path: root/xexsplit.rst
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diff --git a/xexsplit.rst b/xexsplit.rst
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+.. RST source for xexsplit(1) man page. Convert with:
+.. rst2man.py xexsplit.rst > xexsplit.1
+.. rst2man.py comes from the SBo development/docutils package.
+.. TODO: add -n option (same as -v, but no output)?
+Split a multi-segment Atari 8-bit executable (XEX) into multiple single-segment files.
+.. include:: manhdr.rst
+*xexsplit* [*-hv*] *infile.xex* [*outfile-prefix*]
+xexsplit reads an Atari executable (XEX/BIN/COM/etc) from *infile* and
+writes each segment to a separate file. To read from standard input,
+infile may be omitted, or given as **-**.
+Output files are named **outfile-prefix.NNN.SSSS.EEEE**, where **NNN** is
+the segment number (decimal, 3 digits, with leading zeroes), **SSSS**
+is the start address of the segment (4 digits, hex), and **EEEE** is the
+end address of the segment (4 digits, hex). If *outfile-prefix* is
+omitted, the default prefix is **xexsplit.xex**.
+Each output file is a valid single-segment Atari executable, including
+the required *$FFFF* header. They may be joined back together (possibly
+after being modified) with xexcat or plain old **cat**\(1).
+ Print a short help message and exit.
+ Verbose operation. Each segment's information is printed to
+ standard error, including start/end address and length.
+The terms "Atari executable", "binary load file", and "XEX file"
+all refer to the same thing. Also, there is no difference between
+Atari executables named with "XEX", "COM", "BIN", "EXE", etc. The
+Atari and its DOS don't care about the names, only the contents.
+It is not possible to use **-** to write to standard output. This makes
+sense, because there's no way to write multiple, separate files to stdout.
+The output filenames were chosen so they will sort in the order they
+were created, when used with the shell's globbing. This means that you
+can join them back into a single valid XEX file with a command like::
+ cat prefix.* > joined.xex
+or use **xexcat**\(1) instead of **cat**::
+ xexcat -o joined.xex prefix.*
+The Atari binary load format requires the *$FFFF* header only for
+the first segment in a file. The second and subsequent segments may
+also have a *$FFFF* header, but it's optional. **xexsplit**'s output
+files will always have the *$FFFF* header, regardless of whether
+the segments in the original file had it or not (in fact, **xexsplit**
+can handle an invalid XEX file which is missing the initial $FFFF
+header for the first seg‐ ment).
+A segment starting at address **$02E2** contains an init address.
+During loading, Atari DOSes JSR to the init address immediately
+after its segment has loaded. Init addresses are optinal; there's no
+rule that says that every file has to have one. It's also normal
+and fairly common for there to be several init addresses in a
+multi-segment file. An init ad‐ dress segment is normally located
+right after the code segment it's in‐ tended to run, but this is not
+a requirement.
+A segment starting at address **$02E0** contains a run address.
+After all segments have been loaded, Atari DOSes JSR to the run
+address to run the program just loaded. The run address is optional;
+a file containing no run address segment will simply be loaded into
+memory and not executed (user will be returned to the DOS menu).
+It's legal for a multi-segment file to contain multiple run
+address segments, but only the last run address will actually be
+used. Normally, there is only one run address; if there are more than
+one, only the last one is used. The run address is normally the last
+segment in the file, but this is not a requirement.
+Attempting to run a single-segment file consisting of a run or init
+address only, will generally crash the Atari.
+Some Atari executables contain raw blocks of data, which are meant
+to be read into memory by the init routine. These blocks do not
+have start/end address headers, so **xexsplit** is unable to handle
+them. Raw data blocks usually occur in files created with "packer"
+or "compressor" programs, or occasionally in other large programs
+(Turbo BASIC is an example). Raw data blocks are generally found just
+after an init address segment. If you have an executable that loads
+just fine on a real Atari or emulator, but fails with **xexsplit**,
+a raw data block is usually the reason why.
+.. other sections we might want, uncomment as needed.
+.. =====
+.. ===========
+.. ===========
+.. BUGS
+.. ====
+.. ========
+.. include:: manftr.rst