloseAtariFile(input);
+ return(count);
+ }
+ ExtractAtariFile - returns no. files extracted, -no for error.
+ file is stored with same name in dosPath
+ directory. (don't add the trailing '\').
+ Wildcards are allowed for atari file. Use NULL
+ for dosPath to extract to current directory
+int ExtractAtariFile( char *atrFile, char *fileName, char *unixPath )
+ int count = 0;
+ long bytes, bytesOut;
+ static char buffer[16];
+ AtariFilePtr input;
+ char outName[4096];
+ FILE *output;
+ AtariFileInfo info;
+ if ( !AtariFindFirst(atrFile, 0, fileName, &info) )
+ {
+ do {
+ if ( unixPath != NULL)
+ {
+ strcpy(outName, unixPath);
+ strcat(outName,"/");
+ }
+ else
+ outName[0] = 0;
+ strcat(outName, info.fileName);
+ /* 20070518 bkw: Get rid of trailing dots for files with no extension */
+ if(outName[strlen(outName)-1] == '.')
+ outName[strlen(outName)-1] = '\0';
+ output = fopen(outName, "wb");
+ if (output == NULL )
+ {
+ lastAtariError = 30;
+ return -count-1;
+ }
+ input = OpenAtariFile(atrFile, info.fileName, ATARI_OPEN_READ);
+ if ( input == NULL )
+ {
+ return -count-1;
+ }
+ if ( verbose )
+ printf("Extracting '%s'...", outName);
+ while( (bytes=ReadAtariFile(input, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0 )
+ {
+ bytesOut = fwrite(buffer, 1, (int)bytes, output);
+ if ( bytes != bytesOut )
+ {
+ fclose( output );
+ CloseAtariFile(input);
+ lastAtariError = 31;
+ if (verbose )
+ printf("\n");
+ return -count-1;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose( output );
+ CloseAtariFile(input);
+ if ( verbose )
+ printf(" done\n");
+ count ++;
+ } while ( !AtariFindNext(&info) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return(count);
+ UpdateAtariFileNo - For atari dos, will fix the file no in each
+ sector within the file. For use after a
+ directory is sorted. returns 0 for success
+int FixAtariFileNo( char *atrName, char *fileName, int fileNo )
+ /* int cnt=0; */
+ AtariFilePtr atFile;
+ atFile = OpenAtariFile( atrName, fileName, ATARI_OPEN_READ);
+ if ( atFile == NULL )
+ return 1;
+ if ( atFile->atr->dosType != DOS_ATARI )
+ {
+ CloseAtariFile(atFile);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while (atFile->currentSector)
+ {
+ if (ReadSector(atFile->atr, atFile->currentSector, sectorBuffer) != atFile->sectorSize )
+ {
+ if ( !lastAtariError )
+ lastAtariError = 19;
+ CloseAtariFile(atFile);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* set the file no in the file */
+ sectorBuffer[atFile->sectorLinkOffset] &= 3;
+ sectorBuffer[atFile->sectorLinkOffset] |= (atFile->fileNo<<2);
+ /* write the sector */
+ if (WriteSector(atFile->atr, atFile->currentSector, sectorBuffer) != atFile->sectorSize )
+ {
+ if ( !lastAtariError )
+ lastAtariError = 19;
+ CloseAtariFile(atFile);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* get next sector in link */
+ atFile->currentSector =
+ ((sectorBuffer[atFile->sectorLinkOffset] & 3) << 8) |
+ sectorBuffer[atFile->sectorLinkOffset+1];
+ }
+ CloseAtariFile(atFile);
+ return 0;
+ }
+static int ClearAtariDirectory( char *file );
+ SortAtariDir -
+int SortAtariDir( char *atrName )
+ {
+ AtrFilePtr atr;
+ char *pos;
+ AtariFileInfoPtr files[64];
+ AtariFileInfo info;
+ AtariDosDirEntryPtr entry;
+ int offset;
+ unsigned short sector;
+ int i, cnt = 0;
+ /* read file info for all files, allocate memory and store in array */
+ if ( !AtariFindFirst(atrName, 0, "*.*", &info) )
+ {
+ do {
+ files[cnt] = malloc( sizeof(info) );
+ memcpy( files[cnt], &info, sizeof(info) );
+ cnt ++;
+ } while ( !AtariFindNext(&info) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* sort the files by name */
+ qsort( (void *)files, (size_t) cnt, (size_t) sizeof(AtariFileInfoPtr), CompareName );
