path: root/whichbas.c
diff options
authorB. Watson <urchlay@slackware.uk>2024-07-08 17:23:12 -0400
committerB. Watson <urchlay@slackware.uk>2024-07-08 17:23:12 -0400
commitd7de9038eb0599232a8840ac48e97d9bb4462ab0 (patch)
tree1897336548301f6a17d8ab8da6f2d012db8a2e88 /whichbas.c
parentbc4cdded94c05495dde65e388ba618114c999ba1 (diff)
whichbas: improve BXL/BXE string array detection. Still not 100% perfect.
Diffstat (limited to 'whichbas.c')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/whichbas.c b/whichbas.c
index 2b39a44..780af6a 100644
--- a/whichbas.c
+++ b/whichbas.c
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ CALLBACK(handle_op) {
DIM A$(10,10) is illegal in Atari/Turbo.
partial: this only works if the first dimension is either a
constant or a scalar variable (not an array element or an
- expression).
+ expression). fortunately most programs use constants in DIM.
if(tok == OP_DIM_STR_LPAR) {
int str2d = 0;
@@ -373,11 +373,26 @@ CALLBACK(handle_op) {
case 0x59: /* INKEY$ (0 arg pseudo-func) in TB, string array separator semicolon in BXL/BXE */
- /* TODO: it might be better to detect INKEY$ by looking for end of line
- or statement, or OP_ARR_COMMA. INKEY$ can't be followed by anything else,
- AFAICT, but I'm not *that* certain yet... */
- if(nexttok == OP_NUMCONST || nexttok == OP_HEXCONST || nexttok >= 0x80) {
- /* INKEY$ may not be followed by a numeric constant or a variable of any kind */
+ /* partial: ...but pretty good. we *can't* check nexttok == OP_GRP_RPAR, because
+ VAL(INKEY$) or ASC(INKEY$) are legit Turbo code.
+ This can fail to catch A$(X;Y) if X and Y are both complex expressions. */
+ if(nexttok == OP_EOS || nexttok == OP_EOL) {
+ /* the semicolon can't be the last token on the line (needs at least
+ a right-paren), but INKEY$ can. */
+ remove_type(BT_BXL_BXE);
+ } else if(pos == last_cmd_pos + 1) {
+ /* INKEY$ can be the first operator after the command, e.g if the command
+ is IF. The semicolon cannot. */
+ remove_type(BT_BXL_BXE);
+ } else if(last_op_tok == OP_STR_ASSIGN) {
+ /* catches A$=INKEY$, for what that's worth. */
+ remove_type(BT_BXL_BXE);
+ } else if(last_op_tok == OP_NUMCONST || last_op_tok == OP_HEXCONST || last_op_tok == OP_STRCONST || last_op_tok >= 0x80) {
+ /* INKEY$ can't directly follow a constant or a variable. */
+ remove_type(BT_TURBO);
+ } else if(nexttok == OP_NUMCONST || nexttok == OP_HEXCONST || nexttok >= 0x80 || nexttok == OP_GRP_LPAR) {
+ /* INKEY$ may not be followed by a numeric constant or a variable of any kind, or
+ a parenthesized expression. */
@@ -587,9 +602,15 @@ void check_variables(void) {
bas_type = BT_TURBO;
- /* TODO: check for BXL/BXE string arrays, if I can ever
- figure out how to do it. */
+ /* I was hoping to check for BXL/BXE string arrays here. However,
+ looking at a SAVEd file, they look identical to regular string
+ variables (variable type $80, rest of the VVTP entry all $00).
+ When the program's actually in memory, BXL/BXE sets the
+ variable type byte to $91 for DIMed string array var and
+ $81 (same as Atari/Turbo) for a regular DIMed string var.
+ Unfortunately in the SAVE file, it's always $80. */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {