path: root/jindroush/acvt/readme.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'jindroush/acvt/readme.txt')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jindroush/acvt/readme.txt b/jindroush/acvt/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2b41d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jindroush/acvt/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+Acvt v1.07 (c) 2000-2001 Jindrich Kubec <kubecj@asw.cz>
+Latest version can be found at http://www.asw.cz/~kubecj
+This program is provided 'as is', no warranty will be taken
+for any damage caused by it or by any use of it.
+The whole package is placed under the GNU Public License, for further
+information on redistribution see the included file "GPL.TXT".
+Converts between XFD-SCP-ATR-DCM-DI formats.
+ATR - SIO2PC images
+XFD - XFormer images
+DCM - DiskCommunicator images
+SCP - SpartaDos SCOPY images
+DI - XL/ST link / XLDJ disk images
+It's replacement for DOS version of Steven Tucker's Imagic.
+It's in fact better because:
+1) It's free.
+2) It comes with source.
+3) Therefore it could be ported to another architectures.
+4) Contains less bugs. (Hope so.)
+5) Can repair some invalid images.
+6) Now also supports DI file format.
+Thanks go to:
+Ernest Schreurs for his DiskCommunicator dissection and paper about DCM format.
+Chad Wagner for DCMtoATR utility (DCM driver is still loosely based on his
+ code).
+Burian brothers for lots of DI files.
+Acvt [options] sourcefile [destfile]
+sourcefile is Atari disk image (ATR,XFD,SCP,DCM,DI).
+destfile is output disk image. If omitted, output filename is created
+ automatically.
+-xfd -atr -scp -dcm -di options are output type modes. Default is -atr.
+-batchmode: turns on multi file processing mode. Only input files are specified
+ on command-line (Unix-like compatible regexp expressions are allowed when
+ compiled under DJGPP). Output filenames are created automatically.
+-autorepair: automatically determines the best repair method.
+-norepair: doesn't ask for repair options and considers input file invalid.
+-errstop: in batch mode ends on first error encountered.
+-over: overwrites existing files. Otherwise returns an error.
+-test: only loads input images and displays their state.
+-classic: forces to create 'classic' Atari disk sizes.
+Date, Author, Version
+5/22/1999, kubecj, 0.10
+First version
+5/25/1999, kubecj, 0.15
+SCP save added
+5/29/1999, kubecj, 0.20
+DCM save added, decompression corrected
+5/30/1999, kubecj, 0.30
+Code cleanup
+6/1/1999, kubecj, 0.35
+Invalid DD ATR repair added
+6/2/1999, kubecj, 0.40
+Invalid DD XFD repair added
+Invalid ATR length repair added
+Added cached read for DCM decompression
+6/3/1999, kubecj, 0.42
+Code cleanup
+6/4/1999, kubecj, 0.43
+Added checks for DCM decompression
+Check for multi-arc
+6/5/1999, kubecj, 1.00
+First public version
+6/10/1999, kubecj, 1.01
+Compatibility macros & valid archive :)
+6/11/1999, kubecj, 1.02
+Repaired repairing ;)
+6/13/1999, kubecj, 1.03
+Changed switches processing
+10/10/1999, kubecj, 1.04
+Only changed generation of archive, new version to avoid version checking
+6/6/2000, kubecj, 1.05
+Minor bugfix concerning repairing.
+Added -classic commandline switch to force to create 'classic' disk sizes.
+2/26/2001, kubecj, 1.06
+Added DI file format. Its support is just a beta!
+3/8/2001, kubecj, 1.07
+Handling of double sided diskettes in DI format.
+To Do:
+Maybe check pass count in DCM images?
+Better handling of DI files.
+Known Bugs:
+DCM record 0x42 is not decompressed, code is present, but commented out and
+ untested. I need some sample first.
+DI files are really an educated guess. There are many 'white places' for me.
+I need the description of the disk format.
+Function for actual conversion is stupid. In fact in order to convert ATR to
+ XFD there is created Atr object, loaded in, and same Xfd object is created and
+ all the data are duplicated. With 16MB SpartaDOS Atr images it's simply too
+ much.
+Compiling Tools:
+For scripts: Perl.
+URL: http://www.perl.com
+For PC executables: DJGPP.
+Sources were written/tested on GCC/Intel only. There should be only
+minor problems to port it to different architectures/environments.
+Makefile should need only minor changes.
+URL: http://www.delorie.com