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.TH "A8CAT" 1 "2025-02-25" "0.2.1" "Urchlay's Atari 8-bit Tools"
a8cat \- Convert Atari 8-bit text to UTF-8 encoded Unicode (and back).
\fIa8cat\fP [\fB\-r\fP] [\fB\-i\fP] [\fB\-u\fP] [\fB\-t\fP] [\fIinfile\fP] [\fIinfile ...\fP]
Convert Atari 8\-bit ATASCII or XL ICS (International Character
Set) text to UTF\-8 encoded Unicode. Control graphics characters are
replaced with their nearest Unicode equivalents (mostly from the Box
Drawing block, or from the Basic Latin block with \fB\-i\fP option).
If no \fIinfile\fPs are given, input is read from standard input. Output always
goes to standard output; to write to a file, use a command like:
.ft C
a8cat atari.txt > converted.txt
.ft P
The output is UTF\-8 Unicode, without BOM, but possibly with
ANSI/VT\-100 control sequences. It will display correctly in modern
terminals that support Unicode and UTF\-8. If you get lots of "empty
rectangle" characters, it means your font lacks the glyphs for the
codepoints; try using the Deja Vu Sans and/or Symbola fonts.
If you want to pipe the output to a pager, \fBless \-MR\fP is
recommended. It will display the inverse characters correctly.
It\(aqs even possible to edit the converted text and turn it back into
ATASCII, if you\(aqre very careful. See the \fB\-r\fP option, below.
Inverse video (characters codes above \fB$80\fP) are translated using
the ANSI/VT\-100 reverse video escape sequences. Exception: \fB$9B\fP
(Atari EOL) is translated to \fB\en\fP (newline).
.B  \-i
Input uses Atari XL/XE International Character Set encoding, rather than
ATASCII graphics.
.B  \-u
Use "underlining" for inverse video. Each inverse character is followed by
a backspace, then a \fI_\fP character. When viewed in a pager such as \fBless\fP(1),
this causes the characters to appear underlined. Output created with this
option cannot be converted back to ATASCII with the \fB\-r\fP option.
.B  \-t
Text mode. Normally, everything but EOL (\fB$9B\fP) is converted to a
Unicode graphics character. In text mode, ATASCII tabs, backspace,
and bells are translated to the ASCII versions.
.B  \-r
Reverse conversion: Input is plain text, or UTF\-8 created by a previous
run of \fBa8cat\fP; output is ATASCII (or XL ICS, with \fB\-i\fP). ASCII
tabs, backspaces, and newlines will be coverted to the ATASCII
equivalent. ASCII carriage returns will be silently ignored.
Only the UTF\-8 codepoints that correspond to ATASCII characters will
be converted. If the \fB\-i\fP option was used to create the input, it
must be used with \fB\-r\fP also.
\fBa8cat\fP will refuse to print ATASCII to a terminal. You must
redirect or pipe the output.
.B  \-m
Magazine listing mode. Rather than Unicode graphics characters,
ATASCII characters are printed in symbolic form, e.g. \fI{clear}\fP or
\fI{ctrl\-A}\fP\&. The result is similar to type\-in listings in magazines
like Antic, Analog, or Compute! Output created with this option
cannot be converted back to ATASCII with the \fB\-r\fP option.
.B  \-s
Strip the inverse video bit (bit 7) from all characters except the
EOL (\fB$9B\fP). Output created with this option can be converted
back to ATASCII with the \fB\-r\fP option, but of course there won\(aqt
be any inverse\-video characters in the result.
.B  \-v
Verbose operation.
.B \fB\-\-\fP
End of options; the rest of the arguments are filenames. Use this if you\(aqre
trying to work with files whose names begin with \fI\-\fP\&.
.B \fB\-h\fP, \fB\-\-help\fP
Show built\-in help and exit.
.B \fB\-\-version\fP
Show version number and exit.
WTFPL. See \fI\%http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/\fP for details.
.IP B. 3
Watson <\fI\%urchlay@slackware.uk\fP>; Urchlay on irc.libera.chat \fI##atari\fP\&.
Any good Atari 8\-bit book: \fIDe Re Atari\fP, \fIThe Atari BASIC  Reference
Manual\fP,  the  \fIOS Users\(aq Guide\fP, \fIMapping the Atari\fP, etc.
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