==== a8xd ==== ---------------------------------- Atari 8-bit ATASCII-aware hex dump ---------------------------------- .. include:: manhdr.rst SYNOPSIS ======== *a8xd* [**-i**] [**-l** *limit*] [**-m**] [**-o** offset] [**-s** *[-]seek*] [**-u**] [**-v**] [*infile*] DESCRIPTION =========== **a8xd** is a hex dump utility, similar to **xxd**\(1), but it understands and prints ATASCII characters rather than ASCII. The ATASCII codes are converted to UTF-8, in the same way as **a8cat**\(1). Codes with the high bit set are displayed in inverse video, using ANSI/VT-100 escape sequences. By default, the output is colorized: - Normal characters are green. This includes alphanumerics, spaces, and punctuation. - Codes **$00** (null, or ATASCII heart) and **$9B** (EOL) are red. - Control characters are yellow. This includes codes **$01** to **$1F** (control + letters/punctuation, escape, and arrow keys), **$60**, **$7B**, **$7D** (clear screen), **$7E** (backspace), and **$7F** (tab). The colors and inverse rendering apply to both the ATASCII and hex bytes. Without *infile*, or if *infile* is **-**, **a8xd** reads from standard input. OPTIONS ======= -a ANTIC mode: treat the input as screen bytes. Can usefully be combined with **-g**. -i Print XL/XE International Character Set conversions instead of ATASCII. -g Graphics mode. Changes the colorization so it looks like *GRAPHICS 1* (or 2) on the Atari. -l *len* Stop after dumping *len* bytes. *len* may be given in decimal or hex (with leading *0x* or *$*). -m Monochrome mode. Disables color, but ATASCII characters with the high bit set are still displayed in inverse. -o *offset* Add *offset* to displayed file position. *offset* can be given in decimal or hex (with leading *0x* or *$*). Negative offsets are allowed, but they will be printed as very large positive numbers in the output (this matches **xxd**\'s behaviour). -s *[-]seek* Start at *seek* bytes. Without *-*, this is an absolute offset. With *-*, it's relative to the end of the file. The *-* option won't work when reading from standard input. *seek* may be given in decimal or hex (with leading *0x* or *$*). -u Use uppercase letters for hex digits; the default is lowercase. -v Verbose. Shows various debug messages that are probably only useful if you're hacking on **a8xd**. **--** End of options; the next argument is the filename. Use this if you're trying to work with files whose names begin with *-*. **-h**, **--help** Show built-in help and exit. **--version** Show version number and exit. NOTES ===== **a8xd** requires the terminal emulator to support UTF-8 and use a font with the necessary glyphs. The author has tested extensively with **urxvt**\(1) (aka **rxvt-unicode**) and **xterm**\(1), using the *Deja Vu Sans Mono*, *JetBrains Mono*, *Liberation Mono*, and *Symbola* fonts. Also **kitty**\(1), **xfce4-terminal**\(1), KDE/Plasma 5's **konsole**\(1), **gnome-terminal**\(1) 3.43.90, and **st**\(1) from suckless.org have been lightly tested and seem to work fine. Even the Linux console works, except that you won't be able to find a console font with all the necessary glyphs (I may create one someday). **a8xd** only supports terminals that use ANSI-style escape sequences for color and inverse video. This isn't much of a limitation, since all modern X, Wayland, Mac, etc terminal emulators have support for this... but it might annoy you if you're trying to use an Atari ST with a VT52 emulator as a serial terminal. Sorry. **a8xd** supports a useful subset of **xxd**\(1) options. The main things missing are: - **-r** (revert). - **-include** (output as C include) and all options related to it. - **-g** (grouping; **a8xd** always uses a group size of 1 byte). - **-E** (EBCDIC mode). - **-p** (PostScript/continuous dump). - **-cols** (**a8xd** only supports 16 column dumps). - **-b** (bits mode). - support for files larger than 2GB. This won't be a problem for Atari 8-bit-related files! - replacing duplicate lines in the output with **\***. .. include:: manftr.rst