+ /* clear out the directory */
+ if ( ClearAtariDirectory(atrName) )
+ return 1;
+ /* write the entries in sorted order to the directory sectors */
+ offset = 0;
+ sector = firstDirSector;
+ atr = OpenAtr( atrName );
+ for( i=0; i<cnt; i++ )
+ {
+ entry = (AtariDosDirEntryPtr) (sectorBuffer + offset );
+ entry->startSector = files[i]->startSector;
+ entry->sectorCount = files[i]->sectorCount;
+ entry->flag = files[i]->flag;
+ EndianFix(entry);
+ pos = strchr( files[i]->fileName, '.' );
+ /* 20070518 bkw: init to all spaces, else you get filenames
+ like "DOS\0\0\0\0\0SYS" (\0 shows up as Atari heart character) */
+ memset(entry->fileName, ' ', 8);
+ memset(entry->extender, ' ', 3);
+ if ( pos != NULL)
+ {
+ strncpy( entry->fileName, files[i]->fileName,
+ min(pos-files[i]->fileName,8) );
+ strncpy( entry->extender, pos+1, 3 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strncpy( entry->fileName, files[i]->fileName, 8);
+ }
+ offset += 16;
+ if (offset >= 128)
+ {
+ if ( WriteSector( atr, sector, sectorBuffer) != atr->secSize )
+ {
+ CloseAtr( atr );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ sector ++;
+ offset = 0;
+ memset(sectorBuffer, 0, sizeof(sectorBuffer));
+ }
+ }
+ if ( offset > 0 )
+ if ( WriteSector( atr, sector, sectorBuffer) != atr->secSize )
+ {
+ CloseAtr( atr );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ CloseAtr( atr );
+ /* This should have no effect on Mydos extended format disks */
+ for( i=0; i<cnt; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( FixAtariFileNo( atrName, files[i]->fileName, i) )
+ return 1;
+ free( files[i] );
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* function for above used as arg to qsort */
+static int CompareName( const void *a, const void *b )
+ {
+ AtariFileInfoPtr aa = *(AtariFileInfoPtr *)a,
+ bb = *(AtariFileInfoPtr *)b;
+ return strcmp( aa->fileName, bb->fileName );
+ }
+ClearAtariDirectory - internal routine
+static int ClearAtariDirectory( char *file )
+ {
+ AtrFilePtr atr;
+ int i;
+ memset(sectorBuffer, 0, sizeof(sectorBuffer) );
+ atr = OpenAtr( file );
+ for( i = firstDirSector; i <= lastDirSector; i++ )
+ if ( WriteSector(atr, i, sectorBuffer) != atr->secSize )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ CloseAtr(atr);
+ }
+ CreateBootAtr - creates a minimally sized bootable ATR image from
+ an atari executable. The executable must not need
+ DOS to run.
+int CreateBootAtr( char *atrName, char *fileName)
+ {
+ unsigned long fileSize;
+ unsigned long sectorCnt;
+ AtrHeader hdr;
+ unsigned long paras;
+ FILE * atrFile, *inFile;
+ size_t padding, bytes, bytes2;
+ struct stat fileInfo;
+ int status;
+ int first = 1;
+/* get file's size */
+ status = stat(fileName, &fileInfo);
+ if ( status )
+ return 11;
+ fileSize = (unsigned long) fileInfo.st_size;
+ if ( !fileSize )
+ return 12;
+/* determine number of sectors required */
+ sectorCnt = (unsigned short) ((fileSize + 127L) / 128L + 3L);
+ paras = sectorCnt * 16;
+/* create ATR header */
+ memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(hdr));
+ hdr.idLow = (byte) 0x96;
+ hdr.idHigh = (byte) 0x2;
+ hdr.paraLow = (byte) (paras & 0xFF);
+ hdr.paraHigh = (byte) ((paras >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ hdr.paraHigher = (byte) ((paras >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ hdr.secSizeLow = (byte) 128;
+/* open output file */
+ atrFile = fopen(atrName, "wb");
+ if ( atrFile == NULL )
+ return 1;
+/* Write the ATR Header */
+ bytes = fwrite(&hdr, 1, sizeof(hdr), atrFile);
+ if ( bytes != sizeof(hdr) )
+ {
+ fclose(atrFile);
+ return 2;
+ }
+/* plug the file size into the boot sectors at offset 9 (4 bytes)*/
+ bootData[9] = (byte)(fileSize & 255);
+ bootData[10] = (byte)((fileSize >> 8) & 255);
+ bootData[11] = (byte)((fileSize >> 16) & 255);
+ bootData[12] = 0;
+/* write the three boot sectors */
+ bytes = fwrite(bootData, 1, 384, atrFile);
+ if ( bytes != 384 )
+ {
+ fclose(atrFile);
+ return 6;
+ }
+/* open the input file and copy/append the file's data to output file */
+ inFile = fopen(fileName, "rb");
+ if ( inFile == NULL )
+ {
+ fclose(atrFile);
+ return 13;
+ }
+ bytes = 384;
+ while (bytes == 384)
+ {
+ bytes = fread(bootData, 1, 384, inFile);
+ if ( !bytes )
+ break;
+ /* 20070518 bkw: Make sure it really is an Atari bin load file */
+ if(first) {
+ if((bootData[0] != 0xff) && (bootData[1] != 0xff)) {
+ fclose(inFile);
+ fclose(atrFile);
+ return 20;
+ }
+ first = 0;
+ }
+ bytes2 = fwrite(bootData, 1, bytes, atrFile);
+ if ( bytes != bytes2 )
+ {
+ fclose(inFile);
+ fclose(atrFile);
+ return 19;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !feof(inFile) )
+ {
+ fclose(inFile);
+ fclose(atrFile);
+ return 19;
+ }
+ fclose(inFile);
+/* pad to even sector size (data has no meaning) */
+ padding = (size_t) ((sectorCnt-3) * 128 - fileSize );
+ if ( padding )
+ {
+ bytes = fwrite(bootData, 1, padding, atrFile);
+ if ( bytes != padding )
+ {
+ fclose(atrFile);
+ return 7;
+ }
+ }
+/* close output */
+ fclose(atrFile);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ExtractExeFromBootAtr - undoes a CreateBootAtr by extracting the
+ original executable
+returns 0 for error, or file length in bytes of file extracted
+!!This function needs to have code added to distinguish error types.
+long ExtractExeFromBootAtr( char *atrName, char *fileName)
+ {
+ FILE *atrFile, *exeFile;
+ unsigned char *buffer;
+ AtrHeader hdr = {0};
+ /* long fileSize; */
+ size_t bytes,bytes2,readCnt;
+ unsigned long fSize, size;
+/* get some memory */
+ buffer = malloc(384);
+ if ( !buffer)
+ return 0;
+/* open the atr file */
+ atrFile = fopen(atrName, "rb");
+ if ( !atrFile )
+ {
+ free(buffer);
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* read Atr header */
+ if ( fread(&hdr, 1, 16, atrFile) != 16 )
+ {
+ free(buffer);
+ fclose(atrFile);
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* verify it is an ATR file */
+ if ( hdr.idHigh != 0x02 || hdr.idLow != 0x96 )
+ {
+ free(buffer);
+ fclose(atrFile);
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* read first 3 (boot) sectors */
+ if ( fread(buffer, 1, 384, atrFile) != 384 )
+ {
+ free(buffer);
+ fclose(atrFile);
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* set the file size in bootData from the file so we can compare*/
+ bootData[9] = buffer[9];
+ bootData[10] = buffer[10];
+ bootData[11] = buffer[11];
+ bootData[12] = buffer[12];
+/* check if ATR was created by MakeBootAtr */
+ if ( memcmp(buffer, bootData, 384) )
+ {
+ free(buffer);
+ fclose(atrFile);
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* Get size of file to extract */
+ fSize = size = ((unsigned long)buffer[9]|(((unsigned long)buffer[10])<<8)|(((unsigned long)buffer[11])<<16));
+/* Open output file */
+ exeFile = fopen(fileName, "wb");
+ if ( !exeFile )
+ {
+ fclose(atrFile);
+ free(buffer);
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* copy 'size' bytes from the Atr file to the exe file */
+ bytes = 384;
+ while (bytes == 384 && fSize)
+ {
+ readCnt = min(384, fSize);
+ bytes = fread(buffer, 1, readCnt, atrFile);
+ if ( !bytes )
+ break;
+ bytes2 = fwrite(buffer, 1, bytes, exeFile);
+ if ( bytes != readCnt )
+ {
+ fclose(exeFile);
+ fclose(atrFile);
+ free(buffer);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fSize -= bytes;
+ }
+/* clean up and get out of here */
+ fclose(exeFile);
+ fclose(atrFile);
+ free(buffer);
+ return size;
+ }